Make or Break

I have a dream
It’s real to me
Not some pie in the sky dream
I like to deal in life’s reality
I guess I got the show me mentality
Yes I got faith
But I choose to deal in this present reality
God bless the child that got its own
Lights, Camera, Action!
It’s Prime Time Baby!
It’s Show Time Baby!
It’s Do or Die Time Baby!  
You make your own big breaks in this life
Don’t play with this life
This mean old mother sucker can break you down
Down to the ground with the light bill still past due
Who do you turn too when the chips are down?
Don’t be fooled
The local church wants her cut
The IRS took form you before you cashed your check
Daddy was through with you when you left the nest
You say that I’m tripping
But I got faith
Yes, I got faith
You make your own breaks in life
This life can be real hard sometimes
Got people tossing and turning in their sleep at night
Got folks waking up in the middle of the night
Shouting out loud for all to hear
“I had a dream 6, 24, 26, 27, 37, 47“
Go back to sleep fool and stop banking all your hope and dreams
On some pimped out ping pong ball machine
You need to get you a Sun Trust Bank account
Yes I got faith
I got dreams
But you got to make your own breaks in life
Some folks are waiting around for Old School to die
Salivating about the hope of some family inheritance
Wake up fool!
Old School went through the Great Depression
They done already bought the grave site fully equipped with the sunken money pit
Deal with your present reality
It’s make or break time
You walking around here afraid to check your own mail
The home phone is ringing off the hook
These debt collectors got your phone number on speed dial
Tracking you down like some famous rock star
Yes I feel your pain
They got you walking around here in a daze
Head hung down constantly looking for a pot to piss in
God help the penny collection
It does not have a chance
Visa got you borrowing form Peter to pay Paul
The out of control interest rates are eating you up
Mama might have
Papa might have
But god bless the child that got its own
You see my brother
You see my sister
Its time to wake up
Its time to shape up
Its time to man up
You see my brother man
Your present reality is crystal clear
Can anyone of us really say that we really own anything we still got to pay?
It’s Prime Time!
Make or break

Written by catsogod
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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