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I am over 18 years old, I have been warned and I still want to read this poem.
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Forgive Me Father, For I Have Sinned Unto Thee… Oh... Sir Pious…
Sir Pious wiped the sweat from his eyebrows. He looked around the dense surroundings. He wondered how Sephora found his late father, Earl Powell’s abandoned château. He stood and walked over to a tree. He broke off a branch, removed the leaves, and returned to where the Boar laid. He lifted the tree branch, and pierced the heaps of meat with it. He balanced the tree branch across his shoulder blade and walked in the direction of the château.
Sephora wiped the grit from off the window. She looked out the small window. She wiped the sweat from off her forehead with the back of her forearm. She looked back out the window.
Sir Pious dropped the speared meat near an old fire pit. He removed his clothing attire, and rested them over a rock. He balanced his sword and his crossbow against the side of the rock.
Sephora watched with a keen interest Sir Pious starting a fire using two stones and two sticks.
“I thought that was only done on television.” She turned and leaned against the cast iron stove. “Please get me back to the twentieth-first century I need a bath in my Jacuzzi style bathroom.”
“Is this talk to oneself casting a spell on me?”
Sephora turned to face Sir Pious. Her eyes skimmed over his broad shoulders, width chest wall, and arms like pillars of steel.
The grisly scars across his chest, made her aware he was all male.
Sir Pious bowed.
“I apologize if my presence offends the comely lass.”
Sephora smiled at the endearment.
“No offense taken.”
Sir Pious lifted his head and smiled.
“However, you are not forgiven for your rude outburst and if you are going to share this space, I strongly prefer mine.”
Sephora turned toward the window. Sir Pious ventured farther inside.
“I never knew this place still exist.”
Sephora turned to face Sir. Pious.
Why was she nervous? She nursed his naked body to health?
“What is this place?”
“My father, the Earl used this place as a means of solitude.”
His footsteps took him closer to Sephora’s presence.
Sephora turned back around.
Sir Pious palmed Sephora’s lower back, He leaned forward, resting his chest on her back.
Sephora slightly inched backwards.
“Thank you for building a fire, and roasting parts of a Boar.”
His palm slowly rubbed up and down her back. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “If you did cast a spell on me, then I would be allowed to do this.”
Sir Pious moved Sephora’s hair aside and kissed the back of her neck.
“You smell different.”
“I hope that’s a compliment.”
He palmed the sides of her shoulders and drew her body against his chest. He kissed behind her earlobe.
Sephora tilted her head to one side.
Sir Pious snaked his lips across her neck. His tongue slithered inside her ear canal.
“Umm,” Sephora moaned out.
Sir Pious turned Sephora around. He looked down into her eyes.
“I suppose your spell is working.”
“I’m glad, I could get you to see things my way.”
“Under your spell. All I want to do at this moment is take you over to that bed of felt and surrender my emotions to you.”
Wow, picturing that was mind-blowing she thought.
Sir Pious tilted Sephora’s chin, and leaned his face down. His lips met hers.
Sephora scooted closer.
Sir Pious gathered her person in his arms.
Sephora’s tongue explored the inside of Sir Pious’ mouth.
Sir Pious pulled Sephora even closer. His lips smothered hers.
Sephora felt the tip of his erection through his leggings. She linked her arms around his neck.
Sir Pious lifted Sephora from off her feet. He rushed her over to a bed and laid her down on the fluffy bedcovering. He stepped back and untied the strings to his leggings. He pushed them down his legs. He leaned down and removed his shoes.
Sir Pious kicked his leggings aside.
Ump…ump…ump, hot damn what perfection of the male’s anatomy to indulge she thought.
Sir Pious stood Sephora up. He untied the strings of her corset and divided the clothing article. He leaned down and kissed the mound of her breast.
Sir Pious removed the corset from around her waist.
The piece of clothing landed on the concrete flooring. He kissed her shoulder blade.
He stood back; he looked down into her eyes.
“You are very beautiful.”
Sephora stood on the balls of her toes, and kissed Sir Pious. His mouth was generous in reciprocating. She pulled him closer. Her hand dropped down and palmed a lengthy harden erection. His pre-cum met her palm.
Oh yes, what a large member, hopefully he knows how to use it.
Sir Pious shrugged Sephora’s bloomers down her body, over her hips; he pushed it down her legs. His fingers stroked the lust of his dreams about her.
He palmed the back of her head, and searched her mouth with his tongue. He backed her up.
The back of Sephora’s knees kissed the side of the paillasse.
Sephora’s derrière slowly landed on the bed.
Sir Pious took her body backwards. He climbed over her and positioned himself between her legs.
Spell or no spell, he wanted to be inside of her.
The need to please himself utilizing her body consumed a physical rage that needed to be awaken.
Sir Pious kissed under Sephora’s chin. His tongue waltzed down her chin. He kissed over a breast nipple.
“Oh…Sir Pious.”
Sephora grabbed a hold of his manhood. She rubbed it up and down the slicken entry to her pussy.
“Sss,” Sir Pious groaned out.
He suckled her breast nipple, and then licked over it. He covered her hand, and eased the fatten tip past the narrowing barrier.
Sephora’s body clamped up.
“Let me make love to you, as I have dreamt when my eyes are resting.”
He lifted her hands and placed them above her head. He imprisoned her palms within his and kissed over her nose.
“Oh…Sir Pio….”
He covered her mouth, and skillfully took such sweet possession of her mouth.
Sephora arched her back. Sir Pious’ manhood gradually slinked inside farther, squeezing her palms tighter.
“Ummm,” Sephora moaned against his lips.
Sir Pious pillowed his body on top of hers. He released her hands, and then cupped her buttocks; he rapidly anchored his dick deeper over-and over again.
“This spell feels so good,” he wailed into her ear.
The widening stretch was something she never would have expected.
Sir Pious repeatedly humped his dick inside her pussy; suctioning the space against her inner vaginal walls.
“It…it hurts.”
She attempted to move her pussy.
The pain was searing and uncomfortable.
“Make love to me witch, cast a spell on me.”
Sir Pious leaned his head backwards. He cupped a breast nipple.
The melody of his mouth gently roaming over hers, sunk her body into pools of ecstasy.
Sephora kissed the side of Sir Pious’ face. She yo-yoed her pussy down the length of his erection.
The resistance it met collided with pleasure and the sweet agony of pain.
Sir Pious stopped, rose his lips off her breast, and captured Sephora’s eyes.
“You are…you feel so good inside.”
“Don’t move Sir Pious, please.”
“This dick is not going anywhere, lass.”
He thrust his body backwards, slamming his groin into her pelvis; stirring his manhood inside her womanhood.
“Oh…Sir Pious…no…no more.”
He leaned down, and whispered in her ear, “At least you know you have been loved, and you always will be.”
Sir Pious kissed Sephora’s lips and drilled his manhood inside her.
Sephora gyrated her vaginal orifice every way to diminish the pain of every agonizing stroke of his ridged manhood.
Sephora wrapped her legs around Sir Pious’ lower legs. She seesawed her pelvis into his groin.
“Oh…baby…keep…keep doing that.”
Sephora felt some of Sir Pious’ cum leaking, oiling the path of her inner walls with pleasure. She hugged him and moved her pussy wildly.
“That’s right…give…shit.”
Sir Pious held his groin against Sephora’s pelvis. His ejaculation marched to the surface, and ripped out of its cocoon. He bent his head backwards.
The never ending stream progressively depleted his physical stamina. He leaned his face downward and kissed her lips.
Sephora hugged Sir Pious tighter; she suckled his tongue. She arched her back and fiercely climaxed.
Sir Pious withdrew his tongue out her mouth.
“Oh…fuck; lass I feel that.”
Sir Pious quickly pumped his dick inside of her.
Both tongues locked in a battle of will.
Sir Pious lifted his lips from off hers.
Both took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.
Sir Pious kissed Sephora’s lips, her nose; he kissed her lips again. He leaned back and looked down into her eyes.
“How long does this spell supposed to last.”
“It all depends on how long I could keep you in the bed.” Did she know what she was asking for?
His semi-erection was wreaking haven inside the tightness of her pussy.
“I do not have to return you to King Javiah until tomorrow.”
“Then what?”
Sir Pious kissed her lips again.
“I will never allow another man to touch you.”
“Must you remember we are speaking in reference to the king?”
“Who will understand I am under your spell.”
“How about we eat, and after you ravish my body again, I’m sure we both will be convinced, I’m totally yours.”
“And you’re not.”
“I’m stubborn.”
Sir Pious moved his manhood inside of her.
“And so am I.”
He leaned back and palmed the felt bed covering. He thrust inside of Sephora’s pussy with controlled thrust.
Sephora leaned up and kissed over Sir Pious’ chest region. She palmed the surface of his hard buttocks, and pressed down on them. She opened her legs wider.
Sir Pious, wrecked his groin into her pelvis.
“Oh…Sir…Sir Pious,” Sephora screamed out in mercy.
“Beg me to love you.”
He leaned down and nipped at a breast before taking the blossomed nipple into his mouth.
Sephora circled her hips, and repeatedly lifted her pelvis up and down, aiding Sir Pious’ dick to detonate inside of her.
“Oh…Se…Sephora, let me feel you again.”
She held him closer and climaxed again. The feeling left her spent. Her body felt weightless.
Sir Pious ejaculated inside of Sephora again. He collapsed his body weight on top of Sephora; he took a deep breath.
Sephora rubbed her fingers up and down Sir Pious’ sweating back.
She felt his body tremble under her administrations.
“I do smell dinner Sir Pious.”
Sir Pious leaned back. He looked down into Sephora eyes.
“Is this the time. I get up and go fetch the lass dinner.”
Sephora kissed him on the lips.
“With much respect, yes.”
Sir Pious slowly eased his semi-flaccid manhood out Sephora’s womanhood.
Her pussy continued to throb at the widening stretch.
Sir Pious sat at the end of the bed.
Sephora rolled over. She scooted closer and kissed his lower back.
“You are handsome Sir Pious, and no wandering around the court, experiencing any pleasure with no other women under the covers.”
He pivoted his head and looked down at her. He traced a finger over her top lip.
“Now that I’ve sampled you’re goods, I am in the game now as the other knights would say.” He winked at her and smiled.
“You will be severely punished under these covers much later on.”
He caressed her cheek. “Just never take that spell from off me.” He leaned down and kissed her tenderly on the lips.
Sir Pious inched back, stood, and quickly dressed. He walked out the château.
Sir Pious splashed water on Sephora.
“In the twentieth-first century, one thing you must learn is to never wet a woman’s hair.”
“Is it fair to lift her?”
Sephora wiped the water from of her face.
“It’s allowed.”
Sir Pious lifted Sephora, and matted her body against his. He kissed her on the lips. He inched back and looked down into her eyes.
“Food is not the only thing that is tasty I see.”
“You did pull out the Ritz with the swine.”
“Pull out the Ritz.”
“It’s a saying from the twentieth-first century.”
“Are you really a witch from another time? And if so, how did you get here?”
“It’s complicated to explain in lament terms.”
“Would you be returning to where you came?”
“I’m hoping so. I have students, I must get back too.”
“Now that I have lessen my guard in giving myself to you. I do not know if I want you to go back to this place.”
Sephora traced over Sir Pious’ facial features. She traced over an old scar dominating his chest.
“Do they hurt?”
“No. Does it make you feel any less about me?”
She looked up into his eyes.
“You prove you are worthy to lay between my thighs.”
Sir Pious let out a throaty laugh.
“Talk about me shocking you.”
“Is your scars a result of your past battles.”
Sir Pious looked down at his chest wall.
He lifted his arms from around Sephora’s waist and rubbed over his chest wall.
“Most of these scars is from the piecing of several knights and two king’s swords. I was once captured and apprehended invading King Raphael’s court.”
“Did he torture you?”
“Yes, for two days. I felt honored I did not buckle under pressure to divulge King Javiah’s monarch laws.”
“You are a very brave knight, Sir Pious.”
“And very hungry for a beautiful maiden’s soft touch.”
“Then I shall not keep a handsome knight waiting.”
Sephora linked her arms around Sir Pious’ neck. She leaned up and kissed his lips.
Sir Pious wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her closer. His lips skimmed over her skin. He kissed the wet column of her neck.
Sephora felt Sir Pious’ member pointing against her lower stomach.
Sir Pious lifted Sephora from off her feet. She wrapped her legs around his back. Sir Pious leaned down and cupped his manhood. He lifted Sephora up, and aimed his manhood inside her womanhood.
Sephora eased down on a solid erection. She inched back, running from the tight fit.
Sir Pious grabbed her by the hips and hammered her hips downwards.
He captured her lips, and held her tightly. Sephora could not breathe.
She had a lot to learn him in the art of…
Sir Pious lifted Sephora over his head. Laid her down on the embankment of the lake. He opened her legs and kissed the face of her pussy.
He licked over her clitoris, he gently suckled the extended pinkish skin.
Sephora palmed Sir Pious’ head.
Sir Pious held her arms to her side. His tongue speared inside of her.
Sephora arched her back and then relaxed it. The earth’s surface, cushioned the contact.
Sir Pious’ tongue slid farther inside her wet vessel.
“Sir Pious.”
The man’s tongue was lethal within itself.
Sir Pious, rubbed over Sephora’s flat abdomen. He reached up and palmed her breasts. His manhood was throbbing.
Sephora arched her back.
Sir Pious cupped her buttocks and pulled her pelvis into his face.
Sephora palmed Sir Pious’ head. Her vaginal muscles, weaken, liquefying a pleasurable release beyond measure. Her body trembled.
Sephora laid her palms over her breasts and massaged them.
Sir Pious planted tiny kisses around Sephora’s clitoris. He lifted himself from out the water, and climbed over her. He spaced her legs, cupped his manhood, and shot it inside her pussy
“Oh…this...this feeling is what I will always need from you, only you.”
Sir Pious leaned down and kissed Sephora on the lips. He jammed his manhood inside the tighten abyss.
“Sir…Pious,” Sephora moaned between kissing him. She linked her arms around his lower back, and fed off the feeling his manhood was providing.
“Tell me you want and need, only me.” He lifted his manhood to the helm of her pussy. He inched it inside of her slowly.
“Dammit tell me.” He batted his dick inside of her.
“I…I only need you.”
Sephora pulled Sir Pious down on top of her. She wrapped her legs around his back. Sir Pious, humped his groin into her pelvis.
“Oh…fuck.” He threw his head back and ejaculated. “I will always love you, Sephora for all eternal.” He rested his forehead against hers. “Oh you feel good with my manhood inside of you.”
Sir Pious took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. His manhood pulsated, and then rested to a soft throb.
“What a great spell to be under.”
He kissed her nose.
“Shall we finish this inside?”
“I could not agree with you more.”
Sir Pious inched his manhood out. He stood and scoped Sephora’s body up in his arms. He rushed her back to the château.
King Javiah paced the King's Room. He looked at his eleven knights seated at a Round table.
“Has anyone heard form Sir Pious,” he hissed through gritted teeth.
Each knight looked from one to the other.
“Your Majesty, Sir Pious has taken ill. He will be in attendance sometime tomorrow.”
“I need him here. Word has gotten back to me. King Raphael is planning an attack in retaliation of Sir Armorld’s death, and I need my best knight here. Therefore, I need you to bring him here, and the witch. I just might be able to use her.” Mainly in his bed. He needed to release himself under the touch of a very beautiful woman with skin the color of honey, and the other woman who Sir Pious recused, eyes, are pitiless and emotionless he thought.
“We will bring back Sir Pious and prepare for an attack at dawn’s early light.
Drusilla inched back from the Throne Room. She ran down the hall. She stopped and looked both ways. She made her way over to the Great Hall door. She pulled the door open and ran to the stable yard.
Drusilla pulled the reins on a horse, and quietly pulled it away from the stall. She mounted it and dashed out the stable.
Sir Pious aimed his crossbow at the water below and let his arrow fly.
The tip of the arrow penetrated a fish. He lifted the arrow and removed the fourth fish he caught.
Sephora sat on the embankment and watched with amusement.
“Do you need any help, handsome?”
Sir Pious pivoted and smiled.
“On top of me will be helpful enough.”
“You have kept me on my back since you’ve arrived.”
“Do not forget on top of me the last time.”
“It appears someone needs a little cooling off.”
She kicked the water at him.
“The appetite I have for your flesh is a part of me. I will like to explore much later on.”
“I will not be held responsible for denying a knight his feel of physical food.”
“Smart and a beautiful lass.”
“Then how about I be nice and cook the catches of the day?”
“You will not hear any argument from me.”
Sir Pious discontinue what he was doing; he looked around in all directions. He dropped his crossbow and the fish he just caught.
“Get inside.”
“What is it?”
“No questions, just get inside, now!”
Sephora stood and ran toward the château. Her presence was immediately surrounded by several knights.
Sir Pious reached downward for his crossbow and an arrow.
An arrow whizzed past him, landing in the water.
Several of the knights who surrounded Sephora moved aside.
Sephora looked up. King Raphael’s horse trotted through the gathering.
“You escaped my bed the first time, but not again. Tie her up and bring her to me.”
Sephora turned and ran toward the lake.
“Capture her at once.”
Three knights dismounted their horse and ran after Sephora.
A knight lifted an arrow, placed it on the arrow rest, and pulled the string back.
“Dammit, do not harm her.”
The arrow landed at Sephora’s foot.
Sir Pious inched out the water. He lifted the arrow and ran toward a knight. He struck him in the thigh.
Sir Pious grabbed him off his horse. He lifted his sword from out the knight’s scabbard.
“Run Sephora.”
Several knights surrounded Sir Pious.
He lifted the sword and charged them.
King Raphael flanked his horse and galloped after Sephora.
Sir Pious simultaneously pierced two of the knights in their neck mesh guard, killing both instantly.
The last two knights lifted their arrow and placed it on the arrow rest of their longbow.
Both aimed it at Sir Pious’ chest and pulled the string back.
Sir Pious ducked.
The arrows crisscrossed and then faltered.
Sir Pious pulled the arrow out the neck of one knight. He aimed it at one of the knights and ran up to him.
Both knights lifted their swords and charged Sir Pious from both sides.
Sir Pious battled both knights with an arrow in one hand and a sword in the other.
The tip of the blade from one of the knights pieced Sir Pious’ upper chest wall.
Sir Pious’ injured upper arm was starting to throb.
“Death to you.”
He yanked his sword backwards, and then brought it down on top of the knight’s head, slitting it in half. He leapt forward and elbowed the other knight.
The knight stepped back and lunged the tip of the sword at Sir Pious.
The tip penetrated the other side of his chest wall.
Sir Pious kicked the knight in his abdomen.
The knight landed on his backside.
Sir Pious kicked him under his chin.
The back of the knight’s head met the soft patch of grass
Sir Pious lifted his sword, and stabbed him in the chest; he twisted it for completion. He quickly mounted a knight's horse and galloped in the direction where Sephora and King Raphael traveled.
“How dare you escape my bed, for the thrills of a knight, who will be severely punished, and then quartered?”
“I am not a witch, all I ask is to be left in peace.”
“Sephora, I could give you the world. I will place the throne at your feet as my queen.”
“I love Sir Pious.”
“After I kill him, I will still have you in the end.”
Sephora hiked her bloomers, turned, and ran.
She stopped and turned around.
“Sir Pious.”
Sephora took a step forward and tripped. Her head hit a stone.
Everything went black.
Sir Pious wiped the sweat from his eyebrows. He looked around the dense surroundings. He wondered how Sephora found his late father, Earl Powell’s abandoned château. He stood and walked over to a tree. He broke off a branch, removed the leaves, and returned to where the Boar laid. He lifted the tree branch, and pierced the heaps of meat with it. He balanced the tree branch across his shoulder blade and walked in the direction of the château.
Sephora wiped the grit from off the window. She looked out the small window. She wiped the sweat from off her forehead with the back of her forearm. She looked back out the window.
Sir Pious dropped the speared meat near an old fire pit. He removed his clothing attire, and rested them over a rock. He balanced his sword and his crossbow against the side of the rock.
Sephora watched with a keen interest Sir Pious starting a fire using two stones and two sticks.
“I thought that was only done on television.” She turned and leaned against the cast iron stove. “Please get me back to the twentieth-first century I need a bath in my Jacuzzi style bathroom.”
“Is this talk to oneself casting a spell on me?”
Sephora turned to face Sir Pious. Her eyes skimmed over his broad shoulders, width chest wall, and arms like pillars of steel.
The grisly scars across his chest, made her aware he was all male.
Sir Pious bowed.
“I apologize if my presence offends the comely lass.”
Sephora smiled at the endearment.
“No offense taken.”
Sir Pious lifted his head and smiled.
“However, you are not forgiven for your rude outburst and if you are going to share this space, I strongly prefer mine.”
Sephora turned toward the window. Sir Pious ventured farther inside.
“I never knew this place still exist.”
Sephora turned to face Sir. Pious.
Why was she nervous? She nursed his naked body to health?
“What is this place?”
“My father, the Earl used this place as a means of solitude.”
His footsteps took him closer to Sephora’s presence.
Sephora turned back around.
Sir Pious palmed Sephora’s lower back, He leaned forward, resting his chest on her back.
Sephora slightly inched backwards.
“Thank you for building a fire, and roasting parts of a Boar.”
His palm slowly rubbed up and down her back. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, “If you did cast a spell on me, then I would be allowed to do this.”
Sir Pious moved Sephora’s hair aside and kissed the back of her neck.
“You smell different.”
“I hope that’s a compliment.”
He palmed the sides of her shoulders and drew her body against his chest. He kissed behind her earlobe.
Sephora tilted her head to one side.
Sir Pious snaked his lips across her neck. His tongue slithered inside her ear canal.
“Umm,” Sephora moaned out.
Sir Pious turned Sephora around. He looked down into her eyes.
“I suppose your spell is working.”
“I’m glad, I could get you to see things my way.”
“Under your spell. All I want to do at this moment is take you over to that bed of felt and surrender my emotions to you.”
Wow, picturing that was mind-blowing she thought.
Sir Pious tilted Sephora’s chin, and leaned his face down. His lips met hers.
Sephora scooted closer.
Sir Pious gathered her person in his arms.
Sephora’s tongue explored the inside of Sir Pious’ mouth.
Sir Pious pulled Sephora even closer. His lips smothered hers.
Sephora felt the tip of his erection through his leggings. She linked her arms around his neck.
Sir Pious lifted Sephora from off her feet. He rushed her over to a bed and laid her down on the fluffy bedcovering. He stepped back and untied the strings to his leggings. He pushed them down his legs. He leaned down and removed his shoes.
Sir Pious kicked his leggings aside.
Ump…ump…ump, hot damn what perfection of the male’s anatomy to indulge she thought.
Sir Pious stood Sephora up. He untied the strings of her corset and divided the clothing article. He leaned down and kissed the mound of her breast.
Sir Pious removed the corset from around her waist.
The piece of clothing landed on the concrete flooring. He kissed her shoulder blade.
He stood back; he looked down into her eyes.
“You are very beautiful.”
Sephora stood on the balls of her toes, and kissed Sir Pious. His mouth was generous in reciprocating. She pulled him closer. Her hand dropped down and palmed a lengthy harden erection. His pre-cum met her palm.
Oh yes, what a large member, hopefully he knows how to use it.
Sir Pious shrugged Sephora’s bloomers down her body, over her hips; he pushed it down her legs. His fingers stroked the lust of his dreams about her.
He palmed the back of her head, and searched her mouth with his tongue. He backed her up.
The back of Sephora’s knees kissed the side of the paillasse.
Sephora’s derrière slowly landed on the bed.
Sir Pious took her body backwards. He climbed over her and positioned himself between her legs.
Spell or no spell, he wanted to be inside of her.
The need to please himself utilizing her body consumed a physical rage that needed to be awaken.
Sir Pious kissed under Sephora’s chin. His tongue waltzed down her chin. He kissed over a breast nipple.
“Oh…Sir Pious.”
Sephora grabbed a hold of his manhood. She rubbed it up and down the slicken entry to her pussy.
“Sss,” Sir Pious groaned out.
He suckled her breast nipple, and then licked over it. He covered her hand, and eased the fatten tip past the narrowing barrier.
Sephora’s body clamped up.
“Let me make love to you, as I have dreamt when my eyes are resting.”
He lifted her hands and placed them above her head. He imprisoned her palms within his and kissed over her nose.
“Oh…Sir Pio….”
He covered her mouth, and skillfully took such sweet possession of her mouth.
Sephora arched her back. Sir Pious’ manhood gradually slinked inside farther, squeezing her palms tighter.
“Ummm,” Sephora moaned against his lips.
Sir Pious pillowed his body on top of hers. He released her hands, and then cupped her buttocks; he rapidly anchored his dick deeper over-and over again.
“This spell feels so good,” he wailed into her ear.
The widening stretch was something she never would have expected.
Sir Pious repeatedly humped his dick inside her pussy; suctioning the space against her inner vaginal walls.
“It…it hurts.”
She attempted to move her pussy.
The pain was searing and uncomfortable.
“Make love to me witch, cast a spell on me.”
Sir Pious leaned his head backwards. He cupped a breast nipple.
The melody of his mouth gently roaming over hers, sunk her body into pools of ecstasy.
Sephora kissed the side of Sir Pious’ face. She yo-yoed her pussy down the length of his erection.
The resistance it met collided with pleasure and the sweet agony of pain.
Sir Pious stopped, rose his lips off her breast, and captured Sephora’s eyes.
“You are…you feel so good inside.”
“Don’t move Sir Pious, please.”
“This dick is not going anywhere, lass.”
He thrust his body backwards, slamming his groin into her pelvis; stirring his manhood inside her womanhood.
“Oh…Sir Pious…no…no more.”
He leaned down, and whispered in her ear, “At least you know you have been loved, and you always will be.”
Sir Pious kissed Sephora’s lips and drilled his manhood inside her.
Sephora gyrated her vaginal orifice every way to diminish the pain of every agonizing stroke of his ridged manhood.
Sephora wrapped her legs around Sir Pious’ lower legs. She seesawed her pelvis into his groin.
“Oh…baby…keep…keep doing that.”
Sephora felt some of Sir Pious’ cum leaking, oiling the path of her inner walls with pleasure. She hugged him and moved her pussy wildly.
“That’s right…give…shit.”
Sir Pious held his groin against Sephora’s pelvis. His ejaculation marched to the surface, and ripped out of its cocoon. He bent his head backwards.
The never ending stream progressively depleted his physical stamina. He leaned his face downward and kissed her lips.
Sephora hugged Sir Pious tighter; she suckled his tongue. She arched her back and fiercely climaxed.
Sir Pious withdrew his tongue out her mouth.
“Oh…fuck; lass I feel that.”
Sir Pious quickly pumped his dick inside of her.
Both tongues locked in a battle of will.
Sir Pious lifted his lips from off hers.
Both took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.
Sir Pious kissed Sephora’s lips, her nose; he kissed her lips again. He leaned back and looked down into her eyes.
“How long does this spell supposed to last.”
“It all depends on how long I could keep you in the bed.” Did she know what she was asking for?
His semi-erection was wreaking haven inside the tightness of her pussy.
“I do not have to return you to King Javiah until tomorrow.”
“Then what?”
Sir Pious kissed her lips again.
“I will never allow another man to touch you.”
“Must you remember we are speaking in reference to the king?”
“Who will understand I am under your spell.”
“How about we eat, and after you ravish my body again, I’m sure we both will be convinced, I’m totally yours.”
“And you’re not.”
“I’m stubborn.”
Sir Pious moved his manhood inside of her.
“And so am I.”
He leaned back and palmed the felt bed covering. He thrust inside of Sephora’s pussy with controlled thrust.
Sephora leaned up and kissed over Sir Pious’ chest region. She palmed the surface of his hard buttocks, and pressed down on them. She opened her legs wider.
Sir Pious, wrecked his groin into her pelvis.
“Oh…Sir…Sir Pious,” Sephora screamed out in mercy.
“Beg me to love you.”
He leaned down and nipped at a breast before taking the blossomed nipple into his mouth.
Sephora circled her hips, and repeatedly lifted her pelvis up and down, aiding Sir Pious’ dick to detonate inside of her.
“Oh…Se…Sephora, let me feel you again.”
She held him closer and climaxed again. The feeling left her spent. Her body felt weightless.
Sir Pious ejaculated inside of Sephora again. He collapsed his body weight on top of Sephora; he took a deep breath.
Sephora rubbed her fingers up and down Sir Pious’ sweating back.
She felt his body tremble under her administrations.
“I do smell dinner Sir Pious.”
Sir Pious leaned back. He looked down into Sephora eyes.
“Is this the time. I get up and go fetch the lass dinner.”
Sephora kissed him on the lips.
“With much respect, yes.”
Sir Pious slowly eased his semi-flaccid manhood out Sephora’s womanhood.
Her pussy continued to throb at the widening stretch.
Sir Pious sat at the end of the bed.
Sephora rolled over. She scooted closer and kissed his lower back.
“You are handsome Sir Pious, and no wandering around the court, experiencing any pleasure with no other women under the covers.”
He pivoted his head and looked down at her. He traced a finger over her top lip.
“Now that I’ve sampled you’re goods, I am in the game now as the other knights would say.” He winked at her and smiled.
“You will be severely punished under these covers much later on.”
He caressed her cheek. “Just never take that spell from off me.” He leaned down and kissed her tenderly on the lips.
Sir Pious inched back, stood, and quickly dressed. He walked out the château.
Sir Pious splashed water on Sephora.
“In the twentieth-first century, one thing you must learn is to never wet a woman’s hair.”
“Is it fair to lift her?”
Sephora wiped the water from of her face.
“It’s allowed.”
Sir Pious lifted Sephora, and matted her body against his. He kissed her on the lips. He inched back and looked down into her eyes.
“Food is not the only thing that is tasty I see.”
“You did pull out the Ritz with the swine.”
“Pull out the Ritz.”
“It’s a saying from the twentieth-first century.”
“Are you really a witch from another time? And if so, how did you get here?”
“It’s complicated to explain in lament terms.”
“Would you be returning to where you came?”
“I’m hoping so. I have students, I must get back too.”
“Now that I have lessen my guard in giving myself to you. I do not know if I want you to go back to this place.”
Sephora traced over Sir Pious’ facial features. She traced over an old scar dominating his chest.
“Do they hurt?”
“No. Does it make you feel any less about me?”
She looked up into his eyes.
“You prove you are worthy to lay between my thighs.”
Sir Pious let out a throaty laugh.
“Talk about me shocking you.”
“Is your scars a result of your past battles.”
Sir Pious looked down at his chest wall.
He lifted his arms from around Sephora’s waist and rubbed over his chest wall.
“Most of these scars is from the piecing of several knights and two king’s swords. I was once captured and apprehended invading King Raphael’s court.”
“Did he torture you?”
“Yes, for two days. I felt honored I did not buckle under pressure to divulge King Javiah’s monarch laws.”
“You are a very brave knight, Sir Pious.”
“And very hungry for a beautiful maiden’s soft touch.”
“Then I shall not keep a handsome knight waiting.”
Sephora linked her arms around Sir Pious’ neck. She leaned up and kissed his lips.
Sir Pious wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled her closer. His lips skimmed over her skin. He kissed the wet column of her neck.
Sephora felt Sir Pious’ member pointing against her lower stomach.
Sir Pious lifted Sephora from off her feet. She wrapped her legs around his back. Sir Pious leaned down and cupped his manhood. He lifted Sephora up, and aimed his manhood inside her womanhood.
Sephora eased down on a solid erection. She inched back, running from the tight fit.
Sir Pious grabbed her by the hips and hammered her hips downwards.
He captured her lips, and held her tightly. Sephora could not breathe.
She had a lot to learn him in the art of…
Sir Pious lifted Sephora over his head. Laid her down on the embankment of the lake. He opened her legs and kissed the face of her pussy.
He licked over her clitoris, he gently suckled the extended pinkish skin.
Sephora palmed Sir Pious’ head.
Sir Pious held her arms to her side. His tongue speared inside of her.
Sephora arched her back and then relaxed it. The earth’s surface, cushioned the contact.
Sir Pious’ tongue slid farther inside her wet vessel.
“Sir Pious.”
The man’s tongue was lethal within itself.
Sir Pious, rubbed over Sephora’s flat abdomen. He reached up and palmed her breasts. His manhood was throbbing.
Sephora arched her back.
Sir Pious cupped her buttocks and pulled her pelvis into his face.
Sephora palmed Sir Pious’ head. Her vaginal muscles, weaken, liquefying a pleasurable release beyond measure. Her body trembled.
Sephora laid her palms over her breasts and massaged them.
Sir Pious planted tiny kisses around Sephora’s clitoris. He lifted himself from out the water, and climbed over her. He spaced her legs, cupped his manhood, and shot it inside her pussy
“Oh…this...this feeling is what I will always need from you, only you.”
Sir Pious leaned down and kissed Sephora on the lips. He jammed his manhood inside the tighten abyss.
“Sir…Pious,” Sephora moaned between kissing him. She linked her arms around his lower back, and fed off the feeling his manhood was providing.
“Tell me you want and need, only me.” He lifted his manhood to the helm of her pussy. He inched it inside of her slowly.
“Dammit tell me.” He batted his dick inside of her.
“I…I only need you.”
Sephora pulled Sir Pious down on top of her. She wrapped her legs around his back. Sir Pious, humped his groin into her pelvis.
“Oh…fuck.” He threw his head back and ejaculated. “I will always love you, Sephora for all eternal.” He rested his forehead against hers. “Oh you feel good with my manhood inside of you.”
Sir Pious took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. His manhood pulsated, and then rested to a soft throb.
“What a great spell to be under.”
He kissed her nose.
“Shall we finish this inside?”
“I could not agree with you more.”
Sir Pious inched his manhood out. He stood and scoped Sephora’s body up in his arms. He rushed her back to the château.
King Javiah paced the King's Room. He looked at his eleven knights seated at a Round table.
“Has anyone heard form Sir Pious,” he hissed through gritted teeth.
Each knight looked from one to the other.
“Your Majesty, Sir Pious has taken ill. He will be in attendance sometime tomorrow.”
“I need him here. Word has gotten back to me. King Raphael is planning an attack in retaliation of Sir Armorld’s death, and I need my best knight here. Therefore, I need you to bring him here, and the witch. I just might be able to use her.” Mainly in his bed. He needed to release himself under the touch of a very beautiful woman with skin the color of honey, and the other woman who Sir Pious recused, eyes, are pitiless and emotionless he thought.
“We will bring back Sir Pious and prepare for an attack at dawn’s early light.
Drusilla inched back from the Throne Room. She ran down the hall. She stopped and looked both ways. She made her way over to the Great Hall door. She pulled the door open and ran to the stable yard.
Drusilla pulled the reins on a horse, and quietly pulled it away from the stall. She mounted it and dashed out the stable.
Sir Pious aimed his crossbow at the water below and let his arrow fly.
The tip of the arrow penetrated a fish. He lifted the arrow and removed the fourth fish he caught.
Sephora sat on the embankment and watched with amusement.
“Do you need any help, handsome?”
Sir Pious pivoted and smiled.
“On top of me will be helpful enough.”
“You have kept me on my back since you’ve arrived.”
“Do not forget on top of me the last time.”
“It appears someone needs a little cooling off.”
She kicked the water at him.
“The appetite I have for your flesh is a part of me. I will like to explore much later on.”
“I will not be held responsible for denying a knight his feel of physical food.”
“Smart and a beautiful lass.”
“Then how about I be nice and cook the catches of the day?”
“You will not hear any argument from me.”
Sir Pious discontinue what he was doing; he looked around in all directions. He dropped his crossbow and the fish he just caught.
“Get inside.”
“What is it?”
“No questions, just get inside, now!”
Sephora stood and ran toward the château. Her presence was immediately surrounded by several knights.
Sir Pious reached downward for his crossbow and an arrow.
An arrow whizzed past him, landing in the water.
Several of the knights who surrounded Sephora moved aside.
Sephora looked up. King Raphael’s horse trotted through the gathering.
“You escaped my bed the first time, but not again. Tie her up and bring her to me.”
Sephora turned and ran toward the lake.
“Capture her at once.”
Three knights dismounted their horse and ran after Sephora.
A knight lifted an arrow, placed it on the arrow rest, and pulled the string back.
“Dammit, do not harm her.”
The arrow landed at Sephora’s foot.
Sir Pious inched out the water. He lifted the arrow and ran toward a knight. He struck him in the thigh.
Sir Pious grabbed him off his horse. He lifted his sword from out the knight’s scabbard.
“Run Sephora.”
Several knights surrounded Sir Pious.
He lifted the sword and charged them.
King Raphael flanked his horse and galloped after Sephora.
Sir Pious simultaneously pierced two of the knights in their neck mesh guard, killing both instantly.
The last two knights lifted their arrow and placed it on the arrow rest of their longbow.
Both aimed it at Sir Pious’ chest and pulled the string back.
Sir Pious ducked.
The arrows crisscrossed and then faltered.
Sir Pious pulled the arrow out the neck of one knight. He aimed it at one of the knights and ran up to him.
Both knights lifted their swords and charged Sir Pious from both sides.
Sir Pious battled both knights with an arrow in one hand and a sword in the other.
The tip of the blade from one of the knights pieced Sir Pious’ upper chest wall.
Sir Pious’ injured upper arm was starting to throb.
“Death to you.”
He yanked his sword backwards, and then brought it down on top of the knight’s head, slitting it in half. He leapt forward and elbowed the other knight.
The knight stepped back and lunged the tip of the sword at Sir Pious.
The tip penetrated the other side of his chest wall.
Sir Pious kicked the knight in his abdomen.
The knight landed on his backside.
Sir Pious kicked him under his chin.
The back of the knight’s head met the soft patch of grass
Sir Pious lifted his sword, and stabbed him in the chest; he twisted it for completion. He quickly mounted a knight's horse and galloped in the direction where Sephora and King Raphael traveled.
“How dare you escape my bed, for the thrills of a knight, who will be severely punished, and then quartered?”
“I am not a witch, all I ask is to be left in peace.”
“Sephora, I could give you the world. I will place the throne at your feet as my queen.”
“I love Sir Pious.”
“After I kill him, I will still have you in the end.”
Sephora hiked her bloomers, turned, and ran.
She stopped and turned around.
“Sir Pious.”
Sephora took a step forward and tripped. Her head hit a stone.
Everything went black.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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