The Milky Way Galaxy as "The Garden of God"

I was talking to a college student visiting the church I attend.      
What's your major, I asked him.      
"Gov't Studies," words to that effect.      
"You know, human society is made up of people like an organism is composed of cells, I told him.      
And the different organs of the body correspond to the various sectors of society.      
I mean the basic function of those organs parallel the basic functions of society.      
LSS: it's as if human society were an organism (or even a super-organism).      
For example, the immune system combats the body's own cells when they go astray (as when cancer occurs).So it parallels the work that the police do in protecting society. Also the immune system combats foreign cells that invade the body. In that case it's like the military which protects us from foreign invasion.      
So the immune system is like both the police and the army.      
Next, the cardio-vascular system is a parallel to our roads and highways (and canal system). The difference is the cardio-vascular system has but one central engine, the heart. Whereas,in the transportation system in society each vehicle bears its own engine.So you could say the motor in your car corresponds to the human heart,indirectly.      
But then I quizzed the college student, What particular institution in society would correspond to the work of the brain (and glands) in the body??      
He answered correctly, the gov't? Yes, that's the answer I was after.      
The reason I brought it up was you said your major was "Gov't Studies."      
Plus the glands regulate the metabolism, etc, like the FED regulates the economy via the money supply, etc?        
And like regulatory agencies are in the Federal gov't, so too some of the glands are right in the brain.The difference between the gov't and the brain is that  we the people have direct input into the gov't. That would be like the cells of the organs communicating directly with the brain.Like the nervous system does.      
I emphasize that I'm talking about only the INTERNAL organs, nothing on the outside like the arms and legs, or eyes and ears. Anyway, it is natural that this glorious correspondence exists. For the needs of society boil down to the same needs that the organs of the body have.      
What's the point? you may be saying. Just as the life of the zygote  and that same person after he reaches maturity are worlds apart, so too, the human race on one planet and the human race after it has reached many planets, even the planets orbiting the 100 billion stars in our galaxy, may be totally alien to each other, unrecognizable. But the basic functions may still be the same.Just as the macro/microcosm relation can be one.      
But my main point is that society is not so much an organism as a super organism. It's made up of humans, so its human. But it transcends the limits of humans, so it also superhuman, even supernatural - godlike. The longevity of the individual is about 80 years (or even 120 years). But human society has kept going for around 200, 000 years (modern man, I mean).That is suggestive of immortality, an attribute of the gods, or should i say God. Another such attribute is omniscience. With all the research labs at all the universities,with all the storehouses of knowledge in the form of libraries, etc, we can claim to be reaching godhood, at least on a low level. And then there's omni-presence.      
With all the telescopes, and microscopes that can see objects as small as a single atom (?), we are gaining a quasi-omnipresence already. As we colonize first Mars and this solar system we will be on our attaining god status.      
Or rather Son of God status. The human race collectively as the collective Son of God, rather than an individual with that title. But one individual should be the template for the macrocosm to follow. So that single person would have to be Christ. So in the end all of society will be included under the heading or category of "Body of Christ."(Ephesus 1.21-23).      
What will be our main function as this collective Son of God ? Well God's main claim to fame is His role as the Creator of the universe via the Big Bang, which demonstrated His all-power and omniscience. It was a super Herculean task to make all the energy come forth from the smallest orifice in a single nanosecond of time.He held Himself to the highest - even impossible - standard.      
As God is Creator above all else, we are to join Him as co-creator. How, by finishing the universe which He started but didn't finish, leaving it to Mankind as the Son of God to finish, at last.He left it undone for a reason, namely so we could have that. privilege. I mean, Earth is one living, finished planet. But all the other planets are lacking in lifeforms.      
They are like houses lacking in windows electric wiring, rugs, etc.      
Built but not yet finished. Above everything else, they are not inhabited.      
That is where we come in.By importing flora and fauna from the Mother Planet - Earth - we can transform dead lifeless planets into living ones, clones of Earth.      
Mankind as the super-organism, Son of God,  can finish the Father's work of creating the universe,at least on the galactic level.      
The galaxies in the universe are all zooming away from each other in this expanding universe.      
But gravity is holding each galaxy together, therefor no galactic expansion is going on.      
So the stars in our own galaxy aren't zooming away from Earth and the sun.  
So we'll be able to colonize them after becoming mature enuff to do so.      
Since the Second Coming of Christ and Judgment Day (nuclear war/Russian Attack) will purify
all mankind(a baptism by fire), climaxing with global conversion to Christ in a single day (Zechariah 14),  
mankind really will become fit to colonize the reaches of Space.very soon.      
Yes, when we colonize Space, it will be a godly civilization we bring to all the galaxy.
As if Man had never Fallen (Genesis 2-3).      
Ever since the Fall, TO RETURN TO EDEN has been our rightful goal, some say.    
Well it will become literally true. For when mankind makes the galaxy green with flora and fauna it will be innocence and profundity,      
the Milky Way Galaxy will at last become "the Garden of God," but on a cosmic level.      
That name belonged to the original Eden long ago  
(Genesis 13.10; Isaiah 51.3; Ezekiel 28.13; 31.8-9;36.35; Joel 2.3)      
more later
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 4th Nov 2016
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