It's frustrating- how does one truly know the impact that 'I' have on the resource grab of the planet. Is recycling the solution; is upcycling, and bicycling? An endless cycle.
It’s difficult. I don’t think there’s any way to know just how much harm we do to our home with our desires— It’s not intentional, just how minds have evolved in our respective societies.
Recycling is something we can do, that re-purposes what we consume, to a degree, but just in the last 30 years — The population has gone from 5.3 Billion in 1990 to 7.8 Billion in 2020. Resources are finite and if respective generations continue to pacify their desires in the same way that ours have, there won’t be enough planet to made ends meet.
One thing that I think would help greatly is limits in the manufacturing of products, leaning further towards permanence. Products break too easily and are often thrown away, essentially losing valuable materials to junk yard and ocean trash amalgams.