The Rapture Occurs At the Time of Nuclear War

For we read of the Rapture in 1st Thessalonians 4.16-17    
While "sudden destruction" (nuclear war) is given as the CONTEXT(1 Thess 5.3).  
But how do we know that the "sudden destruction" = nuclear war(Russian Attack)??  
Well, we turn to a second Rapture passage in 2nd Thessalonians 2.3 to see if the same combo of Rapture and some mention of destruction shows up.  
We find that the Rapture occurs right as "the Man of Sin" gets "revealed" as the Destroyer ("the Son of Destruction")(2 Thess. 2.3).  
"Revealed" presumably by the "sudden destruction" occurring at that same time.  
That the Man of Sin becomes The Destroyer right at the Rapture --  
this fact really does justify our claim that the "sudden destruction"
is implicit in this second Rapture account.  
We still lack the smoking gun we are looking for.    
But at least now we know that this "sudden destruction" is man-made.  
For it is what makes the Destroyer the Destroyer.  
Next we turn to a third Rapture passage, looking for that same combination: Rapture plus some mention of destruction occuring at that time.  
The Rapture is clearly in Matthew 24.30-31 where "the Son of Man. .sends His angels to gather His Elect".  
And the context is the destruction explicit in the words, "the stars will fall"(Mat 24.29).  
This is all we need to prove -- prove!! -- that the "sudden destruction" = nuclear war!!  
For if the three descriptions of destruction in these 3 passages are synonymous,    
this means the man-made destruction in 2nd Thess 2.3 has to = "the stars will fall" in Mat 24.29.
Yes, these socalled "stars" have GOT to be man-made objects.  
Nuclear war heads are the obvious choice, why??  
Because they ignite into fireballs via nuclear fusion just
like real stars use nuclear fusion to  produce light and heat !!!  
But how do we know that this nuclear warfare = Russian Attack (instead of just North Korea)??  
Well, we read that this same Destroyer (now called "the Beast") will "make war against the saints and overcome them"(Revelation 13.7). "The saints" here means the Christian nations of Western Europe.  
For "the Beast" here refers back to the "fourth Beast" in Daniel 7.7-8.  
Namely the Roman empire which covered Western Europe.  
Or I should say the RETURN of that empire(Dan. 7.8; Rev. 17.8,11).  
That return of Europe under one-man-rule occurs via the Russian invasion/conquest of Western  Europe.  
For Daniel sees a vision of the future in which ten nations("10 horns") are attacked by another nation ("another horn").  
The aggressor "comes up among them," meaning that it invades them.  
North Korea couldnt invade ten nations of Western Europe, whereas Russia could do so very easily.
(Not that the Russian invasion of Western Europe would be limited to just 10 nations, of course.
These 10 Roman Catholic nations are only a subset of the larger number of victim nations.)
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 13th Apr 2017
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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