Let The Chips Fall Where They May
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Levi stormed across the bedroom. He lifted Naynina from off Vacome.
Naynina fell over. Her presence met the carpet.
“You come into my girl’s house and fuck her in our bed!”
Levi snatched the lamp from off the nightstand.
“No, Levi!”
Vacome snapped his fingers.
Levi froze.
Naynina looked up.
Levi had the lamp over his head in mid-stride.
Vacome rolled over and got off the bed.
"Let's go."
“Wait…I have to make this right.”
“What, with this…mortal man.”
“Vacome, please try to understand. We can finish this later.”
“What, after this other fucker had his dick inside of my pussy.”
“We have a history.”
“Yes, and so do we.”
Vacome assisted Naynina to her feet. He leaned down and kissed Naynina on her lips.
“I will adhere to the beautiful woman’s wishes, this time.”
He stroked her cheek.
Vacome looked over at Levi’s stillness.
“I will make us reservations at a hotel, here in this city. I will see you much later.”
“But how.”
“I will stop by here in an hour. I hope you have made your peace with that fuck.”
Vacome snapped his fingers. He was gone.
Naynina looked over at Levi.
Levi brought the lamp down. He looked around the bedroom.
“Where the fuck is the bastard you just had in here!”
“I have no idea what you are speaking about. There was no one here.”
“Are you trying to call me crazy.”
“No, just seeing things that are not there.”
“Fuck you Naynina.”
“Ummm, you would love too.”
“I’ll pass.”
Levi placed the lamp back on the nightstand.
“And what are you doing here.”
“I live here dammit!”
“No, you stay here occasionally, please leave.”
Levi walked where Naynina stood. He looked down at her nudity. He saw the blood droplets on her chest.
“What the fuck happened to you, and the blood.”
“I cut myself shaving and then ran out here to investigate once I heard someone fidgeting in the bedroom
“What, Professor Peeples couldn’t keep that virgin tasting pussy satisfied.”
“I beg your pardon.”
“Dammit, you were having a relationship behind my back with Professor Peeples.”
“I do not know what you’re talking about. I have never had a relationship with any of my professors.”
Levi slicked his hand back through his hair.
Levi closed his eyes and then reopened them.
“You and Professor Peeples were not fucking behind my back.”
“No, however, it does not matter. You slept with a Jezebel, and there is no redemption for this relationship.”
“I cannot erase the hands of time, but baby, it meant nothing, she was only a means to...”
“To release yourself when I wasn’t available, get the hell out!”
“Dammit, it has not been easy for me. Loving a woman, and wanting to express yourself, and she has her pussy on lock.”
“Then you should had discussed something of importance with me; not fall into the arms of another woman, a whore.”
“Baby, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah so am I. Please allow me to pack in peace. I will be moving out, starting tomorrow, you could have your cheating haven.”
Naynina walked into the bathroom. She pushed the door close and locked it.
Sighisoara, Romania
Dracon looked down at his watch. He was hoping Naynina retained her presence in his bed until he returned. He felt hopeful for their future. Now that he has been given the approval, if the Tremere Clan, was to come up against him, then his army and him could retaliate. Dracon entered his Grand Dining Room.
Several students were sitting around talking among themselves.
Dracon glanced at the empty place setting once occupied by Naynina’s presence.
Professor Peeples walked in.
Dracon sniffed the air. He smelled Naynina’s scent. Dracon whirled around in anger.
“Professor Peeples, good evening.”
“Yeah,” Professor Peeples sarcastically replied. He swallowed his pride. “Have you spoken to Naynina this evening.”
“It’s ironic, I was going to ask you the same question.”
Dracon looked into Professor Peeples’ eyes. He saw Naynina, Professor Peeples naked, he peered closer as he glimpsed into Professor Peeples’ eyes. He saw Vacome and Naynina embraced. He gritted his teeth in anger. He looked away from Professor Peeples.
Professor Peeples took a deep breath and averted his eyes from Dracon’s hypnotic eyes.
Mimi walked over to where Professor Peeples and Dracon stood.
“Professor Peeples, there is some artifacts I would like to discuss with you. I may need some assistance to categorize the fragile pieces.”
Professor Peeples looked at Dracon. He pivoted his head to look at Mimi.
“Sure, you can meet me in the library.”
Mimi looked from one man to the other. She stepped back, turned, and walked out the Grand Dining Room.
“Professor Constantine, I came upon some interesting facts concerning your generational name.”
Professor Peeples palmed his chin down.
“It appears your family tree originated from the sixteenth century, and strangely after further investigating; your name seems to pop up in every century search. Therefore, I went to the library, to confirm the present evidence at hand. There is a photograph of you, and what to appears to be, a striking woman, who looks the replica of Naynina. I thought this was an oversight. Until, a Library Historian related the bloody battle of the most feared army of clans; the Ventrue Clan, the Tremere Clan, and the Lasombra Clan. And according to history, the Ventrue defeated both, not just any clan, but a fucking bloody vampire clan.”
Dracon smiled and slightly shook his head after Professor Peeples’ as a matter of fact speech.
“I see you have done your homework quite efficiently. As you so inclined to say. Yes, my generation dates to the sixteenth century.”
“With all due respect, the Tremere Vampire Clan, dates to the sixteenth century, and the name Constantine is associated within that clan.”
“We’re both men here.”
“That remains to be seen for one of us.”
“Let’s cut through the bullshit Professor Peeples, what are you trying to say.”
“Your fucking history says it all.”
Several students looked over at Professor Peeples and Dracon.
Professor Peeples leaned in.
“You are a vampire.”
“Have you lost your fucking mind!”
“I thought I did, until, I started putting trivial things of insignificant together. You have several of these little archeological digs every year. Hoping someone would have luck in digging up the woman who you once loss. You never eat food. You have an unusual thirst for blood. And do not try to deny it the shit; I’ve had the contents in your little goblet analyzed; it is blood, not any blood, but the cells and molecules of something of not human. Oh, did I mention, you left that little piece of heirloom, you use to wear around on your finger laying out in full sight. It is what’s known, as a Day Amulet ring. Then to further my suspicion, Naynina, the woman who looks the image of a woman, you were once married to centuries ago, just happen to show up on your doorstep.”
Dracon smiled.
“You left out the part, if this Professor relays any of that bullshit to anyone. He would live his remaining days out thirsting for blood throughout eternity. Have a wonderful day, and keep your dick in your pants, when interacting with my Naynina, or that day will become a thing of the past.”
Dracon turned and walked out the Grand Dining Room. He met Mordecai in passing.
“Mordecai, I will be out of town for the next few days. I need you to get on the phone and have everyone here. And in battle gear.”
“Master, how about the guests. Their presence here, and to witness a possibly bloody war.”
Dracon palmed his cheeks down.
“Get rid of everyone.”
“Master, is this the only way.”
“The only way. Naynina will not be stolen from me, not in the century, never.”
“How about the Lasombra Clan. They have been quiet.”
“This battle will most likely come down to Seneca and me, that foolish bastard, is just waiting in the wings for the outcome.”
“Are you sure master.”
“Yes, have the deed done, when I get back from Brazil.”
“Brazil? Master that’s on the other side of the continent.”
“Naynina is no longer in Romania, and I’m assuming Vacome is with her.”
Dracon whisked his presence away.
A published chapter ripped out of one of my novels.
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
Levi stormed across the bedroom. He lifted Naynina from off Vacome.
Naynina fell over. Her presence met the carpet.
“You come into my girl’s house and fuck her in our bed!”
Levi snatched the lamp from off the nightstand.
“No, Levi!”
Vacome snapped his fingers.
Levi froze.
Naynina looked up.
Levi had the lamp over his head in mid-stride.
Vacome rolled over and got off the bed.
"Let's go."
“Wait…I have to make this right.”
“What, with this…mortal man.”
“Vacome, please try to understand. We can finish this later.”
“What, after this other fucker had his dick inside of my pussy.”
“We have a history.”
“Yes, and so do we.”
Vacome assisted Naynina to her feet. He leaned down and kissed Naynina on her lips.
“I will adhere to the beautiful woman’s wishes, this time.”
He stroked her cheek.
Vacome looked over at Levi’s stillness.
“I will make us reservations at a hotel, here in this city. I will see you much later.”
“But how.”
“I will stop by here in an hour. I hope you have made your peace with that fuck.”
Vacome snapped his fingers. He was gone.
Naynina looked over at Levi.
Levi brought the lamp down. He looked around the bedroom.
“Where the fuck is the bastard you just had in here!”
“I have no idea what you are speaking about. There was no one here.”
“Are you trying to call me crazy.”
“No, just seeing things that are not there.”
“Fuck you Naynina.”
“Ummm, you would love too.”
“I’ll pass.”
Levi placed the lamp back on the nightstand.
“And what are you doing here.”
“I live here dammit!”
“No, you stay here occasionally, please leave.”
Levi walked where Naynina stood. He looked down at her nudity. He saw the blood droplets on her chest.
“What the fuck happened to you, and the blood.”
“I cut myself shaving and then ran out here to investigate once I heard someone fidgeting in the bedroom
“What, Professor Peeples couldn’t keep that virgin tasting pussy satisfied.”
“I beg your pardon.”
“Dammit, you were having a relationship behind my back with Professor Peeples.”
“I do not know what you’re talking about. I have never had a relationship with any of my professors.”
Levi slicked his hand back through his hair.
Levi closed his eyes and then reopened them.
“You and Professor Peeples were not fucking behind my back.”
“No, however, it does not matter. You slept with a Jezebel, and there is no redemption for this relationship.”
“I cannot erase the hands of time, but baby, it meant nothing, she was only a means to...”
“To release yourself when I wasn’t available, get the hell out!”
“Dammit, it has not been easy for me. Loving a woman, and wanting to express yourself, and she has her pussy on lock.”
“Then you should had discussed something of importance with me; not fall into the arms of another woman, a whore.”
“Baby, I’m sorry.”
“Yeah so am I. Please allow me to pack in peace. I will be moving out, starting tomorrow, you could have your cheating haven.”
Naynina walked into the bathroom. She pushed the door close and locked it.
Sighisoara, Romania
Dracon looked down at his watch. He was hoping Naynina retained her presence in his bed until he returned. He felt hopeful for their future. Now that he has been given the approval, if the Tremere Clan, was to come up against him, then his army and him could retaliate. Dracon entered his Grand Dining Room.
Several students were sitting around talking among themselves.
Dracon glanced at the empty place setting once occupied by Naynina’s presence.
Professor Peeples walked in.
Dracon sniffed the air. He smelled Naynina’s scent. Dracon whirled around in anger.
“Professor Peeples, good evening.”
“Yeah,” Professor Peeples sarcastically replied. He swallowed his pride. “Have you spoken to Naynina this evening.”
“It’s ironic, I was going to ask you the same question.”
Dracon looked into Professor Peeples’ eyes. He saw Naynina, Professor Peeples naked, he peered closer as he glimpsed into Professor Peeples’ eyes. He saw Vacome and Naynina embraced. He gritted his teeth in anger. He looked away from Professor Peeples.
Professor Peeples took a deep breath and averted his eyes from Dracon’s hypnotic eyes.
Mimi walked over to where Professor Peeples and Dracon stood.
“Professor Peeples, there is some artifacts I would like to discuss with you. I may need some assistance to categorize the fragile pieces.”
Professor Peeples looked at Dracon. He pivoted his head to look at Mimi.
“Sure, you can meet me in the library.”
Mimi looked from one man to the other. She stepped back, turned, and walked out the Grand Dining Room.
“Professor Constantine, I came upon some interesting facts concerning your generational name.”
Professor Peeples palmed his chin down.
“It appears your family tree originated from the sixteenth century, and strangely after further investigating; your name seems to pop up in every century search. Therefore, I went to the library, to confirm the present evidence at hand. There is a photograph of you, and what to appears to be, a striking woman, who looks the replica of Naynina. I thought this was an oversight. Until, a Library Historian related the bloody battle of the most feared army of clans; the Ventrue Clan, the Tremere Clan, and the Lasombra Clan. And according to history, the Ventrue defeated both, not just any clan, but a fucking bloody vampire clan.”
Dracon smiled and slightly shook his head after Professor Peeples’ as a matter of fact speech.
“I see you have done your homework quite efficiently. As you so inclined to say. Yes, my generation dates to the sixteenth century.”
“With all due respect, the Tremere Vampire Clan, dates to the sixteenth century, and the name Constantine is associated within that clan.”
“We’re both men here.”
“That remains to be seen for one of us.”
“Let’s cut through the bullshit Professor Peeples, what are you trying to say.”
“Your fucking history says it all.”
Several students looked over at Professor Peeples and Dracon.
Professor Peeples leaned in.
“You are a vampire.”
“Have you lost your fucking mind!”
“I thought I did, until, I started putting trivial things of insignificant together. You have several of these little archeological digs every year. Hoping someone would have luck in digging up the woman who you once loss. You never eat food. You have an unusual thirst for blood. And do not try to deny it the shit; I’ve had the contents in your little goblet analyzed; it is blood, not any blood, but the cells and molecules of something of not human. Oh, did I mention, you left that little piece of heirloom, you use to wear around on your finger laying out in full sight. It is what’s known, as a Day Amulet ring. Then to further my suspicion, Naynina, the woman who looks the image of a woman, you were once married to centuries ago, just happen to show up on your doorstep.”
Dracon smiled.
“You left out the part, if this Professor relays any of that bullshit to anyone. He would live his remaining days out thirsting for blood throughout eternity. Have a wonderful day, and keep your dick in your pants, when interacting with my Naynina, or that day will become a thing of the past.”
Dracon turned and walked out the Grand Dining Room. He met Mordecai in passing.
“Mordecai, I will be out of town for the next few days. I need you to get on the phone and have everyone here. And in battle gear.”
“Master, how about the guests. Their presence here, and to witness a possibly bloody war.”
Dracon palmed his cheeks down.
“Get rid of everyone.”
“Master, is this the only way.”
“The only way. Naynina will not be stolen from me, not in the century, never.”
“How about the Lasombra Clan. They have been quiet.”
“This battle will most likely come down to Seneca and me, that foolish bastard, is just waiting in the wings for the outcome.”
“Are you sure master.”
“Yes, have the deed done, when I get back from Brazil.”
“Brazil? Master that’s on the other side of the continent.”
“Naynina is no longer in Romania, and I’m assuming Vacome is with her.”
Dracon whisked his presence away.
A published chapter ripped out of one of my novels.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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