The 70th Week of Daniel 9 Has Already Been Fulfilled A Long Time Ago.

That "week" of  years means 7 years.      
We read that "war will continue to the end"      
meaning that there will be a 7 year war(Daniel 9.26 ).      
Well the Roman-Jewish War of 66-70 AD fulfills that if you      
Include the Roman siege of  MASADA which ended in April 73 AD.      
Late 66 to early 73 DOES add up to 7 years.      
(The Encyclopedia Judaica does give two endings for that war: 66-70/73.      
So that validates my position somewhat.)      
This view(that the R-J War is what is meant)      
is supported by these pinpointing words:      
"In the middle of the week [of 7 years]      
the temple sacrifices will cease"(Dan 9.27).      
Well, didn't they end in AD 70, the "middle" of the late 66 to early 70 timeframe ??      
Of course they did.      
So anyone who thinks Dan 9.26 - 27 is set in the future is nuts.      
Animal sacrifice isn't coming back and then "ceasing" in the middle of 7 years.      
That stuff has ALREADY BEEN FULFILLED.      
In the first century, for Pete's sake.      
People mistakenly say, "The Jewish temple in Jerusalem needs to  be rebuilt so that the Antichrist can sit in it,      
just like Paul the apostle predicts (2 Thessalonians 2.4)."      
No, no, no, --- no way, nyet, nein !!      
It's not going to happen.      
There's no need for  the Jewish temple when the MUSLIM one will suffice quite well.      
You see the Antichrist will be the partner of the Arabs/Muslims.      
All you need to do is read Ezekiel 38-39.      
It explains that Russia ("Magog") will be accompanied by "Persia, Libya, Ethiopia," etc(Ex 38.5-6).      
So the obvious choice for "the temple of God" for the Antichrist to sit in is what??  THE MUSLIM TEMPLE IN JERUSALEM!!      
There he, Gorbachev, will demand worship as the Mahdi, "the 12th imam."      
(That last part is speculation on my part.)      
Finally for "the Peace Treaty With the Antichrist" which some false teachers foresee -- on the basis of Daniel 9.27.      
All it says is that "he will confirm the covenant with many."      
How do you get a peace treaty with the AC out of that??!!   
"The Covenant" here is the SAME covenant that is mentioned back in Dan 9.11-13 in connection to the attack by Babylon upon Jerusalem in 587 BC(Dan 9.3, "the desolations of Jerusalem" by Babylon).    
It was a confirming of the Covenant of Moses, actually the CURSES section of that covenant. ("The curse is poured upon us" Dan 9.11.)    
For the war and destruction wrought by Babylon fulfilled the curses listed in the Law of Moses (Deuteronomy 28.25,49,64,etc.)      
And the Roman siege of Jerusalem was nothing more than a repetition of the earlier siege by Babylon (about 600 years earlier).      
So if (1)the Babylonian siege fulfilled the Covenant of Moses,  ("the curses of the covenant written in the Law of Moses" Deuteronomy 29.22),  
And (2)the Roman seige repeated what Babylon had done,      
Shouldn't the Roman siege of Jerusalem      
fulfill the same covenant,      
Namely the curses section of the Covenant of Moses ??      
So, we can paraphrase Dan 9.27 this way,
"He will confirm the curses of the Covenant of the Law of Moses for 7 years.."
(See Deuteronomy 29.21 for that phrase.)
Long story short, there is NO basis whatsoever for a "peace treaty with the Antichrist" on the part of Israel.      
It is impossible. For that would be Israel "going astray" again.      
But we have the sure word of Ezekiel 37.23-25 that after the Nazi Holocaust (Ez 37.11-14) Israel would NEVER GO ASTRAY AGAIN.      
I rest my case.    
PS: (Ez 37.16-22: the "joining of the two sticks" was fulfilled in 1949-1950 when the Samaritans were accepted as "a sect of Judaism" by the Knesset and/or the supreme court.  
The Samaritans are the remnant of the 10 Northern tribes, of course.    
So 37.16-22 establishes that this whole chapter is set in the 1940s !!!    
So the earlier verses, 37.1-15, really do deal with the Holocaust.of 1940-45.    
The "dry bones" stand for the Jews killed, while the skeletons that "took on flesh" stand for the skeleton-thin survivors of the death camps liberated at the end of WW2.    
PS: it doesn't say "a covenant.." it says, "the covenant.." (Dan 9.27), implying a particular pre-existing covenant.  
As in "the covenant" of "the Law of Moses"(Deu. 29.21).
PS:Why should Gorbachev demand worship as "the Mahdi"??  
Well, Russia will have started to deliver on its promise to help "liberate Palestine," destroy Israel(Zechariah 14.1-2).
"The city [of Jerusalem] will be taken...the women ravished," so Gorbachev will say to the Muslims, "You OWE me!!"
 But then the Messiah intervenes (Zech 14.3-4,7) !!!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 25th Apr 2017
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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