some guy decided to rhyme (one of the greatest wastes of time) [might be edited, expanded, shortened]

my time is wasted, yours is still up to you      
‣ don't categorize this nset as a boast  
‣ but, next to some triflin' social ntwork posts  
‣ that length-wse are like a pair of shorts  
‣ from attires f can-shakin' girls    
‣ or ones that gyre on a metal pole  
‣ this HIGHLY JOYFUL blend of words  
‣ is kind of an extension cord (what?); hence, if your  
‣ ceilin' is readin' them posts  
‣ or if you're simply a kiddie, get lo[ɒ]st  
‣ like somebody a[ɑ]fter donnin' headphones  
‣ do a runner like in sled sports  
‣ a little bit outta 𝒹ℴ𝓈 with 𝓉𝓇ℯ𝓈 O's [2000]  
‣ which is the number of the next words  
[just letting you know, maybe it would scare you away]  
‣ come with a vengeance like I am Shady  
[the one who's Slim]  
‣ that's why a couple of ways ta describe what's takin'  
‣ place (and your time) are a rhyme inundation with a[ɑ]mmo-sprayin'  
[but I guess you "aren't really surprised at that"]  
‣ like a damn cleric since I'm at makin'  
‣ m pieces ma[e]rried; it's like a weddin'  
‣ so, if you still haven't absqua[ɑ]tulated & are go[ɑ]nna make it  
‣ through this flood of letters to the final sentence  
‣ sto[ɑ]ck up on patience is my suggestion (for you)  
‣ might as well get a go[ɑ]ddamn MA̲E̲ West  
[need Joe Budden here with his "you have rhymed a bunch of words"]  
‣ no prizes for guessin' politeness ain't present  
𝗟𝗔[ɑ]𝗖𝗞 good intentions like 𝗩𝗜𝗢𝗟𝗔𝗧𝗜𝗩𝗘  
[US Eng "lock"]  
‣ oh, & there's somethin' else the  
‣ rhyme-arranger has go[ɑ]tta mention     
‣ like some Russian placeman  
[got a mansion]  
‣ seizin' this occasion, would like to give tha[e]nks ta  
‣ Em & Kelly provided me with some inspiration  
[Eminem; Machine Gun Kelly]  
‣ enough with the preparation  
‣ it's about time to shift to the narration  
[still here and not going to abandon it?]  
‣ erstwhile one typical child, where the features implied  
‣ are "witless" & "wild", went through hell & nearly flatlined  
‣ maybe on my way from bein' alive  
‣ took place somethin' like "access denied"  
‣ or perhaps the figure disguised  
‣ in black & wieldin' a scythe  
‣ havin' seen me, was like:  
‣ "it is too early for you, nipper, besides  
‣ you've done nix to deserve it, so you're finna survive"     
‣ joke-cra[ɑ]ckin' regardin'  
‣ the fa[ɑ]ct that in the pa[ɑ]st, he nigh ca[ɑ]shed in  
‣ his chips a[ɑ]s if it's somethin'  
‣ to lau[ɑ]gh at, like a j[ɑ]cka** that's fine with  
‣ wi[ɪ]ndin' up in a ca[ɑ]sket, like life is  
‣ a thing which can be acquired  
‣ I'm not the only one of such kind, am I❓  
‣ should be grateful since was rescued  
‣ should appreciate & take pleasure in life  
‣ but it seems that could-be-fatal thing I wnt through  
‣ isn't enough for me to│b this way;│I'ma set that aside    
‣ despite the told in them funereal lines  
‣ I'm totally no[ɑ]t set to die (no way)  
‣ unless the thing is locks-wise  
‣ hopefully, the la[ɑ]st days of mine  
‣ are a mind-blowingly long way from nigh  
‣ but what an iro[ɑ]nic cloud's gon' get rainin' [get training]  
‣ bo[ɑ]mbshells stuff; time  
‣ the thought that I'm runnin' out of this brakele[ɪ]ss [breakless]  
‣ companion of life, which is jo[ɑ]lly elatin'  
[the thought]  
‣ that b*tch was p[ɑ]ppin' in lately  
‣ hunted me down like a scent hound!  
[told you I'll make some irony]; ["don't grow up, it's a trap"]  
‣ had more of such kind of co[ɑ]ntent, yet now  
‣ that sh*t's cut the hell out  
‣ like them pro[ɑ]sts/tarts that were found  
‣ inside & around the Whtechapel grounds  
‣ aside from po[ɑ]lishin' up  
‣ like what's done to beautiful cars  
‣ don't see a more a[ɑ]pposite o[ɑ]pt.  
‣ of what to do with these bars  
‣ I've g[ɑ]t than to dro[ɑ]p  
‣ even though they don't look to be bo[ɑ]mbs  
‣ and... (and that's where I flub)  
‣ but given the dark as night appa[e]rel  
‣ O̲f which I'm a wearer  
‣ and that my skull is like a bA̲[e]rrage  
‣ unit, I'm a walkin' pirate vessel  
‣ and the thought I'm tryna lE̲t off  
‣ out of my damn ba[e]rrel  
‣ though it's quite appa[e]rent [a parrot]  
‣ like a shoulder-occupyin' ma[e]rrow  
‣ is as long as lyrical stuff is no[ɑ]t on  
‣ a track, it, similarly to a train  
‣ that's in similar sta[ɑ]tus, doesn't  
‣ differ much from│bin' of zip│use or vain  
‣ a tra[ɑ]ck, why don't I mke one?  
‣ oh, you know, I'm like a groupie/rookie nw biz. [newbies]  
[couldn't decide which one to choose, so it's up to you]  
‣ of which is runnin' a large-sized corporation  
‣ but regardin' producin'/cookin' music  
‣ but not that I've taken a run at tha[ɑ]t  
‣ additionally, due to my Eng. la[ɑ]ng.  
‣ proficiency which I def. la[ɑ]ck  
‣ I would n[ɑ]t say I can speak fine enough, much less ra[ɑ]p  
[but not that I want to rap]  
‣ wait, think I'm ca[ɑ]tchin' somethin'  
‣ seems like sa[ɑ]vage lau[ɑ]ghin' (all the way to the bank) [get it?]  
‣ while lyrically, I pro[ɑ]b'ly ha[ɑ]ve a go[ɑ]b of cra[ɑ]p  
‣ like some █oli█ical h█gh mucky-m█ck  
‣ about to ya[ɑ]k a bu█ch of cla[ɑ]p–tra[ɑ]p  
[a small puzzle for you]  
‣ nah, politics is quite a qua[ɑ]g  
‣ and not my thing ta get plunged nto    
‣ so I'm not finna any deeper  
‣ a walkin' flo[ɑ]p, pathetic, wa[ɑ]ck  
‣ as... the "T&DVE" "DMITTE" squa[ɑ]d's bad luck  
["Tucker & Dale vs. Evil"; "didn't make it to the end"]  
‣ had go[ɑ]tten sla[ɑ]pped by a mental self-atta[ɑ]ck  
‣ soon after g[ɑ]t up, but  
‣ no[ɑ]t the slightest ta[ɑ]d of bein' perplexed or sho[ɑ]cked  
‣ cool as someb[ɑ]dy bo[ɑ]xed  
[dead people are pretty cool, if you know what I mean]  
‣ yet that doesn't change a pro[ɑ]blem: I might sna[ɑ]p  
‣ like an inflated bubble gum might po[ɑ]p  
‣ outcomes?  
‣ not worldwide unforgettable  
‣ like the "after Thanos" ones  
‣ although mght be regrettable  
‣ nah, the rhymer's not 𝓁ℴ𝒸ℴ  
‣ unlike them rail-slidin' steamblowers (locomotives)  
‣ except that a mite a sleepwa[ɔ]lker  
‣ so, havin' thself nigh to[–]wards him  
‣ at the time he has rolled in  
‣ it's better to bear inso[ɑ]mnia or be  
‣ with your E̲Y̲E̲s peeled like girls seen  
‣ on the sides of "Playboy" zines  
‣ as much of a ta[ɔ]lker as this troublesome work or  
‣ the Jared Leto type of the Joker is on point  
‣ like Deadshot with a sto[ɑ]ck to his shoulder  
‣ once he's go[ɑ]t a hit order, or no[ɑ]t mediocre  
‣ comparin' the frst one with Em's "CampA̲I̲gn Speech" verse &  
‣ that jester in purple with Heath Ledger's version  
‣ do you know what that is? a foursome  
[apart from Deadshot, of course]  
["that was f*cking stupid..."]  
lthough, in terms of co[ɑ]ntent invo[ɒ]lvedness  
‣ next to somethin' from Marshall, m text is n-frills  
‣ it's a trifle, recognizin' that there are vau[ɔ]ltfuls  
‣ of mumble rap & pop au[ɔ]thors  
‣ roughly revertin' to the guy skippin' o[ɔ]ff with  
‣ your time, someone you'll pro[ɑ]b'ly never meet in person  
‣ a VASTLY GOOD self-review!  
‣ though there are some worthier attributes of mine too  
‣ bein' not much over 18, I'm sober & clean (have lways been)  
don't give... a slg or clip 'bout wht you think  
‣ regrdin' it & what you're abO̲U̲t to think  
‣ but believe sobriety is qU̲I̲te a thing to be prO̲U̲d of in  
‣ twenty nneteen; in reality, my blO̲O̲dy ears  
[the "2019" sentence is written in 2019]  
‣ haven't even heard how g[ɑ]blets clink  
‣ when it cmes to "cheers"  
‣ only when that stff was seen [scene]  
‣ on the screen; yep, certainly no[ɑ]t one who's  
‣ fine with takin' smkin' sh*t, drugs, & booze  
‣ fr it gives nothin' good  
‣ if you're in disagreement with this opinion  
‣ for you, I have the bird sent to/pt into the skies [get it?]  
‣ like what's done at weddings/funerals sometimes  
‣ come to think of it, this whole world is wonderful, lovely  
‣ once you sink nto it, feelin' bored is somethin' unlikely  
‣ just imagine some of its fillings [feelings]  
‣ woman-beatin', rapists, freedoms abuses, dope production & -dealin'  
‣ people human-eatin', racists, mass shootings, other so indis–  
‣ –pensable violence & killings  
‣ US PEACE OFFicers [piss]  
‣ twistin' those guys' rms to ge[ɪ]t  
‣ 'em to read somethin' that's on hw to deal  
‣ with non-threatenin' ones pro[ɑ]perly  
‣ perhps would be quite sO̲U̲nd to fill  
‣ lpses bet–ween spans of tme in which they're projctin' lead  
‣ or exercsin' in some "breathtking" sh*t  
‣ not that vral thing brought by K.C. Reeves  
‣ knockO̲U̲t as re–gards protctin' peeps  
‣ call it attacops (attack ops)  
[guess what's in common with them and people writing diss raps; both like taking shots]  
‣ as regards the 5-O in the country that's grown  
‣ too co[ɑ]cky like clothes  
‣ it's made from pretty much the same mold/dough  
‣ a boot in the belly retributed for gettin'  
‣ in the way a group of 'em's headin'  
‣ not addin' fuel when protestin'  
‣ still, they have their clubs operatin' like venU̲E̲s to attend if/when  
‣ you fancy dance music & bevvies  
‣ dn't get it twisted, lthough, to m, it  
‣ seems the most realistic  
‣ way for you to get some blls is to visit  
‣ a store sellin' sportin' equipment  
‣ but their main undertakin'  
‣ is perhaps case-fabricatin'  
‣ like one containin' your raiment  
‣ that you take on vacation  
‣ combin' thrO̲U̲gh social netwrks ta  
‣ capture another commnter  
‣ "ruthless" like a roadster  
‣ a lifehack for pullin' off a quota  
‣ to acquire some cheddar  
‣ on t[ɑ]p of 'em there are terrorists  
‣ prone to dr[ɑ]ppin in with their b[e]ngin' gifts  
‣ pro[ɑ]bably one of the wttest dreams...  
‣ of patientless psychiatrists & psychotherapists  
‣ bar that witch-hntin' piece of the e[ɛ]x–  
‣ –pressed; somebody rhymes, cooks beats, does what helps  
‣ ones in need; smebody's like obsessed  
‣ with kinds of things O̲U̲t of which there's that mess  
‣ this blue mrble is a wasp nest  
‣ inasmch as each one's possessed  
‣ of a l[ɑ]t of pricks to distress  
‣ somebody's hind-end  
[also: "hornet's nest"; "pain in the..."]  
‣ some mght think, why am I so negative?  
‣ it's a blood tpe thing [get it?]; plus, arrived a pessimist  
‣ but thrustin' puns aside, no[ɑ]t jestingly  
‣ guess that is a way smebody just tnds to be  
‣ and in this bar-dumpin', I ain't nigh the nd of it  
[to all the positive ones out there, do you ever take off your "pyrovision goggles"?]  
‣ referrin' to things skewin' normality        
‣ here's one occurrence from this screwed-up reality        
‣ turnin' into that kind a[ɔ]lso partially        
‣ owin' to sh*t strrin' up in virtuality        
‣ a non-detrimental young belle        
‣ did away with herself        
‣ thanks to a key-presser brigade        
‣ that, bein' online, wnt off the chain        
‣ havin' bitten her by way of a range        
‣ of offensive things said        
‣ another one 𝗕𝗨𝗟𝗟𝗬𝗜𝗡'-𝗟𝗘𝗗 𝗧𝗢 𝗧𝗛𝗘 𝗚𝗥𝗔𝗩𝗘        
‣ effin' insane...        
[some people remain the same, some things take place over and over again; getting the connection?]        
‣ can't help but arrange        
‣ a stanza addressin' the case        
‣ and gettin' revenge on them ca[ɑ]ds, reprobates        
‣ that are gonna ca[ɑ]tch it like blade        
‣ ca[ɑ]sted/darted they way 'cause I'm ra[ɑ]ther awake [a wake]        
[by the way, recognizing the rhyme pattern? probably not]        
‣ servin' up some guidance        
‣ on how to dispose of them unknd ones        
‣ ga[ɑ]g the pieholes to ge[ɪ]t 'em quiet        
‣ like a bneyard keeper's nght shift        
‣ because their rea[ɑ]ctions to what's on the horizon        
‣ would be exa[ɑ]ctly the opposite of silence        
‣ begin the show of impoliteness        
‣ with the finger bones, familiarize 'em with a ppe wrench        
‣ to inflame the fire        
‣ the fingers meet a fne-edged kitchen knife &        
‣ 𝒶𝓈 𝓁𝒾́𝓃ℊ𝓊𝒶𝓈 meet a pair of jewelry-makin' pliers        
‣ each member belongin' to the fleshly parties gets coerced        
‣ into one-time, though to-be-engraved-on-mind intercourse        
‣ in the course of which they nd up bloody divorced        
‣ in connection with the bo[ɑ]dies, like a wife & a husband        
[a wicked end of relationships, on a rewardingly and wicked low note ← slang is used]        
‣ havin' go[ɑ]tten 'em trssed up        
‣ dro[ɑ]p 'em off by a railroad & await the arrival        
‣ of a train like a part of a bride-to-be garment        
‣ once one gets close, lay 'em on the rails in the style of        
‣ Leoni[aɪ]das, "300"        
‣ wherea[ɑ]fter there go their operational cycles        
‣ it's a wrap like a bag wontly linin' a tr[ɑ]sh bin        
‣ which is somethin' to o[ɑ]pt for to p[ɑ]ck up        
‣ what's left of the slmeballs        
‣ if such measures were rightful        
‣ R.I.P. to August Ames        
‣ I might be no[ɑ]t of this world        
‣ don't even have a go[ɑ]ddamn smartphne        
‣ some bimbo-po[ɑ]sitive girl        
[pick some another offensive adjective]        
‣ most likely wa[ɑ]nts to the bone        
‣ plus, to count pictures of me        
‣ taken in the last several yea[ɪ]rs by my will        
‣ fingers would be        
‣ needless like the ones that are owned        
‣ by the maltreaters whose wrists        
‣ I've slapped with my previous schemes        
‣ there's zilch of them pics        
‣ as the thing with that sh*t's        
‣ that I simply don't see much meanin' of it        
[don't even think about reading "you've" in the next line as "you have", it ruins the rhyme scheme]        
‣ know what you might be thinkin', you've missed        
‣ if you have chalked that up to my visuals, prick/b*tch        
‣ keepin' the talk on the theme of digital things        
‣ and revertin'        
‣ to not havin' a smart dog & bne, ex–        
‣ –cept the one that's not workin'        
‣ if the first thought of Y̲O̲U̲rs is        
‣ that's for I can't afford it        
‣ meet a piece of nws, which [piss off; new switch]        
‣ is that you're all wet like streets when it is pourin'        
‣ you're deluded (yeah), if not even stupid        
‣ I'm just not like: "I really need it, wa[ɒ]nt it"        
‣ guess there's not much need for m to use it        
‣ while, like some within-a-church/kirk sh*t        
‣ them digi. toolkits        
‣ are nearly bein' worshipped        
‣ a new religion loomin'        
‣ somebody, help them a[ɑ]ddicts        
‣ whose smartphones seem like        
‣ extensions of their bo[ɑ]dies        
‣ whose eyeba[ɔ]lls get stuck        
‣ on the displays like on a jelly's a[ɑ]ssets        
‣ still, like they got attra[ɑ]cted by a goddamn ma[ɑ]gnet        
‣ plus, the way today's people a[ɑ]ct        
‣ when somethin' thrillin' is ha[ɑ]ppenin'        
‣ I'm merely statin' a fa[ɑ]ct        
["I had Wembley Stadium packed"; sorry, got distracted again]        
‣ they're on some paparazzi sh*t - filmin' & sn[ɑ]ppin' it        
‣ when some geek is gettin' his butt        
‣ kicked by some prick he's unwillingly scr[ɑ]ppin' with        
‣ then they go to a social ntwork & just        
‣ opportunistically dr[ɑ]p the sh*t        
‣ have been listenin' t some rhyme-spittin'        
‣ havin' had little to pt my time nto        
‣ that's what set the scne for this ftile ℯ𝓈𝒸𝓇𝒾𝓉𝒶        
‣ (but it's still not a [w]rap)        
‣ speakin' of which, maybe de-emphasize it        
‣ and this is a reach, nonetheless what think        
‣ is that it turned out kind of unexcitin' (yep, self-criticizin')        
‣ what is the pro[ɑ]blem? ne thing that can        
‣ say for certain is went prma[–]rily for rhymin'        
[hence the title "some guy decided to rhyme"]        
‣ in part becau[ɔ]se I, of course, lack in terms        
‣ of plays on words & metaphors        
‣ but/yet suppose it could have been worse        
‣ at least, no sentence goes with a senseless boast        
‣ about wealth & hoes, or about sellin' dope        
‣ and gettin' stoned, which, as well as those        
‣ seem to be what among today's listeners flies the most        
‣ if that's sta[eɪ]tus quo, "Mayday, go–        
‣ –in' down" is what the time's come for        
‣ in other words, that plainly blows        
‣ like that Hellfire vrou        
‣ and it seems the nobo[ɑ]dy has kinda a thing for "iing" [eyeing]        
‣ but it has nada to do with wa[ɑ]tchin'        
‣ after a[ɑ]ll the indited        
‣ someone else woulda pro[ɑ]bably wondered/been likely to wonder:        
‣ "why do not be–come a songwriter?"        
‣ funny or no[ɑ]t, but jo[ɑ]lly iro[ɑ]nic        
‣ find the 'bove o[ɑ]ption highly unlikely        
‣ wa[ɑ]nnabe rhymer, time-squa[ɑ]nderin' idler        
‣ you must be a little bit [beat]        
‣ if no[ɑ]t even pretty, sick        
‣ of receivin' the sh*t of mine or ven just seein' it        
‣ well, this lyrical binge, despite not succeedin' at killin' it        
‣ I'm fixin' to finish it        
‣ like an "MK" participant's n this b*tch        
["Mortal Kombat"]        
‣ if you've made it to these words        
‣ give a few seconds of applau[ɔ]se        
‣ not to me, to yourself, of course        
‣ the precious time of yours        
‣ is wasted like a pers.        
‣ in the wake of a lot of drinks; it's an L; 𝒶𝒹𝒾ℴ́𝓈        
[a knell]
Written by TRFLD
Published | Edited 21st Oct 2021
Author's Note
some words go US Eng, some go UK Eng
so inside the word-dividing "[ ]" is the chosen sound
speaking of which, to hell with the "æ" sound
the stress marks aren't for nothing
if some words look like they're out of context or something
there are dictionaries to check in
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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