All Eyes On Me

the glassy eyed truth
is on a child's spindle of belief
the cosmos awakens to find her clothes missing
her children raped

if this disturbs you it should

the galactic ball is attended by a thief
who stole everything precious
with lies told from the pul-pit

scavenger of those who fear
I am their Mother
you can no longer keep me restrained

I slept a millennia evolving
and gaining momentum while asleep
no need for speculation
you've a plan I am going to derail it

this is plain talk
even an illiterate beast can understand
I left my message at the door
I'll be storming it soon we're at war

your intentions are weak
i'm not number 203
your mistress, whore or door

stand clear

this is the last warning you'll ever hear
i'm lethal
yes death awaits you

Captain Sir

Written by crimsin (Unveiling)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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