Ohh the piercing emotions... you had me at "unending bitten appetite"... I love swimming within your words. It's like my own little bubble of "ahhhhhhh!"... I take my time, breathe and read a few times (at least) and then my attitude is reset! Like a tiny meditation of the best feelings..... :) So, I thank you muchly, Uma 🌹 🙏 🌹 xo
Love how you slowlsteadfast relish n cherish the teaing in words B.. v.poetic indeed! .bubble reminds of these present days' biobubble radii quarantine here n there ;) & how truly true..indeed all beautifully passionate ways & attitudes & breaths & nowness..is indeed a meditation .tea is one fr me as poetry as love as life . gratitudes.goodday🙏💖🔥✍️🌹🍮☕
There's too much tea in your bloodstream! Your words rip through the veins of daily existence. Must try those jam / toast flavoured tea bags. Love me xx
Haha true;) & tat sounds fantab flav doo..try them the steamy sweetburnt crispy cereal notes my coffeeeliciously teaing 'cereal' killer;) Love ev doo ♥️💖🔥✍️☕🙏🍮