General Revelation is Equal to Special Revelation in Importance

"General Rev" is the study of Nature            
In other words, Science (the sciences).          
While "Special Rev" is of course the Bible.          
Why would I claim that science is equal to (or greater than) the Bible??          
Well, for example, the Bible predicts the "sudden destruction"(1 Thessalonians 5.3)          
that causes the departure of souls at the Rapture.          
But it is SCIENCE that created the missiles and nuclear warheads          
which will fulfill those Biblical prophecies !!          
Another example: the Bible predicts man will walk on the moon(Psalms 8.3-6),          
But it is SCIENCE which, by the building of Space ships, has enabled that prophecy to be fulfilled.          
Paul the Apostle implies that"General Revelation" = "the Word of Christ"          
By the way he quotes from Psalms 19.4 while referring specifically
to "the Word of God" (Romans 10.17-18).         
First,he asks, "Have they [the Jews] not heard [the Word of God]?"(Romans 10.17-18).          
Then he answers in the affirmative with these words:          
"Their sound [the message of the skies] has gone out to all the Earth,    
and their words [the data in the starlight] to the ends of the world"(Psalms19.4).        
Whose "sounds" and whose "words" is Paul talking about?      
If you read Psalms 19.1-3 in combination with verse 4, you'll see that verse 4    
refers back to verse 1, "The skies declare the glory of God."      
So the "sounds" and "words" are synonymous with this "declaring"  
of "God's glory" to us that the skies are doing.      
But the only communication that the skies are making is actually  
not in terms of "sounds..words" but silent starlight !!  
As verse 3 explains, "No speech, nor language, their voice is not heard."    
That's what you get when you take out the words in italics --  
which are not in the original Hebrew !!       
So, Paul here is taking the data given to us by the star light  
coming from the skies and boldly equating it with what?  
The Word of God !!      
Since starlight is part of Nature, and the study of Nature = General Revelation  
(of God by God),  the study of starlight = General Revelation.      
But it is also Astronomy. So Astronomy = General Revelation..          
The study of the starlight = astronomy = science = General Rev.          
Long story short, by Paul resorting to the data we get from  
natural phenomena and equating it with "the Word of God,"      
Paul authorizes us to equate "General Revelation"      
with "the Word of God," ie the Bible..          
For "the skies declare the glorious [truth] of God"(Ps 19.1),    
Not just the Bible alone.    
PS:Why do I say that Paul is referring to the Jews (by the word, "they")    
When he asks, "Have they not heard [the Word of God]?"(Romans 10.18).    
It's because his focus is on Israel,    
"My heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved"(Rom 10.1).    
Plus he asks, "Did Israel not know?"(Rom 10.19).    
So the focus is on the Jews, from verse 1 thru verse 19.  
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 11th Oct 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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