Medusa And Me
The first time that I met Medusa was at a summer time cookout. I had a friend at the time that wasn’t just a coworker, but he lived within ten minutes of my house. I don’t usually hit up the backyard parties, there’s usually far to many freeloaders. You know the type people that I mean, the type that arrive uninvited baring nothing. They eat and drink nonstop, they get full, they get high, and then they try to take over your home. I personally try to avoid what is inevitable at these events. But my coworker, Greg, is on the up and up. There’s no one walking up onto his property without being invited. He has absolutely no problem asking someone to leave, the first time. He has a way of letting you know the second time won’t be a request.
Greg and I were standing there discussing our different departments at work. We both thought that we saw room for improvement. So with chilled drinks we stood there discussing related departments and bottle necking. He was just about to go check on the food when Medusa and another lady, known as Keisha entered the backyard. Since Greg wasn’t doing the cooking, he paused asking who that was with Keisha. Of course I had no idea, but I was in complete awe. She was wearing this beige colored body hugger of a dress, gold earrings, bracelets, and a necklace all being over clouded by the most beautiful copper tone skin ever. She was also wearing gold sandals with the straps climbing her calves bringing your eyes to the bottom of her ass.
Keisha and her friend had similar outfits and body styles, but her friend obviously stood out. Greg and I watched as they slowly circled the yard exchanging greetings and as they stopped at the bar.We stood there marveling at the view as the women made their way around to us. Each of us waiting hungrily as if for a long awaited meal. When they finally appeared before us, Keisha handled the intros, introducing us as Greg and Me. Medusa thought that Me was a strange name, but I also thought that Medusa was a strange name. Greg finally left to go check on the food, leaving me alone with both ladies. I told Keisha that I was about to duck out for a moment and go have a smoke. I promised to return in a bit, but before I could leave they both asked could they come along. There was nothing wrong with them tagging along, Keisha had been over a few times before. She was always going on about how clean the place was as if a lady lived with me.
They jumped in with me and on the way over to my house, I got the story on Medusa. She was Keisha’s cousin and was only visiting for the week. I found out where she lived and that she worked in the medical field. I also found out that we both shared a similar sense of humor. The ride was short, but we managed some good conversation and laughs before arriving at my house. Once there I led them in, Keisha who had been here before let it be known. She knew where the drinks were and she was quick to help herself. I stepped into my bedroom, took a phone call, and rolled two blunts while they eyed my shit. When I returned I started both blunts chasing each other. While fixing and sipping a drink, we shared more conversation and laughs until we all remembered the cookout. The ladies decided that they wanted to use the bathroom, while I straightened shit back up. They returned and I noticed all of the changes immediately. Keisha had not only freshened up her makeup, but she was feeling the weed. Medusa had redone her hair, originally her shoulder length curly hair looked like black shiny waves pouring over her shoulders. But when she returned her hair was plait into a ponytail. I figured it was to get it off of her shoulders. I also noticed the outline of her bikini panties as she walked by heading for the door, she was also feeling the weed.
We journeyed back to the cookout in the same fashion talking and laughing like before. As soon as we entered the backyard there was Greg wanting to know where did we go, we explained. He then said that he had pulled his truck into the backyard and we could smoke on the other side of it. This was cool because they had some smoke, and there was no way that I was driving back home, and then returning tonight. So we separated and walked around, joining forces here and there to dance or share some smoke. During one slow dance Medusa told me that Keisha had a friend picking her up out front. She ask if I would like some company later and of course I said yes. We hung out for a bit, we even helped Greg and his wife clean up some of the mess. Medusa asked, “why didn’t I eat anything?” I told her that I would eat my fill later. She was slow to catch on, she thought that I was carrying food home. She started laughing when she realized that I meant her. Greg pulled me to the side and asked if Medusa and I was a thing. I told him that she was staying over tonight, but who knows about tomorrow.. Medusa started fixing plates to leaves and Greg’s wife told her that I didn’t eat at cookouts. She actually thought that I was kidding.
After she followed me home again in Keisha’s car, she asked me why don’t you eat at cookouts. I told her to many hands scratching dick and balls handling the food. She laughed and while she ate her food I ate a pop tart, chocolate. I turned on the stereo to some old school music and we blazed up again. Medusa saw this as the perfect time to test my loyalty. She brought up that she had recently had an argument with four women in a car a few days earlier. She said that she was standing at the bus stop and this guy started this conversation with her. She said it was just a people meeting at the bus stop type conversation. But then a car pulled up with these ladies wanting to fight her about the guy. She then say, “I wish that I knew you then, I would had came over here and got one of your guns. I said, “hell no you wouldn’t had gotten any gun from me. She asked, “you wouldn’t had given me a gun to defend myself?” I said, “hell no, so you can tell the police that I gave you that shit.” She said, “I would had brought your old gun back.” I said, “oh hell no you wouldn’t after you have used it that shit is reported stolen." She looked me right in the eyes and with a smile said, “my hero." I asked her, “can I tell you about the last time that I tried to play hero?” She said, “yes.”
I began with a long draw on the blunt and a sip of cognac. I’m also watching Medusa who’s a messy eater pilling shit on my floor. But I began anyways by telling her on this day I had an appointment downtown for a physical. I had agreed to work for half of the day and then make it to my appointment in time. But work backed up and time got away from me, by the time I realized it I was running behind schedule. As I clocked out and headed out of the parking lot, I was thinking of every short cut that I could think of to get downtown. While darting back and forth in traffic, I remembered a shortcut that would bring me back out on the avenue headed downtown. While I’m talking Medusa has put her plate up, fixed herself a drink, and is now hitting the blunt. I can see that she’s totally comfortable with me as her dress has slid up her high enough for me to see the crotch of her panties.
I told her that as I came out of the shortcut onto the avenue, I turned left headed downtown. But right over to my left on the sidewalk I saw a man and a woman wrestling. She appeared to be holding her own, but then I saw him punch her twice right in the face. I couldn’t stop right there, but I also couldn’t let this dude beat this lady down in broad daylight. So I went all the way up to the next traffic light, waited on the signal, and then hooked a u-turn. As I was coming up on the two of them the lady went running past me in the opposite direction. I remember thinking at least she got away. But now I’ve most likely missed my appointment, so now I’m gonna do my civic duty. As I got out of the car I’m thinking she must have hit him in the balls really hard, he was still lying on the sidewalk. As I approached him, I let him know that I saw the whole thing and that I was calling 911.
“911 what your emergency?” Huh I want to report an attempted mugging, you need to send a black and white to this address. The dispatcher said that the black and white was on the way. While we was waiting I told the guy the cops are on their way and it would be a minute before he tried mugging another innocent lady. This is when the truth was revealed, a truth totally different from my truth. The guy lying on the sidewalk said, “hey mister, you have the story all wrong."I asked him just what did I get wrong? He said I wasn’t mugging her, she was mugging me. I said bullshit, I know what I saw. The guy pulled his jacket open and said she shot me twice. Sure enough he was leaking leaded all over the sidewalk. I got down on one knee with the realization that I was wrong. I asked him if there was anything that I could do to help make him comfortable or help him in anyway. He said yes, you can help. How about running that wallet stealing bitch down and getting my wallet back? I said, you have other worries than getting your wallet back. With what could had been his last breaths he got defiant, I want my wallet.
I told him, “dude forget about that wallet.” He said, “you seem to be in good shape, why not run her down and get my wallet back?” I said, “dude she shot you twice to to take it, what do you want her to do shoot me to keep it?” He again screamed, “I want my dam wallet.” This is when I realize he got shot for that stinking wallet. I told him again and firmly that I wasn’t going to get shot for his wallet. I assured him that he could make any and all money back. I told him to cancel all of his credit cards and just go get new ID. But then he got this crazed look in his eyes like someone about to take their last breath. Then he said, “ man dam that wallet and the three dollars that are in it. I’m not even worrying about my ID or no credit cards. He grabbed me tight by both arms and pulled himself up off of the sidewalk. He then says, “but my EBT card is in that wallet and I get my food stamps tomorrow.
Greg and I were standing there discussing our different departments at work. We both thought that we saw room for improvement. So with chilled drinks we stood there discussing related departments and bottle necking. He was just about to go check on the food when Medusa and another lady, known as Keisha entered the backyard. Since Greg wasn’t doing the cooking, he paused asking who that was with Keisha. Of course I had no idea, but I was in complete awe. She was wearing this beige colored body hugger of a dress, gold earrings, bracelets, and a necklace all being over clouded by the most beautiful copper tone skin ever. She was also wearing gold sandals with the straps climbing her calves bringing your eyes to the bottom of her ass.
Keisha and her friend had similar outfits and body styles, but her friend obviously stood out. Greg and I watched as they slowly circled the yard exchanging greetings and as they stopped at the bar.We stood there marveling at the view as the women made their way around to us. Each of us waiting hungrily as if for a long awaited meal. When they finally appeared before us, Keisha handled the intros, introducing us as Greg and Me. Medusa thought that Me was a strange name, but I also thought that Medusa was a strange name. Greg finally left to go check on the food, leaving me alone with both ladies. I told Keisha that I was about to duck out for a moment and go have a smoke. I promised to return in a bit, but before I could leave they both asked could they come along. There was nothing wrong with them tagging along, Keisha had been over a few times before. She was always going on about how clean the place was as if a lady lived with me.
They jumped in with me and on the way over to my house, I got the story on Medusa. She was Keisha’s cousin and was only visiting for the week. I found out where she lived and that she worked in the medical field. I also found out that we both shared a similar sense of humor. The ride was short, but we managed some good conversation and laughs before arriving at my house. Once there I led them in, Keisha who had been here before let it be known. She knew where the drinks were and she was quick to help herself. I stepped into my bedroom, took a phone call, and rolled two blunts while they eyed my shit. When I returned I started both blunts chasing each other. While fixing and sipping a drink, we shared more conversation and laughs until we all remembered the cookout. The ladies decided that they wanted to use the bathroom, while I straightened shit back up. They returned and I noticed all of the changes immediately. Keisha had not only freshened up her makeup, but she was feeling the weed. Medusa had redone her hair, originally her shoulder length curly hair looked like black shiny waves pouring over her shoulders. But when she returned her hair was plait into a ponytail. I figured it was to get it off of her shoulders. I also noticed the outline of her bikini panties as she walked by heading for the door, she was also feeling the weed.
We journeyed back to the cookout in the same fashion talking and laughing like before. As soon as we entered the backyard there was Greg wanting to know where did we go, we explained. He then said that he had pulled his truck into the backyard and we could smoke on the other side of it. This was cool because they had some smoke, and there was no way that I was driving back home, and then returning tonight. So we separated and walked around, joining forces here and there to dance or share some smoke. During one slow dance Medusa told me that Keisha had a friend picking her up out front. She ask if I would like some company later and of course I said yes. We hung out for a bit, we even helped Greg and his wife clean up some of the mess. Medusa asked, “why didn’t I eat anything?” I told her that I would eat my fill later. She was slow to catch on, she thought that I was carrying food home. She started laughing when she realized that I meant her. Greg pulled me to the side and asked if Medusa and I was a thing. I told him that she was staying over tonight, but who knows about tomorrow.. Medusa started fixing plates to leaves and Greg’s wife told her that I didn’t eat at cookouts. She actually thought that I was kidding.
After she followed me home again in Keisha’s car, she asked me why don’t you eat at cookouts. I told her to many hands scratching dick and balls handling the food. She laughed and while she ate her food I ate a pop tart, chocolate. I turned on the stereo to some old school music and we blazed up again. Medusa saw this as the perfect time to test my loyalty. She brought up that she had recently had an argument with four women in a car a few days earlier. She said that she was standing at the bus stop and this guy started this conversation with her. She said it was just a people meeting at the bus stop type conversation. But then a car pulled up with these ladies wanting to fight her about the guy. She then say, “I wish that I knew you then, I would had came over here and got one of your guns. I said, “hell no you wouldn’t had gotten any gun from me. She asked, “you wouldn’t had given me a gun to defend myself?” I said, “hell no, so you can tell the police that I gave you that shit.” She said, “I would had brought your old gun back.” I said, “oh hell no you wouldn’t after you have used it that shit is reported stolen." She looked me right in the eyes and with a smile said, “my hero." I asked her, “can I tell you about the last time that I tried to play hero?” She said, “yes.”
I began with a long draw on the blunt and a sip of cognac. I’m also watching Medusa who’s a messy eater pilling shit on my floor. But I began anyways by telling her on this day I had an appointment downtown for a physical. I had agreed to work for half of the day and then make it to my appointment in time. But work backed up and time got away from me, by the time I realized it I was running behind schedule. As I clocked out and headed out of the parking lot, I was thinking of every short cut that I could think of to get downtown. While darting back and forth in traffic, I remembered a shortcut that would bring me back out on the avenue headed downtown. While I’m talking Medusa has put her plate up, fixed herself a drink, and is now hitting the blunt. I can see that she’s totally comfortable with me as her dress has slid up her high enough for me to see the crotch of her panties.
I told her that as I came out of the shortcut onto the avenue, I turned left headed downtown. But right over to my left on the sidewalk I saw a man and a woman wrestling. She appeared to be holding her own, but then I saw him punch her twice right in the face. I couldn’t stop right there, but I also couldn’t let this dude beat this lady down in broad daylight. So I went all the way up to the next traffic light, waited on the signal, and then hooked a u-turn. As I was coming up on the two of them the lady went running past me in the opposite direction. I remember thinking at least she got away. But now I’ve most likely missed my appointment, so now I’m gonna do my civic duty. As I got out of the car I’m thinking she must have hit him in the balls really hard, he was still lying on the sidewalk. As I approached him, I let him know that I saw the whole thing and that I was calling 911.
“911 what your emergency?” Huh I want to report an attempted mugging, you need to send a black and white to this address. The dispatcher said that the black and white was on the way. While we was waiting I told the guy the cops are on their way and it would be a minute before he tried mugging another innocent lady. This is when the truth was revealed, a truth totally different from my truth. The guy lying on the sidewalk said, “hey mister, you have the story all wrong."I asked him just what did I get wrong? He said I wasn’t mugging her, she was mugging me. I said bullshit, I know what I saw. The guy pulled his jacket open and said she shot me twice. Sure enough he was leaking leaded all over the sidewalk. I got down on one knee with the realization that I was wrong. I asked him if there was anything that I could do to help make him comfortable or help him in anyway. He said yes, you can help. How about running that wallet stealing bitch down and getting my wallet back? I said, you have other worries than getting your wallet back. With what could had been his last breaths he got defiant, I want my wallet.
I told him, “dude forget about that wallet.” He said, “you seem to be in good shape, why not run her down and get my wallet back?” I said, “dude she shot you twice to to take it, what do you want her to do shoot me to keep it?” He again screamed, “I want my dam wallet.” This is when I realize he got shot for that stinking wallet. I told him again and firmly that I wasn’t going to get shot for his wallet. I assured him that he could make any and all money back. I told him to cancel all of his credit cards and just go get new ID. But then he got this crazed look in his eyes like someone about to take their last breath. Then he said, “ man dam that wallet and the three dollars that are in it. I’m not even worrying about my ID or no credit cards. He grabbed me tight by both arms and pulled himself up off of the sidewalk. He then says, “but my EBT card is in that wallet and I get my food stamps tomorrow.
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