Image for the poem Kiss


an earthly mortal, the heart was truly divine
pure was the devotion, an envy to St. Valentine
looks up to the sky, “let’s explore!”, were the whispers,
to be in bliss, who is to resist, nature’s scriptures!

prose for a beauty lovely as a rose,
as Michelangelo paints a primrose,
so precious, god’s eyes weren’t close,
alluring in nature, for only the initiatiated will truly know!

morning dew drops clouding the window,
in a distance, a the mountain beyond the meadow
sun’s shine through creating a rainbow 🌈
reflections of a charming face emitting a glow!

she’s perfectly shaped off the shining light
nurtures that body through the dark of night
into a shape that’s dazzled by the shining starlight
serenading sweet love under the pale moonlight

wild curiosity, wanting to know how this could it be
sensually true, at the peak, one drops on the knee
for a journey of love and desire like honeys from the sea
ravenous was the word, as passion consumed me!

it’s the dawn of a new friendship,
leaving behind all past relationship,
what matters is the journey to the seventh heaven,
as we reach there, all our sins will be forgiven!

sense the fragrance that fills her face
imagine the pleasures that she gets to taste
there’s nothing needs to be made in haste
yet, don’t let any precious moments go to waste

let only sweetness be remembered,
like a heart shaped carrot nicely crafted
for the love void, one need to romance to swallow
from within, the sensual voices are deep and hollow

let the soul be filled delightful nectar,
sugar free honey that will take you to the brightest star,
moistens your lips with scented mist, my dear miss,
to its fullness, pink and ruby redness, seal it with a kiss!
Written by XiaoLong
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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