mask off...naked eyes

I used to believe I was a master at masking
no one could read beneath my eyes
but I've recently revised my opinion
people will see what you want them to see
what they want to see
because removing the mask from view
...makes them uncomfortable only leads to questions
possible expenditures of compassion
once they finally learn the answers
and let's face it...
we're all operating at maximum
not much left...
for the pain we don't have the capacity to acknowledge
if it's not our own...
...somebody else's problem
because once seen....there's no going back
it's all out there
...forcing a decision
turn a blind eye...
...or to act
that's not how I choose to live
if I see...I ask...
...I truly want to know
it does take a toll
at times I become depleted
but in my mind...
...the trade-off is worth it
being there when an ear is needed
it's a balance between taking care of me
and doing what I know is right
sometimes...they're the same thing
Written by WillowsWhimsies
Author's Note
Copyright @ Willow. All rights reserved
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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