I am thrilled you read my piece , thank you! That is definitely a mystery. I have recollections of both positive and negative encounters but only certain conversations. Why not all? Why just those select meetings?
The mind is a very amazing and mysterious organ of the human make up. I think this poem aptly reflects that as it reminds me how I will forget what i walked into a room to get but I’ll recall a conversation I had centuries ago. Very clever subject. H 🌷
I have missed so much since I haven't been around on here due to circumstances but I had to step back to number 1 of this wonderful series. It's amazing how some encounters can really make an impact on us, remembering them forever... brief or not. Often we wish we would have handled the encounter differently... wanting it to continue forever. Perhaps being shy prevented something more... And often we regret that... I kind of feel like that's what you captured here... That and so much more... Each person has a miraculous mind and when they connect it can be such a beautiful thing. :)