My heavy heart

I want it to be light again
My heavy heart is all in vain
It brought me nothing but this pain
That for a while made me insane

The fear of missing this and that
Is running like a crazy rat
Among the corners of my heart
My heavy heart, my heavy heart

The fears, the fears that are not true
"Someone will come, take it away
What if I stumble, if I stray?"
My mind just waits for any cue

To race away with fear and sorrow
To spend time thinking of tomorrow
Of years to come, of what will be
And it's never enough for me

I fear mistakes, I fear the fall
I fear to grow old all alone
And all these fears are like a mountain
Those fears are like a heavy stone

It weighs me down, for what?
For nought!
Can streams of life not simply flow
Can day to day not simply grow?

The tragedy is not to fall
But never to have lived at all
Cause in between the valleys are
Moments abound, so beautiful

And through the tears, and through the rain
When I embrace the heavy pain
And don't run, running is in vain
It fades like breaths upon a mirror
That for a time may blind the picture

Forever, hopefully, I'm sane
Knowing that I can pass the storm

My heavy heart grows light again
Written by AltairEndian
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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