Empty As The Bottles

Empty as the bottles that litter my nightstand,
Feelings for one don't drizzle to fill them up, but lay buried in a heart that bleeds for redemption.
Unbreakable glass, but it laid shattered when he rose from his hideaway in the grey with a remedy for what ales and what pains.
He had with him her words to fill the cracks of her defeat, adhesive to put her pieces back to form,
But in mission to tend her wounds he found they were his own and her blood that bleeds is that that scars his rusty soul.
She borrows from him whats missing and he finds himself whole in her, but leaves him with empty bottles, wanting what he resists but always wants.
Written by Erotic_Goddess
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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