Image for the poem Master Of Your Path

Master Of Your Path

Study the craft of mankind and then
Become the master of your own path
Visualize the science behind all of it
And analytically compute the math

The equations that we all be facing
Aren't the same or remotely equal
Some situations may be a bit similar
But we are all our own unique people

Tis the season to make a change
A new year is quickly approaching
Some circles may become smaller
Only you know who you'll be disposing

Anything or anyone that is toxic
Leave it behind in twenty seventeen
Colon cleanse your inner spirit
Like you've eaten some collard greens

Drop them kids off at the nearest pool
You'll feel much better at the end of this
Give fair warning to oncoming people
Not to go in there for 35 to 45 minutes

Forget all of that making New Years resolutions
How about you aspiring to create personal goals
Because most resolutions aren't kept anyways
That's a fact that each and everyone of us knows

What's the difference between goals and resolutions
Probably really not much more than your mindset
Resolutions more times than not are to impress people
Which is why many folks eventually get off of their track

Written by da_poetic-edifier (Damon)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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