Homeless on the streets

In the depths of a concrete jungle, where dreams are undone,
Where shadows dance with broken souls, beneath a cold, stark sun,
There lies a world forgotten, where strength and hope collide,
A realm of darkness and despair, where life's harsh truths reside.

Today, I wandered down those streets, where desperation thrives,
To feel the pulse of life's raw truth, where no one really thrives,
I pondered on the homeless souls, their existence cast aside,
The struggles they face daily, as the world turns a blind eye.

For what is life without a roof, without a place to rest,
Where nights are filled with chilling winds, and sleep becomes a test,
Where cardboard beds and worn-out coats are all one can afford,
And hope becomes a fleeting spark, like whispers in the void.

In the depths of this forsaken realm, the weather sets its stage,
A symphony of rain and snow, a piercing, biting rage,
Yet, amidst the thunderous storm, there lingers a faint spark,
An indomitable will to survive, a light within the dark.

I saw the worry etched upon their weary, rugged face,
The constant fear of violence, like venomous snakes that chase,
Inebriated specters lurk, their sanity long gone,
A world of chaos and madness, where constants felt so wrong.

The fear of never waking up, from drunken violence near,
The crazy drunks who rule the night, bringing trepidation and fear,
But in their hearts, a strength resides, an ancient ember's glow,
For in the darkest hour of night, they learn the strength to grow.

They've witnessed life's atrocities in every street they roam,
A tapestry of shattered dreams, of hearts devoid of home,
But within the cracks of this harsh world, their spirit still survives,
For even in the coldest night, a spark within them thrives.

Pain may fill their every step, their lives engulfed in strife,
But through this adversity, they gain a different type of life,
They learn to cherish little joys, a shared meal, a friendly smile,
Their bond with comrades in hardships transcending time and trial.

Through slivers in society, they learn compassion's grace,
A deeper understanding of life's vast and complex face,
With each new dawn, they wake to fight the battles they must face,
Their spirit unbowed, unbroken, as they wander through this maze.

Today, I stood amongst these souls, my heart weighed down with care,
For life can be a cruel facade, for those who are aware,
My thoughts reverberated in their hallowed, silent plight,
As they defied their circumstance, reclaiming stolen light.

So, let us open up our hearts, and see beyond the veils,
Acknowledge and embrace their pain, a truth that rarely sails,
For life on the streets is more than meets the indifferent eye,
A testament to human strength, to live, and never die.
Written by GraveRaven
Author's Note
I was homeless for 2 years and late last night decided to walk the streets giving food and drink to homeless people. And to be thankful I am no longer in that position.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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