i AM THE Marquis De Sick                    
I am a 53 yr old professional artist and poet                  
I love great art, music, astrology, the hermetic arts, vampires, food, nutrition, cinema, intense weight training and most of all I adore women - old, young, big to small.                  
My favorite color.....Darkness                  
The images that move me are not really in the world or if they are I                  
rarely find them let me attempt to describe in words what for me                  
exist as pure atmospherics and feelings or spirit                  
I gravitate towards women that suffer sever reality distortions mentally which not only permeates their minds but perhaps their bodies as in a strange or enigmatic face .(autassinophilia)                  
More then beauty of their form there reactions of being slowly destroyed is of the utmost importance i.e.facial movements, body movements poses gestures ,cries, thumping sounds,the scent of there cunts, ass, feet,, they might talk to me in terms of willingness or an imploring sentiment How they may want to dress for the occasion of there destruction ...                  
.Should they ware a bathing cap..put their hair in a bun or perhaps a gauze dress, naked or formal ware                  
Some times they will attempt neatness ..organizing things...foresight bringing their own body bag as women can be fussy and love attention to detail and then half dead crawl into it to be finished off ,The narratives of their demise remain virtually endless.                  
I love the idea of a woman desperately desirous to commit suicide or to be undone by another                  
Blood and virtually all bodily substances being lost make me absolutely feral as if history deconstructing itself could be erotic                  
I almost always fall intensely in love with my victims.                  
Im always kissing them , crying, hugging brooding devouring                  
Im absolutely mad for females and those feelings are greatly amplified by their willingness to be victims                  
,I adore almost every woman i see through the lens of this erotic morbidity                  
I also fantasize about being hurt and even murdered by women as this transgressive pathology inverts .
I want to see her with that sick contorted  look on her face as she pushes a blade through me  i want to see her feed and fall apart..release her tension her beautiful cunt flood gate...thrill to my me slump like a bag of potatoes  ...i guess im a sick boy who loves the tormented bitch...i wana be her love kill                    
Come to me my love for brooding bloody kisses and pain that excites                  
Our lives are menstrual cycles in time ...the great mother Kali to the Hindus..Cronus to the                    
Greeks etc etc etc                  
Blood Moons Profile                      
I am a woman  in my early thirties, sexual and single.                      
I guess you could call my hair auburn, although sometimes I like highlighing it with blue or shades of purple. I am  5 ft 4  and have plump tits with large, pink nipples and big blue eyes.                      
I am trilingual ..I speak English Portuguese and baby talk. :)                      
I love film, literature,  poetry,  music, dance and art.                      
I am somewhat odd. Not your usual. On the outside, I seem polite, and "normal." I mean, I am always polite. I can be very shy unless that dark, feral side of me is ignited, which happens very often. But underneath the surface is a little sick and twisted zombie girl. here is what I mean:                      
I have a curious and strange penchant for the for dark eroticism. Honestly, it's a lot more than that. I obsess on the on thought of despicable acts of self-hurting and while thats predominant I'm not above imposing delicious cruelties upon others know do unto others.....   .                      
Ever since I can remember, I cannot imagine anything more pleasurable than being subjugated, cut, burned, strangled, drugged, used and abused sexually.   . It utterly thrills me. I can be such a little horny whore cum dumpster. In fact, the idea being used and needed like that is the only way I can reach orgasm.                      
I can also be very romantic and sensual, and as I have said, somewhat shy. I want to give myself up to someone, I am a slender throat ...a vulnerable belly..i am bare foot sex slave girl with piquant nipples smiling waiting with love to be undone
 I love when a man or woman derives pleasure taking control of me                      
to be used for their pleasure,I want pain that excites. I truly need this. Very few  understand it.                      
 I consider myself a feminist. This might seem bizarre, but it is true. I am a feminist  who rejects "group think" about feminism. Who has contemplated her own soul and desires.                      
 I find power in being objectified ....yeah look at me ...want me ...that's the way we are made. (Wake up moralists--- it's beautiful to be desired!)                      
I know whatI need and want. I go for it.  If you want to be high minded and judge me go ahead.   I' m certainly not sitting at home waiting for some vanilla Prince Charming!                      
I'm a woman who has given herself permission to embrace her most base and perverse desires and play hard with anybody, as I please, Having said that you may appreciate i like being reduced to a hungry mouth asshole and cunt for hard use  
While I like to be an obedient little slut , It excites me  sexually to inflict  little cruelties upon myself . I will splay myself upon the altar of sacrifice and death to see you satisfied and also because it turns my pussy to lava... to ecstasy and orgasmic pleasure of the most intense kind.  
Will you melt at the sight of me sullied, will you turn me to a writhing queen snake ?          
Of course,that is not just with anybody  I need an artist who can play me like a violin but knows when to beat the drums or barley touch the keys  
Who can read my soul like a musical score, no taboos bad boys and girls....come get me    
Blood Moon: Hmm. Marquis de Sick., Interesting name….it rather intrigues                      
me. Can you tell me a bit about yourself? I mean, my instincts are telling                      
me you might like someone like me. Sick. Twisted. "Crazy-perverted",                      
 might say.                      
But that is just it. I do not tell barely anybody about that part of me.                      
Marquis de Sick:                      
Hello, there! Thank you so much for answering my                      
private message.                      
I saw your profile picture...i love your face and breasts…the way you posed with the  knife cutting into your skin. I could feel you wanting it...wanting to oooze blood  gorgeous. It drew me to you right away.                      
I don't keep secrets from myself.and i wont keep them from you either especially since your so a romantic sadistic man and i ache to hurt you..i might take it to far and im afraid you wouldn't stop me..i could kill you ..murder you ever so slowly over days maybe work you down slow at first with sweet little horrors ...holding you down so hard ..worshiping you ...loving you as you suffer and give yourself to me ...will you be brave my love ..will you weep with grace...i feel your soul ..come to me ...will you ...i need you willing                      
would you like a sweet dark kiss                      
would you like me to brush my mouth and razor teeth across your tits                      
may i kiss your feet                      
lick between every precious toe                      
caress  your anus with my tongue and cock                      
submerge my face in your delicious cunt                      
licking sucking kissing loving                      
give you a devils bite                      
knives and teeth through your flesh like butter                      
drink your blood from men-strum                      
and slit opened arteries                      
gag you on my lolly pop cock til your warm puke rolls down my thighs                      
will you give me a a suicidal foot ass show in a blood stained bath tub                      
will you coo and owww and ahhh                      
if i slit your belly open with a razor                      
and drink cum from my bulging dick                      
while i unwind your intestine                      
will you welcome the rope and the garrote                      
until you are subsumed in deaths dark embrace                      
your face horrors grace                      
will you agree to be drowned in the toilet                      
while being sweetly ass fucked                      
will it make you tits harden                      
your cunt drool                      
I will pump your hungry dark holes with filthy warm butter scum                      
leaving you in a mouldering heap                      
will you gladly submit....hope so!!!!                      
One day later:                      
Blood Moon: Actually.                      
It has taken me a day to write back. I was so moved and taken aback by                      
your message…I mean, how do I say this?                      
(deep breath) haha                      
Ok, I will try to put it into words. Nobody has ever ..and I mean                      
ever..understood me so very completely in my life time                      
like you just did in that message. I mean, did it make my mouth dry my nipples so sensitive, my  little pussy a sopping buttery wound like a little girl crying for what she doesn't have yet?             yes please                    .                      
I need that, you see. I need to be consumed. To have that tenderness                      
with the cruelty. I need to feel pain for pleasure. It could be                      
dangerous. I need to kisses and cruelty. . Undone, slowly,                      
with languid  kisses and delicate cruelties  till seduced to give my all upon the altar of sacrifice.                      
Use me. bend my mind,  then split me open with your cock cradled in my loving mouth as I diffuse and fall into the abyss                      
Strangle me slowly ..i want to feel your strong hands on my throat, be merciless. Slit my nipples  and slap them hard cunt will drool kisses for that                      
Singe my tender nipples.too...Make me your pain whore                      
They put me in a hospital, once. I was cutting myself, just to get off. I                      
was burning my own thighs, putting out cigarettes on them. I had orgasms                      
from it. I am truly fucked up, you see. Who is going to love that? I doubt                      
anyone. I need to be used.                      
But you, you speak of something like…love. This confuses me. Excites me.                      
Makes me want to both run away and ask for a picture.                      
I leave you now, with this.                      
Btw, my name is Anita.                      
Call me Nita.                      
Sincerely, Blood Moon                      
I LOVE IT NITA  and i love you for your delicious  twisted desires your sweet hell boy come to love you like you need                      
do you think you'd be all sweet about it after the first beating and hard fuck                      
i would love to have you see me slow chew a toe or finger of yours after i dismembered it                      
i think my cock is in tears ..little fucker is always crying about something...i think he needs a good beating himself :)                      
i know what you need my love and i am up to it ....people always think torture or killing is a crime of hate would not be for me would be an act of pure adoration..a crime of lust out of bounds lust                      
and the more blood and tears and strangles and the more ruined you got ..the more bruised bleeding burnt hung the hotter i would get                      
my last act  would be an act of feral madness so delicious i would be able to think of nothing else for the rest of my life ..obsessing on you the smells of your innards.... the cries the kissing the hurting and yummm fuck of it all..your beautiful blood and tortured limbs ...fuck me baby i think you got me good                      
is it love???????????                      
first date                      
on the first date                      
she confided in me                      
i have a chromosomal disorder, disorder, disorder                      
i need love and pain strangely mixed together                      
my elixirs                      
i suffer reality distoooorrtions                      
a ghastly Vatican of erotic compulsions                      
my soul is black matter                      
my cunt a seething cauldron of despicable desire                      
my ass cries for homicidal cruelty                      
mold me into a cum dumpster                      
fold me like a two dollar beach chair                      
the wrong way                      
tare me to bits                      
unwind my intestine                      
eat me like a blood sucking bat                      
make me squirm like an anime victim                      
i thought oh finally a soul mate                      
with soul                      
strange as a Dionysian mad hatter on hallucinogenics                      
girl ghoul                      
grimacing at me                      
meandering conjurations by facial contortions                      
stunning impersonations of a Fellini impaling                      
shes a famous artist                      
keeps broodish bowels and blood tampons in stainless vitrines                      
spot lighted                      
ready for her debut at the MOMA                      
she blows torrents of snot like scum                      
her beautiful desperate tongue searching the upper lip                      
a salty runny viscoses snack                      
finding it finally with her frenetic tongue                      
feeding her gooey cunt                      
with wet fingers                      
oh yummy yum goo                      
up her ass too                      
first smiling then hideous scowls                      
exposed teeth                      
posing with a knife                      
wana see me cut my self bad boy she taunts                      
blood blood pee in the be in the bed                      
wipe it up with ginger bread                      
some how she miraculously bulges her eyes out                      
then performs, sucking lips as if a minnow in a fish jar                      
pointing to her ass                      
giving me that sexy hurt me twisted look                      
how about a peanut butter jelly asshole sandwich                      
with a side of bloody feet                      
scum and shit on toes                      
its especially prized this day of the month                      
as her cunt tears like a vampires mouth, a torrent a blood                      
pouting cunt with white red stained thighs that brake a mans heart                      
omg nothing at all she quips                      
just a little accident                      
do you like it?                      
as she glares like an invitation                      
to play with her                      
in a puddle of blood                      
oh she made me horny                      
my cherry red cock having a nervous breakdown                      
from apoplectic horror gasms                      
a dose of heavens hell                      
i want her                      
she is voluptuous like a dozen venomous snakes                      
copulating in warm soup dark water everglades                      
she is slither theater                      
curdling screams                      
then muggling orgasms                      
brought on by the first belly stab                      
falling to her knees                      
looking up shocked                      
mouth gaping                      
eyes wide                      
glance steady                      
holding holding holding                      
the belly cut                      
a cacophonous modern dance of agony                      
followed by convulsing orgasms                      
that went on and on and on                      
get a bat she implored                      
she is a real fucking movie star                      
the Greta Garbo of snuff                      
a dark jewel                      
a must have                      
a hell wife                      
goddess of dread                      
a fucking sex genius                      
my best girl ever                      
fused by desire                      
we kissed like scum loving catholic priests                      
in adoration of there savior                      
young boy ass castrato hitting the high notes                      
she looked up with desperation                      
eyes with glittering tears                      
and said                      
are you my black knight?                      
do you know how to hurt a girl                      
are you my                      
Vex Mallus                      
Dr Satan                      
Marquis de sick                      
Nick Nick                      
Dark officer                      
Remus the werewolf                      
Dom sugar daddy                      
Pit Bull                      
Tommy the tummy gutter                      
5 o'clock shadow                      
London cabby                      
Amputee fucker                      
Uncle surgery gone wrong                      
King of the Carpathian vampires                      
my sweet kissy Kitten                      
ooohh Yes i said                      
i am all that for loves sake                      
albeit twisted                      
i am what you crave.. your no taboo lover boy                      
your asshole licking foot slave with a razor in hand                      
a bubble of poison between my legs                      
your homicidal suicidal cockealiciousness                      
She said good,                      
now that we have that settled                      
can we go out for dinner                      
ill be dressed in a jiffy                      
if i can find my dead skirt                      
of soft white gauze                      
with that lovely motif of dread red                      
and my precious toe tag jewelery                
Blood Moon:                
 Omg. I feel like laughing and crying all at once. Honestly: I am speechless. for lack of a better word ;) Your poem: that was something. It blew me away actually. I mean: that is IT. you have captured it.                
I think you may just be my black knight, and yes, i want to get to know you much better.            
I want: to meet you. Someday maybe  you will pick me up from the airport. I will bring nothing at all, never to return, dressed as you instruct, my affairs in order must see to my destiny as your princess of sacrifice              
I could see our encounter starting out a bit like this:                
in between lines                
have we but                  
delicately crossed them                
in the cloak of night                
I shape shift                
before you                
on my knees, looking up                
tits cinched                
spilling out of this                 
tight black corset                
nipples bursting like                  
ripened summer fruit                  
your eyes riveted to mine                
two smoky blue fires
pools of desire                 
piercing my indigo vulva                
as I begin to disintegrate                
into a wisp of sparks                
yet a pillar of fire                
betraying my own                
wanton vulnerability                
as I burn and writhe               
my mouth a luscious                
magenta O                 
tongue flicking                
for pleasures cruel and sweet               
riveted to magnet gaze                
I need to drink'                
from your dark, milky spring                
push hard onto your                  
ache with gleaming lips                 
your masculine essence                
wrap your glowing tenderness                               
like a royal garment,                
only for it to be slowly                  
slipping upon the floor                
my flesh turned into                
a river plush yielding                  
slick, piquant urgency                
Flood me                
with your succulence                
your vigorous love                
Feed it to me                
in long jets                
let me feast upon                
the liquid gift                
of our rising                
and then,                  
undo me  
bend and breach
without mercy               
as I melt                 
like fluid marrow  
an empty hull                 
like the diamond night  
and searing stars               
yes, that is my romantic side. this is before you tie me tight and pull my hair back as you spank me raw, on all fours, my ass turned up. haunches wide before you ass fuck me and  force me ,your fuck doll, to suck off your brimming cock. before you brutally skull fuck me and hold the knife up to my ample pleading tits., making one sweet nick ,oh my beloved, as you caress the contours of my mouth with famished tongue.... OMG!!!  YES              
That is what I see.                
and so, my Dark Knight, I ask you this:                
 What it is that you want?                  
sending you (dare i? ) kisses. eyelash flickers. some tears...yes, emotion has gotten the better of me, toooooo                
Marqius De Sick                
i want to kiss your sweet mouth you delicious woman you                
love and lick your tender anus and pussy                
before i l kill you i want you to lick my asshole balls and gag you for hours on my cock                
i want so very much to hurt you my love... :) will you be good?                
i want at first to give you little cuts and burns..hurty teases                
pretty nipple bleeds                
hurt your face with a punch to get you in the mood to slobber all over my cock                
i want to see you lick your own blood off my big dick                
look up and smile and say mmmmmm                
then show me your in love with it                
i so want lick and finger fuck you                
then a long blade up your rectum ....merciless                
holding you down escape ... never...kisses never ceasing                
to see you bleed like a river all oiled up                
i hope you lose your bowels..                
piss all over yourself                
squeeze the blood out of you cunt and nipples                
i want you willing to die for my pleasure                
beg to have your throat and tits slit wide                
i want it to be slow very intense                
i want to take you and pull you apart                
like a fresh mourning coffee roll                
fingerless toe-less nipples gone bleeding                
omg i could cum loving you like that                
you quivering in agony                
i want my cock deep in your delicious pussy                
my hands cradling your head looking into your eyes                
my tongue in your bloody wet mouth                
i want you crying .                
your pussy drooling                
i want o cum in you my sweet love as death dissolves you                
you know how beautiful you will be with that fucked up                
im so dead stare                
ill draw and quarter you                
eat your eyes and swallow your filthy intestines and lovely ass hole a                
omg baby i promise every stitch                
and love my little snuff whore princess 4 ever                
gawd my cock is so hard for you                
more blood and asshole please                
xoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxo <3                
sweet little girl                
little pussy pie                
give me lovely kisses                
before you die                
positioned face down                
before i murder you                
knife to your throat                
i lick your ass too                
ill fuck you sweet                
and hear you weep                
i love you honey                
i am your creep                
hands tied behind your back                
i kiss your feet                
ready my love                
your are so sweet                
i ll twist your bones                
ooo so slow                
while i lick your tits                
my cock you'll blow                
is it good                
i check with you                
omg you say                
burn me too                
i slit you open                
your cunt gets all wet                
you scream my love                
im glad we met                
you squeal and you tremble                
i fuck your back door                
oww its gooey good                
your the best little whore                
i strangle and mangle                
my darling to death                
your cries never stop                
till your last breath                
all floppy now                
what a lovely dread                
ill fuck you some more                
so pretty in bed                
into the bath tub                
ass over belly                
in  the water                
youll turn to jelly                
my god your so pretty                
i love you soul                
im crying honey                
may i lick your hole                
sweet little girl                
little pussy pie                
give me lovely kisses                
before you die                
oh yes my love this is what i need ..what i want                
But before you impose your will and i yield to the pain i crave  you come to me naked and ripped with your swollen tear dropped break your heart shaped warm mouth finds your lips ..i kiss your eyes ..i gag my self from your thrusting cock...i thrill to the  feel of your razor teeth searching my throat for a death grip cunt hard and drooling a drenched pillar of fire .....take me all the way safe words it up excites me beyond measure You look into my eyes and say are you really going to fuck me and take my life that what you want you say              
please i beg ever so slow my live...take me apart so i can savor every moment... do it, do it ,do pull me hard into you voluptuous breasts ..spread wide my legs as your cock enters cunt opens as i lose myself in  flutters of ecstasy....  ...I weep as i writhe to the merciless tears of flesh.....ooooow dont stop i call as we slide in delirious escalating rhythms as if possessed by Kali's blood hungry shadowed specters ...              
im helpless as you cross my  breasts zig zagging slowly with razors from my belly to my cunt .. throat to face to feet to ass and turn me into a twisted oozing wraith dream of being ever so slowly be transformed into your o so willing blood whore              
I moan and twist  in heaving waves orgasmic kissing your warm mouth  desperately ,being held down hard  by you knowing im being consumed... crying in delirium... my anus and cunt clenching, clenching ,clenching and then releasing in starts and fits as i give way to enormous orgiastic  billowing clouds of darkness leaden and hermetic....Oh my beloved finish this ...take me throttle your little whore slave I live to die from the pleasure of your cruel gifts              
Marquis De Sick              
Oh my beloved how sweet you let pain and death take you graceful..aesthetic beyond my wildest dreams              
I can tell you understand me perfectly so i hope you will  indulge my desire ti granulate what moves me so obsessively and share my deepest to your very own              
The key to my deep hororgasmic fantasies is that the woman is abjectly deranged mentally so she interprets every horrible thing i do to her or force on her as something she is desperately in need hurts yes but she loves it and needs it  as you do She so very much wants to be brutally murdered some of my fantasies the women show up on there murder day all smiles all dressed up ..her hair back waring her best jewelry              
and after kissing she begs to be roughed up ...knocked around  until forced to her knees aching to press her mouth to my just goes on and on sometimes for an hour long masturbation ...i imagine then so vividly bloody sweaty if she may  vomit from being so intensely throat fucked  i imagine the stench ..i love seeing her crawling around in her filth and fluids begging and weeping for more calling to me anything you want anything at all              
Dont you know im your sweet suffering murder whore ready willing and most able to face the dark waters you have in store for me              
i want to cut your body and mouth  little strangling and beatings to get you hot ...i love that you always remain eager for the next event ...Im a sick sick boy...              
When we talk about these ordeals of sex and and theses despicable acts of transgression   i feet my cock twinge              
I want to do it not only to you but for you...i adjust with pleasure to make it right for you ...your experience is of the utmost importance to me...seeing you destroyed in a way that excites and pleases you accentuates the eroticism for me..killing is an act of delicious catharsis ...watching you die is beautiful ...seeing you diffuse..... drugging you...kissing ...watching you bleed shake tremble is so hot dam sexual ...seeing you insane and self destructive would be a thrill ....              
i want to take you to the dark labyrinth tuileries for you to lose yourself feels like im loving you caressing you even worshiping you by taking you apart...unraveling you...Your sacrifice feels like an incredible gift              
Finally seeing you dead and ruined that blank oh you really fucked me good stare would dazzle my senses and thats why i would be in tears...i would be overwhelmed be the admixture of feminine beauty and the grotesque and that you had the courage of your convictions and inspiration to actually go through with it ...suffered the ordeal...your nipples hard your sweet soft kisses...crying yes ...tears yes ..its momentous, Your cunt soaking your anus gaping I want to love lick suck you all over and yes my sweet darling i want to take your life a poet an artist ...with care .but indefatigably and in the end no turning back Blood Moon...Id make you mine forever .              
I would be merciless the way you need ..with heart and soul ...till your gone cock deep in you my love, pouring my warm butter love cum up inside beautiful delicious you as i  squeeze the very last of life out of your tremulous body my love, kisses unceasing...Would you like that?              
ECHOES OF OBLIVION              
i always imagine you so very graceful              
through the masochists ordeal              
a god form of supplication              
seeing your face              
in love              
fascinated by shimmering kisses              
that hurt, yet please              
wet lips and sharp teeth                
glamors that excite              
cold blade licks dragged across              
tender bellies              
and flexed toes              
then radiating outwards              
wounds become lilies              
mouth sucking              
tremulous weeping kisses              
ecstatic cruelties              
blood glitter sacrifice              
your supplication              
loves pangs              
im shaking apart over you              
your countenance              
a cascading dream              
moved to tears of adoration              
your  limitless              
like surrenders caress              
an infinite communion              
with fragile limbs              
silky wrapped spools              
innerness of desire veiled in a shroud              
a faltering star that glistens crimson              
nymph of purgation              
spews ash volcanic              
cells en-flamed with tongues that bite              
subsumed in scented vapors              
a confection of cunt and ass              
waves embrace ineffable shores              
passed the discontinuity of life                
I have the most immense feeling of love for you              
am i not              
saint death                
quietly following you              
through lifes labyrinth              
waiting humbly in the wings              
i am all ache for you              
a vice of kisses              
a brief encounter              
that eats your sight and senses              
ushering you to immortal freedom              
a swooning garland of fire that enlivens              
the body electric              
a mist of molecules              
your tears intoxicate              
i am new life within you              
budding embryo              
that consumes its mother for nourishment              
and saturates like dew drops                
echoes of oblivion              
an erotic obsession          
BLOOD MOON        
My God. I mean YES. You definitely have me hooked.          
All I can say is: I need to hear your voice, and would like very much for you to hear mine.          
I must do a "reality check:"The way you write to me. I am falling into something I have not yet previously known,. Never has anyone read me so clearly.        
This whole thing feels like "new life within me", as your poem magnificently expressed, and i am hoping and praying that you feel the same.        
And I NEVER pray.        
Not only that. You have caught me just before my blood flow. This when I am at my wildest. When I will do everything and anything. When I am in a frenzy of hormonal and primordial lust. When I am filled to bursting with longing to the point of small scratch beneath the surface and it will pour out.          
It is a rush of emotion that I treasure. I need it. I need to be devoured. To be inhaled. To be thoroughly impaled and penetrated to the core. For your night to envelope me as I release mine into your blood          
In a frenzy of wolf howl        
primordial blood lust        
you hunt and I am hunted                
I need your eyes to burn          
their power into me        
just as I will kindle your soul        
from the inside out          
like a dirty little all-consuming wick        
just as I need to suck you all the way up inside of me        
to have you watch my fingers          
become oiled with unguents        
from my eager tormented  pudenda        
my woman liquids frothy awaiting        
the ultimate infiltration        
I need to feel you          
inside my cells.        
be my needle and thread  
a scorpions current       
bursting forth like a map        
of a sapling,
tender shoots splayed        
I need arms and nails
like vices pinning my wrists        
above my head  
a helpless pyre     
my back arched
writhing pussy delta  
hips sway       
beneath the thrusts  
undulations victim       
dark soaking chambers plundered       
your seed spilling from my mouth        
a vat of scum cascading out        
from the weeping  slit        
beneath the bud of swollen clit        
I need my ass adored and ravaged        
I need to be tied to the stake        
and teased.  
tortured into oblivion          
until oceans over flow       
the smooth slope of thigh        
and I am crying out like the feral        
she-creature that I truly am        
the stars echoing back our          
moans in their        
I need to be taken        
and to take        
to stake my claim in your flesh,          
your essence all over me        
to ride your mouth
like a crazed bitch         
rip your skin with witches nails        
to be engorged devoured and stuffed until I cannot breathe        
and make you beg for more        
as I stop to gaze
and thrill to see you curdle  
like a tree on fire
i shred and rearrange you
cunts desire a blast from hell       
All of that I need        
and so much more        
as I take my very soul        
pour it, like lava, into          
the heart          
of your          
open core        
Take me. Force me into the white bathtub. Chain my delicate flower-stem  wrists cruelly to faucet. Then..cut me. Brand me. torture my tits. Tie them and beat them. let you wild cruel animal have its awful way with me.I am your sacrificial lamb turned to leopard.. I will come wearing nothing but skin and essence of glowing soul. My jewels are shining, just for you, Will you unravel me completely, re-arrange me?  Will you peel me down in flayed pleasure, my cries of ecstatic torment signaling you to go on , go on .go on ? My anguish actually filling me like a garden beaten by a hard rains burst of flowers?          
In the hour of my doom,        
'for you, my love, I bloom.        
 I am whole again        
as you inundate me        
 break me down        
penetrate me        
my suffering is my healing        
and I weep in gratitude.        
So. Very, Ready.        
My phone number is included below. i await your call.        
Quivering in anticipation        
and excitement        
Your Blood Moon        
Marquis De Sick      
ill call you this evening...i need your feel you come closer      
to hear your speech hear your lips feel as if i can see your tongue      
to imagine your saliva... wet lips glistening that calls to my eyes        
i cant tell you my sweet darling how the thought of slowly undoing you in a white bath tub        
ill turn you your body into a royal scarlet  robe        
i would weep from the pleasure seeing you so utterly sweet and cruel      
sullied in cum and crimson liquescents      
your haunches widened        
wound junkie      
I wonder what exactly you would really like..      
i mean      
may i start with a sweet dark kiss      
would you like me to brush my mouth and razor teeth across your aureoles        
may i kiss your feet      
lick between every precious toe      
caress  your soft anus with my tongue and cock      
submerge my face in your delicious cunt      
licking sucking kissing loving      
worshiping pink drool clitoris        
give you a devils bite      
knives and teeth through your yielding flesh like butter      
drink your blood from men-strum      
and slit opened arteries      
gag you on my lolly pop cock til your warm puke cascades down my thighs      
your chin  tits belly and thighs      
will you give me a a suicidal foot ass show in a blood stained bath tub      
your blood jam crypt      
will you coo and owww and ahhh      
if i slit your belly open with a razor      
and drink cum from my bulging dick      
while i unwind your intestine      
will you welcome the rope and the garrote      
until you are subsumed in deaths dark embrace      
your face horrors grace      
will you agree to be drowned in the toilet      
while being sweetly ass fucked      
will it make you tits harden      
your cunt drool      
I will pump your hungry dark holes with filthy warm butter scum      
leaving you in a mouldering heap      
a squandered corpse orgasming      
will you gladly submit....hope so      
A poem for you to ponder my darling      
ill open your belly o so slow      
you looking right at me      
your mouth wide gaping dark      
you've thought about it      
but to really do it      
to look down      
as i cut you      
with little winces and smiles      
as i slit slit slit      
using the sharpest pairing knife      
you giggle and coo      
blood, pretty, you say      
i need it you say      
come on, come on      
owwwie gooey      
thats a good one you delight      
hurty mmmmmmm      
he he      
make believe im warm butter      
go threw me      
you dripping on me      
your cock my mourning toast      
more red plush butter please      
cunts mouth drools      
you smile thrilled      
your beautiful      
blood like heroine      
best taken orally      
i bathe in warm viscera      
does it undulate?      
crawl? dance?      
do the shimmy shimmy co co bop      
no you say, silly!      
i chew and swallow      
your crimson slippery guts      
warm blood to wash it down      
chunks, red meat down my chest      
stains my white beard      
like a painters brush      
i adore your anus as you show it off      
to goad me on      
i build shrines of adoration to your ass      
and spread the religion      
open ready gaping      
hungry for pain      
a Christian act, there is no greater love      
first voluptuous kisses      
licks spic and span      
a long hot buttery cock      
oiled arterial tube      
your god      
then i push up, hard      
twist the pike      
ooooowww you cry      
brake the sphincter      
beg to die      
rupture the bowel      
what a scowl      
lay you down baby owl      
way passed hemorrhoid      
spread you wide      
tease out the intestine      
from the dark labyrinth      
your not quite yourself      
staring at me      
that last look      
as i lick my fingers      
you want to taste it for your self      
penetrate cunty paradise      
cunts last desperate clenching      
unwind your mortal coil      
loving your corpse      
it, finally thoughtless      
rest at last      
a masochists kisses      
not a leaf falls with out gods will      
born under creeps star      
viscera staring at me      
like spilled noodles..      
extra virgin      
never seen the sun      
brooding puddle      
horror and stench      
flowers of evil that intoxicate      
you've driven me to it      
with smiles and swaying hips      
your gorgeous in hells embrace      
i cum in endless heaving waves      
of white butter co co co convulsing      
my legs weak      
like dead birds      
my cock scumming      
over your sweet ruins      
a robe of blood      
unwoven gauze skin      
a tangle of terrorized filaments      
weeping blood      
how you looked in a dress      
pretty pink dead feet      
toes, innocent like children for kissing and crying over      
caked blood soaked hair      
jutted chin      
will gone mad      
tongue like a haggard snake      
the carelessness of the dead      
drunk on kaleidoscopic emptiness      
how unseemly      
they never care who they upset      
to much devils fun      
eyes, dead gods      
glaring enigmatic stasis      
saying something only silence understands      
i cry because your to dead to love me anymore      
ive earned my tears      
Your Devoted        
Marquis De Sick      
PS ,Swept away ,I neglected  to acknowledge your mention of my undoing      
Tell me more ..ask me anything ...use me up as you desire ...i am all ache for you      
and promise no matter the cruelty you may impose upon me      
our hearts and desires remain as one      
Written by zebrablack (Zebra Black)
Published | Edited 10th May 2017
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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