Mm... Blending Fate And Destiny
Moss rubbed his beard down in anguish.
The recent poll numbers that scrolled at the bottom of the television screen, placed him behind his opponent by a margin of one thousand votes.
Nadia shifted their eighteenth-month old daughter to her other arm. She looked over at a wingback chair. Their five-year old son had already fallen asleep.
The waiting and excitability in the hotel suite were electrified.
“How are you two holding up?”
“Grandmother Manikins, please tell Moss to calm down.”
“Grandma, I already told Moss he got this election tied down,” Hodge slid in.
“I also told him that Maryland will be his by a landslide,” Darwin specified.
“Moss, this night, and waiting for poll numbers are no different from when you ran for Mayor.”
“I know grandma, but...”
“No doubts. Baby, you got this.”
Nadia squeezed Moss’ hand.
Moss leaned over and kissed Nadia slowly on her lips, he inched back and caressed her chin.
“What would I have done without you thus far?”
“I’m glad I’m fortunate not to know.”
“Baby, whatever happens tonight. As long as I have my Leading Lady, and my two beautiful children, I’m still blessed. I love you Mrs. Manikins.”
Moss lifted Nadia’s hand and kissed it. He bent his head downward and kissed his daughter on top of her forehead. His daughter held her arms out to him.
Moss took his daughter out of Nadia’s arms, and settled her on one of his knees.
“Wish your father luck.”
His daughter looked at the television screen and clapped her hands.
“We have new poll numbers for the Senate seat for the state of Maryland.”
The camera zoomed inside the Maryland Ballroom.
A gathering of constituents was waiting for a victory speech from their nominated leader, or a speech to concede the race.
Moss closed his eyes and silently prayed.
Nadia, Moss’ family members, and his political traveling entourage all hollered out.
Moss opened his eyes. He looked at the television screen and glimpsed the poll results.
Yes, he thought.
He was ahead by a narrow lead of five hundred votes.
Moss inhaled a small sigh of relief. He looked down at his watch. He knew the voting polls were still open.
The camera technician zoomed around the Maryland Ballroom.
The constituents, who awaited his arrival were celebrating the recent poll numbers.
Nadia pivoted and looked at Moss. She saw the grove lines etched in her husband’s face from months of campaigning, and constant traveling. She patted his thigh.
“It’s going to be all right, you’ll see.”
“I know baby, but the numbers can sway for or against.”
Moss looked back down at his Harry Winston timepiece.
It was almost midnight, and still the race for the senator of Maryland has not yet been called.
Moss looked around his hotel suite.
The hopefulness in the eyes of his staff were encouraging.
Nadia’s son awoke. He jumped out the chair and ran over to his father.
“Dad, did you win yet?”
“Not yet.”
Milo sat between Moss and Nadia.
“Dad, are we still going flying tomorrow?”
“No doubt man.”
“Mom, dad taught me how to fly.”
“Moss, he’s too young to fly.”
“Calm down now, a boy needs to learn how to fly once in his lifetime,” Mr. Asa inserted.
Moss palmed his beard down.
“Mr. Asa, it’s very close.”
“I know son, but my daughter did not marry a loser, or a quitter.”
Mr. Asa winked at Nadia and patted Moss on his shoulder for moral support. He walked to the other side of the hotel suite.
Nadia looked across the room at Mr. Asa as he conversed with Mr. Manikins Sr. She smiled to herself.
Ever since he walked her down the aisle on her wedding day, she was glad he has become an integral part of her life. He always laughed when she reminds him, he’s the biological father she never knew.
Their bond has lasted, seeming that he did not have any surviving family members, or children.
“Dad, you gonna win, okay.”
“Thanks son.”
“Arcade, can you please take Natalie,” Nadia asked.
Moss handed his daughter to Arcade.
“Milo, your father and I will be right back.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Hold the Fort down for me little man.”
“I’m your man dad.”
“My man.”
Moss held his palm out.
Milo smacked it.
Nadia stood.
“You come with me.”
She held her hand down to Moss.
Moss took a deep breath, clasped his hand in Nadia’s hand, and stood.
Nadia and Moss walked through the spacious living room of their hotel suite.
Both walked back to the bedroom.
Nadia dropped her hand from Moss’ hand and opened the door.
Both entered.
Nadia closed the door and twisted the lock. She turned toward Moss.
“At last, a silent moment with my husband.”
Moss pulled Nadia closer and hugged her.
“Thanks baby, you always know what I need.”
Nadia disengaged her embrace and walked over to the entertainment stand. She lifted her purse, opened it, and took out a CD; she closed her purse back and tossed it on the bed. She pressed the open button to the CD player.
The turntable slid out.
Nadia placed the CD on the turntable and pushed the button.
The turntable slid back in.
She adjusted the volume.
The lyrics of Kenny Lattimore, For You, softly played.
Nadia walked back to where Moss stood.
Moss pulled Nadia back into his arms.
“Do you remember when we danced to this song at our wedding reception?”
“Yes, and I vaguely remembered, after the song we couldn’t sit down, because you gave me a hard-on.”
Moss kissed Nadia on her lips. He palmed the sides of her face and laid his forehead against her forehead.
“Do you also remember the words you uttered in my ear before we returned to our seat?”
“Yes, I told you from now on, it’s God, you and me, against the world, and them.”
“Well that’s what this night is all about.” Nadia kissed Moss on his lips. “Moss, I love you so much,” she whispered. “I love my life. So, whatever happens tonight, we will always have tomorrow and each other.” She kissed him again and inched back. “I want you to know, I’ll always be by your side, no matter what.”
“Thank you, I needed your reassurance.”
Both hugged each other.
Moss lifted his head.
“Baby, you’re a husband’s dream. I would not give up this moment for anything, no matter what. Kiss me.”
Nadia claimed Moss’ lips.
Moss wrapped his arms around Nadia’s waist, and pulled her closer to his body.
“Baby, I can’t wait to crawl under those covers with you later on,” he uttered in her ear, then stuck his tongue inside the canal.
“Umm, I don’t know my Leading Man, we may have some celebrating to do, and your family sure knows the definition of that.”
“Let’s hope so, either way, I’ll end up between your thighs.”
Nadia spaced her upper body.
“See, there you go being greedy.”
“No, just a brotha with a lustful greed, which I always experience between my Leading Lady’s thighs.”
Nadia held the back of Moss’ head, pulled his face down, and captured his lips.
“Uum, yes woman,” Moss groaned.
He backed her up against the dresser. He raised her gown, lifted her up, and sat her on top of the dresser.
Moss pulled one strap of Nadia’s gown down; he kissed her shoulder blade and relieved the other strap.
Nadia lifted her arms out.
Moss pushed Nadia’s gown below her breasts. He held her eyes and fingered a breast.
“You are more beautiful than the first day I met you.”
Moss dipped his knees and kissed both of Nadia’s breasts.
Nadia braced her back against the mirror.
Moss scooted his body forward and suckled on one of her nipples.
“Mmm, I miss your touch from this morning Leading Man.”
Moss reached down and unzipped his pants. He fished inside his briefs and took out his dick; he balanced one of his palms on the wall, and slowly inserted it inside Nadia’s pussy.
“Moss shh, we do have gue...”
Moss stilled Nadia’s words with a kiss. He lifted her off the dresser.
Nadia wrapped her legs around Moss’ back.
Moss held Nadia by her lower back, turned around, and sat on the dresser. He swiftly banged his dick inside of her.
“I…I love you Nadia, oh baby I do.”
Nadia kissed the side of Moss’ neck.
“Ohh…, baby, uum.”
Moss lifted Nadia’s buttocks and slammed it down on his dick.
“Shit, shit.”
“Moss shh.”
She silenced him with a kiss; she whirled her tongue around his.
Moss held Nadia tighter.
His sperm shot inside her pussy.
“Uumm.” The wet feeling swimming up her pussy weakened her resistance to hold back. “Oh Moss,” she whimpered in ecstasy.
Moss held Nadia’s pelvis against his groin, and shook her buttocks.
“Come on baby, get it out of there.”
He pumped her pussy.
Nadia’s climax bawled out.
“Ooh God, I love you so much..., Moss.”
Someone banged on the door.
“Shit,” Moss let slip out under his breath.
He sealed Nadia’s lips with his and kissed her. He inched back and put a finger up to his lips.
“You two are needed out here,” Mr. Manikins Sr., hollered through the door.
“Yes sir.”
Moss took a deep breath and exhaled.
“God, you and me, against the world, and them.”
He kissed Nadia on her lips and inched back. He caressed her cheek and slowly moved his groin against her pelvis.
Nadia palmed Moss’ cheeks, and pulled his face down to hers; she kissed him on his lips, and then inched back.
“God, you and me, against the world, and them.”
“I love you Mrs. Manikins.”
“I love my Leading Man also.”
Nadia untangled her legs from around Moss’ back; she slowly backed off Moss’ manhood. Her feet dropped to the carpet.
Moss placed his flaccid dick back inside his briefs and zippered his pants.
“Wait baby.” Moss ran into the bathroom. He returned with a wet towel. “You remember the last time we did this, you had sperm running down your legs.”
“Yeah you’re right.”
Nadia lifted her gown.
Moss wiped the pearly residue from off her legs, and dropped the towel on the dresser.
“Thank you.”
Nadia replaced the straps on her shoulders and turned to face the mirror. She retucked the fallen strands that had loosened from her coiffure hairstyle; she then smoothed her Vera Wang peach-colored strapless silk gown in place.
Moss watched Nadia from behind.
“By the way, you look beautiful tonight.”
“Once we crawl into bed later on, I’ll show you how thankful I am.”
“It’s a shame we can’t fast-forward this night.”
Moss circled Nadia’s waist from behind.
Their eyes met in the mirror.
Moss kissed Nadia on the back of her neck and hugged her tighter.
“Baby, thank you for being here.”
“Thank you for letting me.”
“You ready.”
Nadia turned around in Moss’ arms. She kissed his lips and spaced her face.
“I’m ready.”
Moss dropped his arms from around Nadia’s waist and grabbed a hold of her hand.
Both walked to the door.
Moss opened it.
“It sure is quiet out there.”
“You’re right.”
Moss and Nadia rounded the corner.
“Congratulations Senator-elect Manikins of Maryland,” Hodge yelled from across the hotel suite.
Moss’ mother and grandmother threw confetti up in the air.
Moss and Nadia looked at each other.
“What,” both said in union.
Moss’ father walked up to Moss and hugged him.
“Congratulations son.”
Moss stepped back.
“Thanks dad.”
Moss’ father turned around and looked at everyone in the hotel suite.
“My son, the senator of Maryland.”
Everyone in the hotel suite, clapped.
Milo ran up to Moss.
“You won dad.”
His son hugged him around his leg, and then stepped back.
“Yes, give me some.”
Moss held his palm out.
Milo smacked it.
Moss grabbed Nadia’s hand.
Both walked up to the mounted plasma television screen and looked at the final poll results.
“We did it baby.”
Moss pivoted and hugged Nadia; he took the time and slowly kissed her on the lips. He inched back and looked back at the television screen.
“Those are some impressive poll results for my Leading Man.”
“I have to agree Mrs. Manikins.”
He grabbed her hand, lifted it, and kissed it.
“You killed it by five thousand votes; I told you, you’re the man.”
Darwin slapped Moss on his back.
“Thanks man.”
The telephone rang.
Mr. Asa lifted the telephone receiver from out the cradle and placed it up to his ear.
“Yes, is this the hotel suite of Mr. Manikins?”
“You betcha. Moss, there’s a telephone call for you.”
Moss refused to let Nadia’s hand go.
Both walked to the telephone stand.
Mr. Asa handed Moss the telephone receiver.
“Congratulations son.”
He slapped him on the back.
“Thanks man.”
Mr. Asa kissed Nadia on her cheek.
“And congratulations to my daughter.”
Nadia smiled at the endearment.
“Thanks dad.”
Mr. Asa smiled at the reciprocation and walked away.
Moss placed the receiver up to his ear.
“Senator-elect Manikins, I just wanted to congratulate you on a hard fought campaign. Good luck, and represent the state of Maryland in the best interest of the American people.”
“You have my word Governor Bobbin.”
Moss hung up the telephone.
“Baby that was Governor Bobbin. He called to congratulate me.”
“He just conceded?”
“Apparently so.”
Moss and Nadia hugged each other.
“We won baby!”
The hotel suite broke out in more claps and loud jeers.
Darwin cracked the first bottle of Moet and took a lengthily gulp.
“Baby, I guess it’s about that time.”
Moss was nervous and excited at the same time.
“You do remember your victory speech?”
Moss leaned over and kissed Nadia.
“Folks, let’s move out. My son has a victory speech he must deliver, and then the partying comes later.”
Everyone in the hotel suite clapped and hugged each other.
Moss lifted his black Kenneth Cole double-breasted suit jacket from off the back of the couch and put it on.
Nadia walked up to Moss and straightened his black silk tie.
I love you, Moss mouthed to Nadia.
Back at you, she mouthed back.
Moss grabbed a hold of Nadia’s hand.
Mr. Asa held onto Milo’s hand, and Moss’ mother held Natalie in her arms.
Everyone made it to the door.
Moss opened the door.
Two hotel security officers guarding the door of their hotel suite, stepped aside.
Moss and Nadia exited.
“Mr... My apologies, congratulations Senator Manikins.”
“Thanks man.”
“Senator Manikins, we will escort you and your family down to the Ballroom using the private elevator.”
Everyone followed the security officers to the elevator.
“Senator Manikins, one of my men will escort the immediate family down to a conference room. Once everyone is assembled, we will escort everyone into the Ballroom.”
“Let’s go.”
The elevator doors slid open.
A security officer held the elevator door back.
Moss, Nadia, Mr. Asa and Milo, Moss’ mother with Natalie, his father, and grandparents, and then his two brothers, and Arcade stepped on.
The other security officer stepped on the elevator, turned around, and pushed the down button.
The elevator doors closed and slowly descended.
Nadia looked over at her husband; she was now a senator’s-elect wife. She wished her twin sister could have been at her side to celebrate her moment.
“Baby are you all right?”
“I’m excited, blessed, and very proud of my husband.”
Moss leaned over and whispered, “Don’t worry, the date between your thighs later on will suffice.” He winked at her and squeezed her hand.
Nadia smiled.
The elevator doors slid open.
The security officer stepped off first. He held the elevator door back while everyone exited.
Everyone followed the security officer into a conference room to await everyone else’s arrival.
Moss and Nadia walked into the Maryland Ballroom.
Persistent claps of praises, echoes of congratulations, and a barrage of consistent pats to Moss’ shoulder blade greeted them.
Nadia shook some of the well-wisher’ hands.
Red, White, and Blue Balloons floated throughout the ballroom.
Moss, Nadia, Milo, Mr. Asa, Moss’ parents, Darwin, Hodge, Arcade, and then his grandparents mounted the steps to the elevated platform.
Everyone stood back and waved at the gathering.
The flashing camera lights blared at every angle.
Moss walked both ends of the platform, waving to the crowd of constituents, and several government officials who stood in attendance. He returned to the center stage, and turned to give his family a round of applause.
Moss walked up to Nadia and kissed her on the lips. He inched back.
“Thank you, I love you Mrs. Manikins, believe it.”
“I love you too, and congratulations, Senator Manikins,” she whispered for his ears.
Nadia smiled and waved at the assembled.
Moss turned and walked up to the podium.
Nadia looked out into the crowd, and then looked at her husband’s back.
“When I stick my dick inside you, it’s me from now on. Are you ready for that?” Moss’ words echoed.
And what a good dick it has been Nadia thought to herself.
“And in conclusion, I would like to applaud your confidence in me, to have elected me to represent your voice in the House of Senate. I ran a good and clean campaign on the fundamental values of family, lowering taxes for the American people, and implementing jobs for the population of Maryland. As I conclude my acceptance speech. I will uphold my promise to the American people, my constituents, and the state of Maryland to support the Houses of Senate with true morals, integrity, and ethics.”
The gathered crowd, clapped, whistled, and raised his or her glass of champagne to toast the first African American male to represent the state of Maryland in the House of Senate.
Moss stepped back and waved at the crowd. He turned from the crowd, walked back to Nadia, and kissed her.
“Go dad.”
“You bet son.”
Moss held his palm out.
Milo smacked it.
Moss kissed his daughter on top of her forehead. He kissed his mother on her cheek.
Moss' father shook his hand and then hugged him.
“Good campaign son.”
“Thanks dad.”
Mr. Asa hugged Moss and patted his back.
“I knew you had it in you son.”
“Thanks Mr. Asa.”
His two brothers hugged him.
“I’m proud of you man,” Hodge stated.
“Me too big bro.”
“Thanks Darwin.”
Arcade patted him on the shoulder.
“No doubt man.”
“Your grandmother and me are proud of you son.”
“Thanks Granddad.” He kissed his grandmother on her cheek. “Grandma.”
Moss walked back up to Nadia and grabbed a hold of her hand.
Both walked up to the podium.
“I give you Mrs. Manikins, the first lady of the state of Maryland.”
Moss kissed Nadia’s hand, and then lifted it in unity.
A thunder of claps ensued.
Moss and Nadia pivoted to look at each other.
Both shared a quick kiss.
“I love you woman.”
“I guess I’m not the only one who needs to be shown when we crawl into bed tonight,” she whispered.
Moss squeezed Nadia’s hand for reassurance.
Both turned back toward the crowd and smiled.
Moss rubbed his beard down in anguish.
The recent poll numbers that scrolled at the bottom of the television screen, placed him behind his opponent by a margin of one thousand votes.
Nadia shifted their eighteenth-month old daughter to her other arm. She looked over at a wingback chair. Their five-year old son had already fallen asleep.
The waiting and excitability in the hotel suite were electrified.
“How are you two holding up?”
“Grandmother Manikins, please tell Moss to calm down.”
“Grandma, I already told Moss he got this election tied down,” Hodge slid in.
“I also told him that Maryland will be his by a landslide,” Darwin specified.
“Moss, this night, and waiting for poll numbers are no different from when you ran for Mayor.”
“I know grandma, but...”
“No doubts. Baby, you got this.”
Nadia squeezed Moss’ hand.
Moss leaned over and kissed Nadia slowly on her lips, he inched back and caressed her chin.
“What would I have done without you thus far?”
“I’m glad I’m fortunate not to know.”
“Baby, whatever happens tonight. As long as I have my Leading Lady, and my two beautiful children, I’m still blessed. I love you Mrs. Manikins.”
Moss lifted Nadia’s hand and kissed it. He bent his head downward and kissed his daughter on top of her forehead. His daughter held her arms out to him.
Moss took his daughter out of Nadia’s arms, and settled her on one of his knees.
“Wish your father luck.”
His daughter looked at the television screen and clapped her hands.
“We have new poll numbers for the Senate seat for the state of Maryland.”
The camera zoomed inside the Maryland Ballroom.
A gathering of constituents was waiting for a victory speech from their nominated leader, or a speech to concede the race.
Moss closed his eyes and silently prayed.
Nadia, Moss’ family members, and his political traveling entourage all hollered out.
Moss opened his eyes. He looked at the television screen and glimpsed the poll results.
Yes, he thought.
He was ahead by a narrow lead of five hundred votes.
Moss inhaled a small sigh of relief. He looked down at his watch. He knew the voting polls were still open.
The camera technician zoomed around the Maryland Ballroom.
The constituents, who awaited his arrival were celebrating the recent poll numbers.
Nadia pivoted and looked at Moss. She saw the grove lines etched in her husband’s face from months of campaigning, and constant traveling. She patted his thigh.
“It’s going to be all right, you’ll see.”
“I know baby, but the numbers can sway for or against.”
Moss looked back down at his Harry Winston timepiece.
It was almost midnight, and still the race for the senator of Maryland has not yet been called.
Moss looked around his hotel suite.
The hopefulness in the eyes of his staff were encouraging.
Nadia’s son awoke. He jumped out the chair and ran over to his father.
“Dad, did you win yet?”
“Not yet.”
Milo sat between Moss and Nadia.
“Dad, are we still going flying tomorrow?”
“No doubt man.”
“Mom, dad taught me how to fly.”
“Moss, he’s too young to fly.”
“Calm down now, a boy needs to learn how to fly once in his lifetime,” Mr. Asa inserted.
Moss palmed his beard down.
“Mr. Asa, it’s very close.”
“I know son, but my daughter did not marry a loser, or a quitter.”
Mr. Asa winked at Nadia and patted Moss on his shoulder for moral support. He walked to the other side of the hotel suite.
Nadia looked across the room at Mr. Asa as he conversed with Mr. Manikins Sr. She smiled to herself.
Ever since he walked her down the aisle on her wedding day, she was glad he has become an integral part of her life. He always laughed when she reminds him, he’s the biological father she never knew.
Their bond has lasted, seeming that he did not have any surviving family members, or children.
“Dad, you gonna win, okay.”
“Thanks son.”
“Arcade, can you please take Natalie,” Nadia asked.
Moss handed his daughter to Arcade.
“Milo, your father and I will be right back.”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Hold the Fort down for me little man.”
“I’m your man dad.”
“My man.”
Moss held his palm out.
Milo smacked it.
Nadia stood.
“You come with me.”
She held her hand down to Moss.
Moss took a deep breath, clasped his hand in Nadia’s hand, and stood.
Nadia and Moss walked through the spacious living room of their hotel suite.
Both walked back to the bedroom.
Nadia dropped her hand from Moss’ hand and opened the door.
Both entered.
Nadia closed the door and twisted the lock. She turned toward Moss.
“At last, a silent moment with my husband.”
Moss pulled Nadia closer and hugged her.
“Thanks baby, you always know what I need.”
Nadia disengaged her embrace and walked over to the entertainment stand. She lifted her purse, opened it, and took out a CD; she closed her purse back and tossed it on the bed. She pressed the open button to the CD player.
The turntable slid out.
Nadia placed the CD on the turntable and pushed the button.
The turntable slid back in.
She adjusted the volume.
The lyrics of Kenny Lattimore, For You, softly played.
Nadia walked back to where Moss stood.
Moss pulled Nadia back into his arms.
“Do you remember when we danced to this song at our wedding reception?”
“Yes, and I vaguely remembered, after the song we couldn’t sit down, because you gave me a hard-on.”
Moss kissed Nadia on her lips. He palmed the sides of her face and laid his forehead against her forehead.
“Do you also remember the words you uttered in my ear before we returned to our seat?”
“Yes, I told you from now on, it’s God, you and me, against the world, and them.”
“Well that’s what this night is all about.” Nadia kissed Moss on his lips. “Moss, I love you so much,” she whispered. “I love my life. So, whatever happens tonight, we will always have tomorrow and each other.” She kissed him again and inched back. “I want you to know, I’ll always be by your side, no matter what.”
“Thank you, I needed your reassurance.”
Both hugged each other.
Moss lifted his head.
“Baby, you’re a husband’s dream. I would not give up this moment for anything, no matter what. Kiss me.”
Nadia claimed Moss’ lips.
Moss wrapped his arms around Nadia’s waist, and pulled her closer to his body.
“Baby, I can’t wait to crawl under those covers with you later on,” he uttered in her ear, then stuck his tongue inside the canal.
“Umm, I don’t know my Leading Man, we may have some celebrating to do, and your family sure knows the definition of that.”
“Let’s hope so, either way, I’ll end up between your thighs.”
Nadia spaced her upper body.
“See, there you go being greedy.”
“No, just a brotha with a lustful greed, which I always experience between my Leading Lady’s thighs.”
Nadia held the back of Moss’ head, pulled his face down, and captured his lips.
“Uum, yes woman,” Moss groaned.
He backed her up against the dresser. He raised her gown, lifted her up, and sat her on top of the dresser.
Moss pulled one strap of Nadia’s gown down; he kissed her shoulder blade and relieved the other strap.
Nadia lifted her arms out.
Moss pushed Nadia’s gown below her breasts. He held her eyes and fingered a breast.
“You are more beautiful than the first day I met you.”
Moss dipped his knees and kissed both of Nadia’s breasts.
Nadia braced her back against the mirror.
Moss scooted his body forward and suckled on one of her nipples.
“Mmm, I miss your touch from this morning Leading Man.”
Moss reached down and unzipped his pants. He fished inside his briefs and took out his dick; he balanced one of his palms on the wall, and slowly inserted it inside Nadia’s pussy.
“Moss shh, we do have gue...”
Moss stilled Nadia’s words with a kiss. He lifted her off the dresser.
Nadia wrapped her legs around Moss’ back.
Moss held Nadia by her lower back, turned around, and sat on the dresser. He swiftly banged his dick inside of her.
“I…I love you Nadia, oh baby I do.”
Nadia kissed the side of Moss’ neck.
“Ohh…, baby, uum.”
Moss lifted Nadia’s buttocks and slammed it down on his dick.
“Shit, shit.”
“Moss shh.”
She silenced him with a kiss; she whirled her tongue around his.
Moss held Nadia tighter.
His sperm shot inside her pussy.
“Uumm.” The wet feeling swimming up her pussy weakened her resistance to hold back. “Oh Moss,” she whimpered in ecstasy.
Moss held Nadia’s pelvis against his groin, and shook her buttocks.
“Come on baby, get it out of there.”
He pumped her pussy.
Nadia’s climax bawled out.
“Ooh God, I love you so much..., Moss.”
Someone banged on the door.
“Shit,” Moss let slip out under his breath.
He sealed Nadia’s lips with his and kissed her. He inched back and put a finger up to his lips.
“You two are needed out here,” Mr. Manikins Sr., hollered through the door.
“Yes sir.”
Moss took a deep breath and exhaled.
“God, you and me, against the world, and them.”
He kissed Nadia on her lips and inched back. He caressed her cheek and slowly moved his groin against her pelvis.
Nadia palmed Moss’ cheeks, and pulled his face down to hers; she kissed him on his lips, and then inched back.
“God, you and me, against the world, and them.”
“I love you Mrs. Manikins.”
“I love my Leading Man also.”
Nadia untangled her legs from around Moss’ back; she slowly backed off Moss’ manhood. Her feet dropped to the carpet.
Moss placed his flaccid dick back inside his briefs and zippered his pants.
“Wait baby.” Moss ran into the bathroom. He returned with a wet towel. “You remember the last time we did this, you had sperm running down your legs.”
“Yeah you’re right.”
Nadia lifted her gown.
Moss wiped the pearly residue from off her legs, and dropped the towel on the dresser.
“Thank you.”
Nadia replaced the straps on her shoulders and turned to face the mirror. She retucked the fallen strands that had loosened from her coiffure hairstyle; she then smoothed her Vera Wang peach-colored strapless silk gown in place.
Moss watched Nadia from behind.
“By the way, you look beautiful tonight.”
“Once we crawl into bed later on, I’ll show you how thankful I am.”
“It’s a shame we can’t fast-forward this night.”
Moss circled Nadia’s waist from behind.
Their eyes met in the mirror.
Moss kissed Nadia on the back of her neck and hugged her tighter.
“Baby, thank you for being here.”
“Thank you for letting me.”
“You ready.”
Nadia turned around in Moss’ arms. She kissed his lips and spaced her face.
“I’m ready.”
Moss dropped his arms from around Nadia’s waist and grabbed a hold of her hand.
Both walked to the door.
Moss opened it.
“It sure is quiet out there.”
“You’re right.”
Moss and Nadia rounded the corner.
“Congratulations Senator-elect Manikins of Maryland,” Hodge yelled from across the hotel suite.
Moss’ mother and grandmother threw confetti up in the air.
Moss and Nadia looked at each other.
“What,” both said in union.
Moss’ father walked up to Moss and hugged him.
“Congratulations son.”
Moss stepped back.
“Thanks dad.”
Moss’ father turned around and looked at everyone in the hotel suite.
“My son, the senator of Maryland.”
Everyone in the hotel suite, clapped.
Milo ran up to Moss.
“You won dad.”
His son hugged him around his leg, and then stepped back.
“Yes, give me some.”
Moss held his palm out.
Milo smacked it.
Moss grabbed Nadia’s hand.
Both walked up to the mounted plasma television screen and looked at the final poll results.
“We did it baby.”
Moss pivoted and hugged Nadia; he took the time and slowly kissed her on the lips. He inched back and looked back at the television screen.
“Those are some impressive poll results for my Leading Man.”
“I have to agree Mrs. Manikins.”
He grabbed her hand, lifted it, and kissed it.
“You killed it by five thousand votes; I told you, you’re the man.”
Darwin slapped Moss on his back.
“Thanks man.”
The telephone rang.
Mr. Asa lifted the telephone receiver from out the cradle and placed it up to his ear.
“Yes, is this the hotel suite of Mr. Manikins?”
“You betcha. Moss, there’s a telephone call for you.”
Moss refused to let Nadia’s hand go.
Both walked to the telephone stand.
Mr. Asa handed Moss the telephone receiver.
“Congratulations son.”
He slapped him on the back.
“Thanks man.”
Mr. Asa kissed Nadia on her cheek.
“And congratulations to my daughter.”
Nadia smiled at the endearment.
“Thanks dad.”
Mr. Asa smiled at the reciprocation and walked away.
Moss placed the receiver up to his ear.
“Senator-elect Manikins, I just wanted to congratulate you on a hard fought campaign. Good luck, and represent the state of Maryland in the best interest of the American people.”
“You have my word Governor Bobbin.”
Moss hung up the telephone.
“Baby that was Governor Bobbin. He called to congratulate me.”
“He just conceded?”
“Apparently so.”
Moss and Nadia hugged each other.
“We won baby!”
The hotel suite broke out in more claps and loud jeers.
Darwin cracked the first bottle of Moet and took a lengthily gulp.
“Baby, I guess it’s about that time.”
Moss was nervous and excited at the same time.
“You do remember your victory speech?”
Moss leaned over and kissed Nadia.
“Folks, let’s move out. My son has a victory speech he must deliver, and then the partying comes later.”
Everyone in the hotel suite clapped and hugged each other.
Moss lifted his black Kenneth Cole double-breasted suit jacket from off the back of the couch and put it on.
Nadia walked up to Moss and straightened his black silk tie.
I love you, Moss mouthed to Nadia.
Back at you, she mouthed back.
Moss grabbed a hold of Nadia’s hand.
Mr. Asa held onto Milo’s hand, and Moss’ mother held Natalie in her arms.
Everyone made it to the door.
Moss opened the door.
Two hotel security officers guarding the door of their hotel suite, stepped aside.
Moss and Nadia exited.
“Mr... My apologies, congratulations Senator Manikins.”
“Thanks man.”
“Senator Manikins, we will escort you and your family down to the Ballroom using the private elevator.”
Everyone followed the security officers to the elevator.
“Senator Manikins, one of my men will escort the immediate family down to a conference room. Once everyone is assembled, we will escort everyone into the Ballroom.”
“Let’s go.”
The elevator doors slid open.
A security officer held the elevator door back.
Moss, Nadia, Mr. Asa and Milo, Moss’ mother with Natalie, his father, and grandparents, and then his two brothers, and Arcade stepped on.
The other security officer stepped on the elevator, turned around, and pushed the down button.
The elevator doors closed and slowly descended.
Nadia looked over at her husband; she was now a senator’s-elect wife. She wished her twin sister could have been at her side to celebrate her moment.
“Baby are you all right?”
“I’m excited, blessed, and very proud of my husband.”
Moss leaned over and whispered, “Don’t worry, the date between your thighs later on will suffice.” He winked at her and squeezed her hand.
Nadia smiled.
The elevator doors slid open.
The security officer stepped off first. He held the elevator door back while everyone exited.
Everyone followed the security officer into a conference room to await everyone else’s arrival.
Moss and Nadia walked into the Maryland Ballroom.
Persistent claps of praises, echoes of congratulations, and a barrage of consistent pats to Moss’ shoulder blade greeted them.
Nadia shook some of the well-wisher’ hands.
Red, White, and Blue Balloons floated throughout the ballroom.
Moss, Nadia, Milo, Mr. Asa, Moss’ parents, Darwin, Hodge, Arcade, and then his grandparents mounted the steps to the elevated platform.
Everyone stood back and waved at the gathering.
The flashing camera lights blared at every angle.
Moss walked both ends of the platform, waving to the crowd of constituents, and several government officials who stood in attendance. He returned to the center stage, and turned to give his family a round of applause.
Moss walked up to Nadia and kissed her on the lips. He inched back.
“Thank you, I love you Mrs. Manikins, believe it.”
“I love you too, and congratulations, Senator Manikins,” she whispered for his ears.
Nadia smiled and waved at the assembled.
Moss turned and walked up to the podium.
Nadia looked out into the crowd, and then looked at her husband’s back.
“When I stick my dick inside you, it’s me from now on. Are you ready for that?” Moss’ words echoed.
And what a good dick it has been Nadia thought to herself.
“And in conclusion, I would like to applaud your confidence in me, to have elected me to represent your voice in the House of Senate. I ran a good and clean campaign on the fundamental values of family, lowering taxes for the American people, and implementing jobs for the population of Maryland. As I conclude my acceptance speech. I will uphold my promise to the American people, my constituents, and the state of Maryland to support the Houses of Senate with true morals, integrity, and ethics.”
The gathered crowd, clapped, whistled, and raised his or her glass of champagne to toast the first African American male to represent the state of Maryland in the House of Senate.
Moss stepped back and waved at the crowd. He turned from the crowd, walked back to Nadia, and kissed her.
“Go dad.”
“You bet son.”
Moss held his palm out.
Milo smacked it.
Moss kissed his daughter on top of her forehead. He kissed his mother on her cheek.
Moss' father shook his hand and then hugged him.
“Good campaign son.”
“Thanks dad.”
Mr. Asa hugged Moss and patted his back.
“I knew you had it in you son.”
“Thanks Mr. Asa.”
His two brothers hugged him.
“I’m proud of you man,” Hodge stated.
“Me too big bro.”
“Thanks Darwin.”
Arcade patted him on the shoulder.
“No doubt man.”
“Your grandmother and me are proud of you son.”
“Thanks Granddad.” He kissed his grandmother on her cheek. “Grandma.”
Moss walked back up to Nadia and grabbed a hold of her hand.
Both walked up to the podium.
“I give you Mrs. Manikins, the first lady of the state of Maryland.”
Moss kissed Nadia’s hand, and then lifted it in unity.
A thunder of claps ensued.
Moss and Nadia pivoted to look at each other.
Both shared a quick kiss.
“I love you woman.”
“I guess I’m not the only one who needs to be shown when we crawl into bed tonight,” she whispered.
Moss squeezed Nadia’s hand for reassurance.
Both turned back toward the crowd and smiled.
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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