Judge me not!

I'm bored to death bored outa my fuckn mind
That seeking death is my only grind
I just don't give a fuck I have nothing to live for
Fuck it send me to hell I don't need your pearly gates don't need you to open that door.
All I know is suffer suffering thru sin and since you know it all its been predestined since fucking life begin....
Starting with Adam and Eve you start the world over and over again well God what the fuck do you plan to achieve. I'm nothing more than ya bastard son whom you purposely misguided and completely disowned
I'm on Luchipher side bitch its time you be dethroned
Yet you expect me to keep praying and just have hope; but bitch you never answered one so with my liquor & drugs how the fuck you expect me to cope.
You told me obey man laws but not to trust non so its ironic than instead of "Virgin Mary why wasn't it an angel who gave birth to your only begotten son?
Why can't your bitch ass ever just speak clear without all your puns and riddles
Oh get I'm your catch phase of a bad jokes so it all ain't nothing but shits and giggles
Yet you there Stans before me as a fucking judge God or no God I'll slit ya tucking throat without a blink without a budge
death ain't the enemy its been you this whole fucking time
Yet since you not a man you can't own up to your own tucking crime
What my extinct ancestors did ain't got shit to do with me
Yeah nigga you all knowing and shit so why your dumbass can't see!!!???
I renounce my faith I renounce you ever existed
Made in image right so like you now its my ass to kiss
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