This country's gone insane, gone mad, Gone down the drain so so fast, It's not a country no more it's a mental asylum I call "Great-Babylon" It makes me shiver, It makes me cry, It gives me nightmares & that's no lie. it makes me sad, It makes me feel mad,
it breaks my heart to hear & see all the shit on the tv, Got kids killing kids men killing men, gangs at 13 years old & younger, Kids on bikes robbing OAP's with knifes, acid attacks, kids found With arms full of tracks, needles found in parks, kids doing smash and grabs, slicing & dicing chopping and stabbing.
Welcome to the Babylon asylum The Great British nuthouse run by kids and narcissistic adults,
The nut house of brain washed youth. The place of Petrified parents School teachers & police.