Birthday boy

 love is to know the unspoken
one shall feel with the smiles
centered on you celebrating a day
not just a day..... but your day
not only that you are growing... but getting wiser as well.
to make new memories on this day you were birth. (Feb. 2)
or the week you can celebrate just because
its near your birthday (you greedy bastard) lmaoo ...
but just known that your younger sister (me :D...)
gets on your nerves deeper not only cause im just  annoying
but because not every day i would see you
moist drips swell my eyes for the days that are counted that i don't see you
reminiscing on the past but as well focused on the present and dream about the future
for another year added to your age you grow younger inside with deep intelligence  
on life itself around you.... you have adapted to grow with pleasure of life you bring to your self and ........... im just beating around the bush .....
heres the remix ...... your OLD!!!! lmaooo
              HAPPY BIRTHDAY

dedicated to my older brother ... Jeremy =)
Written by unknown (HiddenTruth)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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