The Bible Predicts that Man Would Walk on the Moon (Psalms 8.3-6)

God has given Man "dominion over the works of God's hands"(Ps 8.6)    
But it also says, "the heavens are the works of Your fingers"(verse 3).    
Then it even specifies the "moon and the stars" as such(verse 3).    
So the message is that Man would have dominion over .    
Even the moon and the stars !!!    
But what form will this dominion take?    
After all the moon and stars are, like, in Outer Space !!    
The answer is clear enuff, even straight forward.    
It says that God "has put all things under Man's feet"(verse 6).    
If we take "all things" literally, the message is this:    
God will put the moon and the stars under man's feet !!    
So when man (Neil Armstrong, etc) walked on the moon in July 1969,    
That was the fulfillment of (part of) Psalms 8's prophecy    
Fulfilling the part about the stars is what comes next.    
At the time that David wrote the psalms,      
people thought there were two different kinds of stars:      
(1)fixed stars and (2)"wandering stars".    
Planets were considered to be stars, for they look like stars,      
except that they wander (orbit around the sun).      
In fact the word "planet" is Greek for "wanderer".    
My point is that when mankind colonizes Mars,    
Setting foot on the red planet for the first time,    
THAT will begin to fulfill the part about "the stars" in Ps 8.3-6.    
PS: the Apostle Paul commented on this passage,    
Saying "we do not YET see that everything has    
been put under man's feet."(Hebrews 2.8).  
This implies that we are not to judge by the present day,    
Rather, the words, "God has put.." should be taken as,  
"God will put all things under man's feet."  
PS:You may sneer, saying that mankind won't have time to colonize Space.  
For the Second Coming is near.  
And just a thousand years thereafter, "the heavens will pass away
with a roar,And the Earth shall be burned up(2 Peter 3.10; Revelation 20.2;21.1).  
No-no-no !!! Yes, the Second Coming is very near("5 months" after Russia takes over the world, Revelation 9.5,10).But the universe isn't going to be destroyed by God.  
"The heavens will pass away with a roar.."(2 Pet. 3.10), refers only to when the "heavens will be on fire"(3.12),  
meaning that nuclear fireballs will stand SUSPENDED in the atmosphere  
(for 3 minutes, then cooling into the mushroom clouds).
LSS: it is the first heaven, not the second heaven that will be partly destroyed (meaning the ozone layer will be depleted by nuclear war).
Only (part of) the SURFACE of the Earth will be "burned up".  
And the Millennium doesn't follow the Church Age, it IS (a veiled reference to) the Church Age. ("City of God," by Augustine, book 20, chap. 8).  
Point is, the universe will remain intact.  
So we will have time to colonize Space, at least our galaxy !!!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 28th Oct 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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