a study of incremental autobiography
a study of incremental autobiography:
because in the english speaking lands:
to have lived... and then to write a book...
never is a life to be lived:
in order to produce a book...
somehow everything happens a posteriori...
no one writes anything: "informal"...
all has to be lived prior...
and then the crown - the book...
to glue the pieces together...
a book like a forgotten cinema of memory...
i have here... an autobiographical sketch...
working from...
doomsday rejects - six hundred...
but working back to
reading about the hellraiser movie...
because it wasn't christopher young's
that was to be used... that came later...
but... coil's: unnatural history II: smiling
in the face of perversity...
sounds a bit like... doomsday rejects -
six hundred...
i will not... use the necessary...
diacritical marks to summon the turks:
for their advent of the balkans...
teasing vienna...
the old continent breathes...
while the new girth of a swelling of the birth
of h'america is: loaded with burdens
of its own making... for once...
the world is of not concern for these people...
iraq can fall asleep in its turmoil...
afghanistan can patch itself up to
the guard the Raj...
Libya will burn wood once
more... to light the fires to brush
against a satisfying warmth come the dune
nights of teasing metaphors of...
siberia... the transition period from:
ex azia: ex azoth...
nouns are seemingly cheap...
no wonder the hebrews
decided: to cover their former
beloved in:
tetragrammaton and ha-shem...
emperor nero didn't see...
it wasn't about a fire...
a mythology of some prometheus...
already a new mythology occurred...
who stole the staff of zeus
the blink sharpening of odin's plucked
out eye: as... eaten by...
huginn & muginn...
we are learning that some things...
are best left... unresolved...
i leave behind the hope for a romance
of dreams with arabia...
i have written these letters down
on my hand... hours later i solved
a sudoku and ascribed them...
2, 3, 4 and 7 status...
2 was the false h'eh (ה)
mirror bound inverted...
i guess the remaining letters were
(ل) was 3... (el)
(ك) was 4... (katta)...
mirror mirror on
the blank canvas... ⅃ - (ך) or
the copernican gamma: Γ
or (ר): the rest...
and 7 became... (ز) zord...
in all the autobiographies you might read:
in all the autobiographies
of the "celestial" beings:
none could match... Octavian Augustus...
roddy mcdowall: mark anthony is dead...
is that how one says is... it?
the soup is hot... the soup is cold...
mark anthony is living... mark anthony is...
you don't read in an autobiography...
a monument of incremental addition having
taken place...
take a harold norse: memoirs of the bastard angel...
monuments to... a inch of snow!
a cry for help of a stone...
strapped to a... landslide!
a truly democrastic detail! away from...
the ego: emperor and life:
that last colliseum's worth of an audience!
i had to finish the day off...
by having a little bonfire...
enough... to clear the way for 2 tonnes of soil
coming tomorrow...
and the grass... and the new shed...
and a patch of felt...
to measure up... losing a shadow...
anything... absolutely everything!
to escape the hideous formality of language...
from each... and this day... to match:
an escape from this day...
ironing my father's shirts etc.
in anger... teasing a clenched fist...
against a wall to extract plums of hue
on the knuckles...
no... listening to jazz didn't help...
i started with shostakovich...
oh hell no...
i moved toward rachmaninov...
wayne shorter: ju ju?
you fucking kidding me?
infected mushroom - converting vegetarians...
after that... i figured: just listen to the iron...
pretend you tamed a dragon or something...
jazz might have been the modus operandi
of escapism of the beatnik poets...
well... if you had to escape...
music akin to... vera lynn...
frank sinatra...
leotard liberace...
jim reeves... he does moon river...
better than anyone...
bobby vinton - blue on blue...
jazz the bet...
who the hell thinks of escaping when
listening to classical music...
probably anyone...
who hasn't listened to...
the meat & gravy of... what came out
of... prog rock... attention span of listeners...
escapism music...
1950s pitch-perfect pocket-load
of the dream that could never leave the shores
of a... dying embrace...
and then of course... there's the little bonfire...
some slightly wet juniper branches...
and drying... roots of a yucca...
the white smoke... and walking into
it and walking out of it...
coming out stinking... suffocating...
revived... baptised by the smoke
and the smashing of mirrors never peered
minding to have this burning done...
when the neighbours do not have
any washing out to dry...
a mini-event of democracy: retracted...
bold: loaned... words...
to cry and at the same time decry freedoms...
to lick the fire would imply
to have had a beard-trimmed...
escape? o.t.t. - younger brother...
demdyke stair...
and now coil...
the soft moon...
i could have wished to have escaped
with jazz...
if i were trapped by jim reeves...
and classical music is...
the base: not the bass... point of departure...
but i have had my bonfire...
it did feel like...
smoking a packet of cigarettes...
but there was no nicotine...
i saved 2 slingshots for now...
a baptism of having
walked through the burning
of yucca roots and juniper...
if a man like me would ever have
the blessening of a yesod: a foundation...
a throne...
his throne would be a dead oak...
and he would be hunched on top of it...
looking to the hour where his shadow would
tease the height of a mountain
in the fountain of naked eyes that peer with...
obnoxious scrutiny for: "truth" and...
child-argue "dialectics"...
for the crown: the keter?
i can... fathom... the pain...
of omniscience... mingling with...
after all... is it... so... unwelcome...
one has to either suitor...
the discomforts of a crown...
with the comforts of the throne...
or the comforts of the crown...
with the discomforts of the throne...
few: if they are not...
ever managed to match:
the discomfort of the crown with the discomfort
of the throne...
i am indeed working on...
converting myself... back toward...
how the new testament is not simply
a greco-hebrew propaganda tool against
the romans...
blah blah...
but... point being...
how am i... to somehow... write in...
any other... ha ha! helpfully provided tongue?!
dig me from the trenches of...
what you wish to usurp...
and look how fiendish this will: per se...
this per se that crowns itself above your
omni- litany of ultimates!
ha! convolvulaceae: morning glory...
it will take... a fucking meteor to... rid your
quest to vanquish rome...
ancient or modern...
you could... with... egyptian
hierogylphics... with babylonian cuneiform...
but... these letters: even i were to envision
what you came to perform...
the symbiosis found - your people:
the enriched people... who are blameless...
ask the greeks: they'll simply yawn...
they'll sooner find the original...
in line with a greco-cyrillic parody to amuse
themselves of:
how the slavs entertained communism
that was tested on the mongols...
and how... for all the progressive allure of "left":
in the west.... blah blah...
i can't undermine...
for the worth of an idea...
it's hardly: the same as... the standard rubric
measure of spelling...
the arabs find spacing a problem...
between punctures of digital roman...
it was always a problem...
the hebrews knew it... they didn't need
to find the Ned or: keeping up with
handwritten scribbles...
the hebrew were waiting for the latin script
men to abolish handwriting and come to terms
with: letters = numbers = digits...
not chinese ideograms...
but no fucking fiver-river-flows of the greeks...
the arabs tried forever...
to imitate the weaving of the hand that
was writing... cut them apart...
crude... crude oil... about to be bull-whipped
and litmus tested... yacht pussy-boys...
(that)... i can't undermine the latin text
when i'm given no alternative to write in...
glagolitic script? really?
so what... bombard me
with angry-albino-negro-цeppelins?!
blitцkrieg my ass to what?
hopes for the polish-lithuanian times...
and the cossack uprising...
that... romance... sort-of... novel?
what's being question in... zee vest?
cheap shite history novellas...
less nomad and more undercover work...
about to be subdued...
or not...
less the diaspora as work...
and... waiting for the diaspora...
thus to the lottery of pornography...
the concept of...
the gravure model...
say... ai shinozaki...
beside the crude base...
page 3 milk cow rape of the eyes...
and the otherwise: niqab blinking and
touching in the dark...
a blank a limp biscuit worth
of phallus...
the collab. of iggy pop and 'avid bowie
in berlin...
ms. porcelain...
gravure models and...
the joy of insinuation...
porn as... the mona lisa efffffffff
how... somehow: the display of feeding pouches
of seranading... buttocks inverted:
pouches of... TITS
is to be mis... categorized...
as such: and not as such:
better that i am deemed simply to exist...
rather than have... any sort of life:
abounding in me...
sex as an insinuation...
not this... perverted third person:
cock in the way sort of...
i much prefer the asiatic:
nuance toward the credibility of
any sexual encounter...
the nearly squinting over the arabic
load of make-up and excess
of niqab...
priest over pin-head...
and much more... hovering like a noose...
a halo... above the suffocating circumstance
of the ditto-head...
that somehow the milk vessels
are topsy-turvy:
titty-wank one minute...
and... 12" dicks looking to preserve
their ass sit-on kumbayah
for the... the last lost genius
of the zodiac killer...
i have pardonable proof...
the crusades never took place...
or never is the never of:
finding... the philosopher's "stone":
the antithesis of res cogitans...
res vanus...
the unthinking "thing"...
the non-thinking...
clues up horizontal...
laying back: vertical...
i have to allow my shadow
this much... space...
paintbrush and canvas... and....
limits of a grief...
one that anyone can succumb to...
but: so few: fool-hearted
devolve to express...
it's not that the language
is so bothersome...
but the porn is... has...
reached a fever...
the white fluid of a woman
of body has been excavated far enough:
what orgy... what threesome...
what joke... what village bicycle...
harem of the eire and the polack...
i like the affairs of the gravure idol...
this to tease: this to taste...
this to cleave to... this leads to unrest...
because i am never...
the third party: the culprit voyeur...
better than a sex doll...
and it makes you "think"...
the european counter-brave...
forward... come einstein-frankenstein...
some of these...
gravure idols...
they're not photoshopped...
they're... genetically improved...
aesthetics of man...
losst count at 100,000 million...
and ther are a billion worth
of replicas...
it's not that there's something cheap
to concern oneself with...
it's that... there's always room for
they're not photoshopped...
inclined with liquid dead...
jelly confied... titty wanks...
i much like... sex as an insinuation...
rather than... being "date-raped"
by an image...
that ball load of phallus
in the way of gratifying me from my
one true: serial trace of metaphysical
translation of: hunger...
there's that... there's also...
the concern for... a canary...
and the cage and the wolf and the world
that: just so happens...
cried a privy demand for:
being looted with one's intestines
being... untangled and readied
to compensate one's concern for
making it an item:
for clarifying: .... measure!
who is... "ralph phiennes" without...
psychiatric membranes...
without: prescribed... limitations of...
chemical soups?
the same as a john malkovich?
who is... "ralph fiennes"?
lord voldermort...
but as an amalgam of...
francis dolarhyde and...
dennis "spider" cleg...
what is also a bride & groom...
of beckett and kafka...
and... that...
one sometimes... would wish... to know...
what one's prescribed medication are concerned
with... and what... they're... not...
yes... this is enough; for the worth
of a day: and now... a... towed....
because in the english speaking lands:
to have lived... and then to write a book...
never is a life to be lived:
in order to produce a book...
somehow everything happens a posteriori...
no one writes anything: "informal"...
all has to be lived prior...
and then the crown - the book...
to glue the pieces together...
a book like a forgotten cinema of memory...
i have here... an autobiographical sketch...
working from...
doomsday rejects - six hundred...
but working back to
reading about the hellraiser movie...
because it wasn't christopher young's
that was to be used... that came later...
but... coil's: unnatural history II: smiling
in the face of perversity...
sounds a bit like... doomsday rejects -
six hundred...
i will not... use the necessary...
diacritical marks to summon the turks:
for their advent of the balkans...
teasing vienna...
the old continent breathes...
while the new girth of a swelling of the birth
of h'america is: loaded with burdens
of its own making... for once...
the world is of not concern for these people...
iraq can fall asleep in its turmoil...
afghanistan can patch itself up to
the guard the Raj...
Libya will burn wood once
more... to light the fires to brush
against a satisfying warmth come the dune
nights of teasing metaphors of...
siberia... the transition period from:
ex azia: ex azoth...
nouns are seemingly cheap...
no wonder the hebrews
decided: to cover their former
beloved in:
tetragrammaton and ha-shem...
emperor nero didn't see...
it wasn't about a fire...
a mythology of some prometheus...
already a new mythology occurred...
who stole the staff of zeus
the blink sharpening of odin's plucked
out eye: as... eaten by...
huginn & muginn...
we are learning that some things...
are best left... unresolved...
i leave behind the hope for a romance
of dreams with arabia...
i have written these letters down
on my hand... hours later i solved
a sudoku and ascribed them...
2, 3, 4 and 7 status...
2 was the false h'eh (ה)
mirror bound inverted...
i guess the remaining letters were
(ل) was 3... (el)
(ك) was 4... (katta)...
mirror mirror on
the blank canvas... ⅃ - (ך) or
the copernican gamma: Γ
or (ר): the rest...
and 7 became... (ز) zord...
in all the autobiographies you might read:
in all the autobiographies
of the "celestial" beings:
none could match... Octavian Augustus...
roddy mcdowall: mark anthony is dead...
is that how one says is... it?
the soup is hot... the soup is cold...
mark anthony is living... mark anthony is...
you don't read in an autobiography...
a monument of incremental addition having
taken place...
take a harold norse: memoirs of the bastard angel...
monuments to... a inch of snow!
a cry for help of a stone...
strapped to a... landslide!
a truly democrastic detail! away from...
the ego: emperor and life:
that last colliseum's worth of an audience!
i had to finish the day off...
by having a little bonfire...
enough... to clear the way for 2 tonnes of soil
coming tomorrow...
and the grass... and the new shed...
and a patch of felt...
to measure up... losing a shadow...
anything... absolutely everything!
to escape the hideous formality of language...
from each... and this day... to match:
an escape from this day...
ironing my father's shirts etc.
in anger... teasing a clenched fist...
against a wall to extract plums of hue
on the knuckles...
no... listening to jazz didn't help...
i started with shostakovich...
oh hell no...
i moved toward rachmaninov...
wayne shorter: ju ju?
you fucking kidding me?
infected mushroom - converting vegetarians...
after that... i figured: just listen to the iron...
pretend you tamed a dragon or something...
jazz might have been the modus operandi
of escapism of the beatnik poets...
well... if you had to escape...
music akin to... vera lynn...
frank sinatra...
leotard liberace...
jim reeves... he does moon river...
better than anyone...
bobby vinton - blue on blue...
jazz the bet...
who the hell thinks of escaping when
listening to classical music...
probably anyone...
who hasn't listened to...
the meat & gravy of... what came out
of... prog rock... attention span of listeners...
escapism music...
1950s pitch-perfect pocket-load
of the dream that could never leave the shores
of a... dying embrace...
and then of course... there's the little bonfire...
some slightly wet juniper branches...
and drying... roots of a yucca...
the white smoke... and walking into
it and walking out of it...
coming out stinking... suffocating...
revived... baptised by the smoke
and the smashing of mirrors never peered
minding to have this burning done...
when the neighbours do not have
any washing out to dry...
a mini-event of democracy: retracted...
bold: loaned... words...
to cry and at the same time decry freedoms...
to lick the fire would imply
to have had a beard-trimmed...
escape? o.t.t. - younger brother...
demdyke stair...
and now coil...
the soft moon...
i could have wished to have escaped
with jazz...
if i were trapped by jim reeves...
and classical music is...
the base: not the bass... point of departure...
but i have had my bonfire...
it did feel like...
smoking a packet of cigarettes...
but there was no nicotine...
i saved 2 slingshots for now...
a baptism of having
walked through the burning
of yucca roots and juniper...
if a man like me would ever have
the blessening of a yesod: a foundation...
a throne...
his throne would be a dead oak...
and he would be hunched on top of it...
looking to the hour where his shadow would
tease the height of a mountain
in the fountain of naked eyes that peer with...
obnoxious scrutiny for: "truth" and...
child-argue "dialectics"...
for the crown: the keter?
i can... fathom... the pain...
of omniscience... mingling with...
after all... is it... so... unwelcome...
one has to either suitor...
the discomforts of a crown...
with the comforts of the throne...
or the comforts of the crown...
with the discomforts of the throne...
few: if they are not...
ever managed to match:
the discomfort of the crown with the discomfort
of the throne...
i am indeed working on...
converting myself... back toward...
how the new testament is not simply
a greco-hebrew propaganda tool against
the romans...
blah blah...
but... point being...
how am i... to somehow... write in...
any other... ha ha! helpfully provided tongue?!
dig me from the trenches of...
what you wish to usurp...
and look how fiendish this will: per se...
this per se that crowns itself above your
omni- litany of ultimates!
ha! convolvulaceae: morning glory...
it will take... a fucking meteor to... rid your
quest to vanquish rome...
ancient or modern...
you could... with... egyptian
hierogylphics... with babylonian cuneiform...
but... these letters: even i were to envision
what you came to perform...
the symbiosis found - your people:
the enriched people... who are blameless...
ask the greeks: they'll simply yawn...
they'll sooner find the original...
in line with a greco-cyrillic parody to amuse
themselves of:
how the slavs entertained communism
that was tested on the mongols...
and how... for all the progressive allure of "left":
in the west.... blah blah...
i can't undermine...
for the worth of an idea...
it's hardly: the same as... the standard rubric
measure of spelling...
the arabs find spacing a problem...
between punctures of digital roman...
it was always a problem...
the hebrews knew it... they didn't need
to find the Ned or: keeping up with
handwritten scribbles...
the hebrew were waiting for the latin script
men to abolish handwriting and come to terms
with: letters = numbers = digits...
not chinese ideograms...
but no fucking fiver-river-flows of the greeks...
the arabs tried forever...
to imitate the weaving of the hand that
was writing... cut them apart...
crude... crude oil... about to be bull-whipped
and litmus tested... yacht pussy-boys...
(that)... i can't undermine the latin text
when i'm given no alternative to write in...
glagolitic script? really?
so what... bombard me
with angry-albino-negro-цeppelins?!
blitцkrieg my ass to what?
hopes for the polish-lithuanian times...
and the cossack uprising...
that... romance... sort-of... novel?
what's being question in... zee vest?
cheap shite history novellas...
less nomad and more undercover work...
about to be subdued...
or not...
less the diaspora as work...
and... waiting for the diaspora...
thus to the lottery of pornography...
the concept of...
the gravure model...
say... ai shinozaki...
beside the crude base...
page 3 milk cow rape of the eyes...
and the otherwise: niqab blinking and
touching in the dark...
a blank a limp biscuit worth
of phallus...
the collab. of iggy pop and 'avid bowie
in berlin...
ms. porcelain...
gravure models and...
the joy of insinuation...
porn as... the mona lisa efffffffff
how... somehow: the display of feeding pouches
of seranading... buttocks inverted:
pouches of... TITS
is to be mis... categorized...
as such: and not as such:
better that i am deemed simply to exist...
rather than have... any sort of life:
abounding in me...
sex as an insinuation...
not this... perverted third person:
cock in the way sort of...
i much prefer the asiatic:
nuance toward the credibility of
any sexual encounter...
the nearly squinting over the arabic
load of make-up and excess
of niqab...
priest over pin-head...
and much more... hovering like a noose...
a halo... above the suffocating circumstance
of the ditto-head...
that somehow the milk vessels
are topsy-turvy:
titty-wank one minute...
and... 12" dicks looking to preserve
their ass sit-on kumbayah
for the... the last lost genius
of the zodiac killer...
i have pardonable proof...
the crusades never took place...
or never is the never of:
finding... the philosopher's "stone":
the antithesis of res cogitans...
res vanus...
the unthinking "thing"...
the non-thinking...
clues up horizontal...
laying back: vertical...
i have to allow my shadow
this much... space...
paintbrush and canvas... and....
limits of a grief...
one that anyone can succumb to...
but: so few: fool-hearted
devolve to express...
it's not that the language
is so bothersome...
but the porn is... has...
reached a fever...
the white fluid of a woman
of body has been excavated far enough:
what orgy... what threesome...
what joke... what village bicycle...
harem of the eire and the polack...
i like the affairs of the gravure idol...
this to tease: this to taste...
this to cleave to... this leads to unrest...
because i am never...
the third party: the culprit voyeur...
better than a sex doll...
and it makes you "think"...
the european counter-brave...
forward... come einstein-frankenstein...
some of these...
gravure idols...
they're not photoshopped...
they're... genetically improved...
aesthetics of man...
losst count at 100,000 million...
and ther are a billion worth
of replicas...
it's not that there's something cheap
to concern oneself with...
it's that... there's always room for
they're not photoshopped...
inclined with liquid dead...
jelly confied... titty wanks...
i much like... sex as an insinuation...
rather than... being "date-raped"
by an image...
that ball load of phallus
in the way of gratifying me from my
one true: serial trace of metaphysical
translation of: hunger...
there's that... there's also...
the concern for... a canary...
and the cage and the wolf and the world
that: just so happens...
cried a privy demand for:
being looted with one's intestines
being... untangled and readied
to compensate one's concern for
making it an item:
for clarifying: .... measure!
who is... "ralph phiennes" without...
psychiatric membranes...
without: prescribed... limitations of...
chemical soups?
the same as a john malkovich?
who is... "ralph fiennes"?
lord voldermort...
but as an amalgam of...
francis dolarhyde and...
dennis "spider" cleg...
what is also a bride & groom...
of beckett and kafka...
and... that...
one sometimes... would wish... to know...
what one's prescribed medication are concerned
with... and what... they're... not...
yes... this is enough; for the worth
of a day: and now... a... towed....
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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