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16th Dec 2009 3:36am
How strange, I thought I was the only one who considered slight imperfections of the body and face to be more beautiful than pampered, plastic 'masculinity.' Nice little poem. Wish it could have been a bit longer, however.


re: Comment
5th Jan 2010 5:04pm
Thank you.
The poem's length is dictated by the Haiku form. There are longer Japanese forms. I'll think about it.
The poem's length is dictated by the Haiku form. There are longer Japanese forms. I'll think about it.
16th Dec 2009 1:58pm
sweet and so short, still makes you muse over so much.


re: awh
5th Jan 2010 5:05pm
Thanks very much.
Few words leaves lots of room for the reader's imagination.
Few words leaves lots of room for the reader's imagination.
thank you
16th Dec 2009 5:17pm
liked it a lot. those three lines say much more than some poems of one page's length. perfect imperfection - ideal combination of words, the sound of them (when you read it loud) makes the poem stronger. enjoyed it a lot.

re: thank you
5th Jan 2010 5:07pm
The credit for Perect imperfection belongs to Lowell George, once of Little Feat. It's the title of one of the band's loveliest songs.
I'm pleased that you liked my borrowing.
I'm pleased that you liked my borrowing.
Re: Full Face
17th Jul 2013 8:03pm