How to Explain the Failure of Our Gov't to Deter Russian Attack

It's not just that Russia ended the Cold War and made peace, tricking us into thinking the threat was gone.And so we disarmed.No, there are two other reasons why our Deterrent arsenal will no longer deter Russian Attack. (1) We have changed the definition of the danger of nuclear war. Our leaders used to think that deliberate Russian Attack was the danger. but the squishy liberals now say "accidental nuclear attack" (computer malfunction) is the greater danger. Their solution is to reduce the number of nukes as fast as possible and as low as possible. This, of course, is madness.As we hurriedly cut back -- gut  -- our nuclear arsenal, Russia starts to see our threat to retaliate is about as empty as the presence of scarecrows "guarding" a corn field from hungry birds.
How did the Kremlin engineer this change in our perception? In the early '50s Stalin used to say things like, "war between the Capitalist world and the Socialist world is inevitable," scaring Americans into voting for the "hawks" and their big national defense spending. But by the 60s and 70s the Kremlin was slick enuff to conceal their intentions, saying platitudes like, "Nuclear war is unwinnable and must never be fought." Additionally, the Kremlin tried to appear as the mirror image of the American political system at least superficially. The top leader is no longer called "General Secretary," he's called the President.(Only because we call our top man, the President.) They did that to make us think of them as like us. And since WE would never launch all-out nuclear attack, the Russians likewise would, of course, never even think of doing such a thing.
Our determination to avoid "accidental nuclear war" at all costs has resulted in a policy change at the highest level. in the past, we were ready to press the nuclear button at even the slight hint that Russian Attack was underway. But now it's the direct opposite. We will deliberately hold off until we know beyond any doubt that Russian Attack is for real !! This means we wait for a few precious minutes to confirm and verify. So our land-based ICBMs, instead of getting launched and heading toward Russia,  will be CAUGHT IN THEIR SILOS by Russian warheads from missiles launched from Russian submarines. Our socalled leaders claim that we can sacrifice our ICBMs for the sake of certainty. And if it turns out that Russian Attack is for real, "we can always deliver a punishing retaliatory strike with our just submarine-launched missiles. So we don't need our ICBMs after all." That's the liberal mantra for you. Total detachment from reality. Our subs are NOT enuff. For we have reduced them in number from 39 in Reagan's time, down to just 12 today. The only way that our subs would be enuff is if we DON'T cut back on them. If we had maintained them, then maybe they WOULD be intimidating enuff. We can't have it both ways: (1)writing off our ICBMs on the basis that our Subs are enuff and then (2)drastically cutting back on the only thing that's left: our priceless "boomer" subs !! It's a classic case of "the left hand not knowing what the right hand is doing." Our national defense is being mishandled and yet no credible expert is willing to make the slight peep about the growing danger.
Secondly, another reason our Deterrent arsenal will no longer deter Russian Attack is this: the Democrats are determined to push "social programs," at all costs, as a way to win votes and voter loyalty. But there's not enuff tax money for all the social programs (bribes) that the Demos want to gain the permanent majority they are after. What to do? Rob the military of the money needed for vital, crucial, indispensable weapons systems. By gutting the military just so they can build their permanent majority (by subsidizing the growth of the all-important "underclass" in the hope of making it the majority of the voting public, the power-mad Demos are showing their true colors. They are betraying America and, by extension, the human race.
What they are doing amounts to true treason !!! They are putting their lust for power above the survival of this nation !! They are risking nuclear annihilation just so they can gain the power that comes with the majority of voters. "We care about you," they tell the voters. At the same time, they are exposing WHO to death by nuclear fireballs from Russia? The very same voters they claim to care about. The Democratic party deserves to be forever banned, outlawed.The monsters, they're not human beings. Just because they have human bodies, that doesn't make them humans.Unwanted fetuses have human faces, yet the Demos cry, "Abort them all !!!" It's time that "case law" based on Roe v Wade be applied to the Democratic Party. No more personhood for Democrats. At least they should be thrown into prison.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about:.While he was Senate majority leader, Harry Reid required that for every additional dollar that was spent on the military, a matching amount had to be given over to worthless "social programs." He was holding America hostage to the diabolical plot to buy votes.
It's not just the military spending.Even something as civilian as the electric grid has been victimized in the Demos' mad drive for power. Reid has held up the passing of bills that would provide money to be spent on building an inventory of spare parts for the Grid.That inventory is needed in case our grid goes down (in the event of an EMP attack which goes with nuclear war, of course). There is political gridlock over the fixing of the electric grid. And the blame belongs at tje feet of Harry Reid and his gang of traitors. Ted Kopel's recent book, "Lights Out" addresses the sorry state of affairs concerning the grid. The loss of our cities to nuclear attack will be bad enuff. But lack of spare parts, transformers,etc, will
insure that the outage of power will continue for not just months. it will be years before the lights come back on.All because of the anti-American Demonic Demos.
PS: our big cities are the strongholds of the Demos.When those same cities get wiped out by Russian Attack, it will mean the end of the Democratic party. Good riddance. It will be a fate richly deserved.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
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