A new chapter…hopefully

There are many types of people in the world, but let’s say for simplicity, and my lack of omniscience, that there’s only two:

People who are self starters in their life pursuits, and those who only dream about starting.

Actually, I lied.

There’s actually a third type—those who never go past having “barely started”—turns out, that’s where I’m at.

Every few months or so I go through phases of starting new tasks, hobbies or interests, but never really following through on them. The thrill of completing the first obstacles is what gets me hooked. As I embark on this new journey, I envision in my mind the wondrous evolution into my future life…until I become bored of it all and move on to the next thing.

From photography to crocheting to getting my foot in the door for a master’s degree (and much more)—once my skill set has already reached the standard of “good enough for me”, that becomes my cue to move on to something new.

I’m sure I’m not alone in this struggle to get a focused trajectory for my life, which makes me feel better, although, I wish such empathy could offer me answers about my future.

Because, I’m about to restart again on what I hope will become something long term for me, blogging.

To date, this is going to be my fourth or fifth time trying to create a long-term blog, and my seventh or eighth time trying to make writing about my life on the internet a career.

But in all seriousness, the reason why I’m starting up blogging again is because, it feels different this time around.

Unlike the past times I’ve written online posts, I’m at a place where I actually feel somewhat at peace with myself.

I don’t feel the need to change my thoughts or speech patterns to please other people, nor do I feel as scared about being imperfect as much as I did before.

I’m also going into this endeavour now with some extra money in my pocket, so that’s always a bit easier I guess.

Currently though, I have I’ve yet to publish my first blog post, because there’s so many things I could choose from. But if I’m good for anything, it’s that at least I’ll get it started haha.

Written by maikee_
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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