The unknown and the darkness of us...

You once told me that the unknown and the dark are the only two things people naturally fear. That all others are learned over years.
I told you I find the unknown fascinating. And I love the dark.
We looked at each other and again, there was that spark.  
I didn’t account for the unknown feelings of someone you’re falling for.
That is terrifying. What’s behind those locked doors?
So much scarier than the afterlife, if God exists or what’s hiding in a dark cavern.
What we might find out about each other, the rotten and broken things we learn.  
The darkest place can be in someone’s mind, the most unknown can be their heart.  
We try to fight it, try to push it away with fear, try to end it before it can start.
The ultimate bravery of knowing each other.
The frightening act of letting someone in. Maybe forever.  
Are you scary baby? Or are you scared of me?
Of my unknowns. My troubles, my past or insecurities.
The monsters that might dwell in my sin soaked vestibule.
I’ll tell you now they are hideous and cruel.
I’m haunted by yours. Of what they look like and how they feel.
If they’ll hurt me for fun or as folly. If my sanity they will steal
I am both terrified and fascinated.
So many unknowns behind your stoicism. So many facets that I’m fortunate.  
So many layers I can’t see, so much more within.
The fear and the draw, they live in unison
If you could only see…
I want them all, I want to lick the worst of you clean
And for you to fuck the pain out of me
I want to lay with you in serenity
And let you consume me nightly
In every way.  
Do you have dark thoughts baby?
About me hurting you or you hurting me?
About one of us being abused.
Tell me, in your darkest fantasies
Which one of us ends up bruised?
Is it me?

6/23/23 For Sgt. Midnight
Written by CeCe
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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