4 Bible Passages that Point to Russian Attack on Western Europe in the End Time

(By "End Time" I mean since 1948, the year      
of the return to existence of the state of Israel.)    
FIRST, there is the prophecy of Revelation 13.7:    
"The Beast [the Antichrist] will make war      
against the [Christian nations] and conquer them,      
thereby gaining power over every..nation"(Revelation 13.7).      
This is talking primarily about the nations of Europe.      
For this term "the Beast" goes back to, originates in, Daniel 7.7,      
which introduces us to "the fourth Beast."      
The first 3 Beasts are given in Daniel 2 and 8.      
Since the 3rd Beast is the Greek empire,and Rome succeeded Greece,      
The Roman empire has to be the 4th Beast.      
And since that empire included all of mainland Western Europe,      
"The fourth Beast"(Daniel 7.7) = Western Europe.    
But in the next verse, Dan. 7.8, the Beast is gone.      
For there are ten kings ruling concurrently.    
For it says, "The 10 horns are ten kings"(Dan 7.24).    
During the life of the Roman empire only one Caesar ruled at a time.    
Never ten kings at the same time.    
So Dan 7.8 is obviously POST-empire Europe.
The empire has become past-tense by then.
The ten kings are rulers of sovereign nations eg,Spain,France,Germany.    
Then the ten rulers are swept away, by the invasion by "another horn",  
a conqueror king of some nation from OUTSIDE the 10 nations.    
For in Daniel's vision, "another horn came up among [invaded] the ten horns"(Dan 7.8).    
Then Daniel calls this conqueror, "the Beast."    
So we have a case here of "definition creep."      
"The Beast" goes from referring to the empire,      
over to referring to the man who revives the empire.    
(He doesn't really revive the Roman empire,      
just the one-man-rule that characterized it, that's all).    
So, going back to Rev 13.7, "the Beast" who "makes war" (and conquers)    
is talking about this conqueror who reunifies Western Europe (once-Roman Europe).    
The conquering nation has to be Russia.    
For who else is close enuff,powerful enuff, predatory enuff?    
(And in any Russian conquest of Europe,    
Russia isn't going to let America come to Europe's aid.    
So Russian Attack on the USA is a certainty.)    
SECOND, the Apostle Paul speaks of "the Man of Sin,..the Destroyer"      
who will "oppose God, speak against God, claim to be God"( 2 Thessalonians 2.3-4).      
He will be "revealed" later on (v 6),      
"But even now [in the first century] the mystery of iniquity is at work"(v7),      
meaning that the particular form of evil that the Antichrist will head up,      
Become the leader of, was already present,active, in Paul's day !!      
Now, the thing that was going on in the first Christian century was what?      
Barbarian tribes from the East, ie from Russia, were pushing Westward.      
They were being held back, restrained, by the armies of the Roman empire.      
So the message of verses 6 thru 8 is that the same situation will be true of the End Time.      
The Eastern forces will be held back, "restrained" -      
"until the Restrainer is taken out of the way"(v7).  
Presumably BY the Eastern forces !!!    
What does this mean, "The Restrainer is taken out of the way"?      
We read that it happens at the very time that "the Wicked [One]" is "revealed"(v7).      
But we also read that the "revealing of the Man of Sin as the Destroyer"      
Occurs at the Rapture(2 Thessalonians 2.3).      
Or, rather, at the "sudden destruction" at the Rapture,
which destruction "reveals..the Destroyer" --  
exposes him to be very destructive(1 Thessalonians 4.17, 5.3).      
Presumably, that "sudden destruction" is what      
reveals its author (authorizer) as "the Destroyer."      
LSS: the "sudden destruction" launched by "the Destroyer"      
is what "takes the Restrainer out of the way" (v7).      
In short, the Destroyer is launching "sudden destruction" upon the Restrainer.      
To put it another way, the Western nations, that alliance,      
holding back the aggressor Eastern nation,      
is "taken out of the way," ie they are overrun      
by the military forces of the Eastern power.      
To really "get" what's going on, see Daniel 11.36-40.      
The "North" overruns the "South," the Restrainer.      
THIRD, there is Daniel 11.36-45, about the North    
vs South war that has not yet taken place.    
The earlier N/S wars were between Syria(=North) and Egypt(=South).(11.8).    
But in the last war "the North" refers to a larger greater Northern nation    
of which Syria is only a follower.    
Likewise, "the South" is much bigger than Egypt,    
but Egypt is definitely a real part of that alliance.    
Yes, Syria is today clearly allied with Russia,    
which is the only thing saving the Assad regime !!    
While Egypt is likewise firmly in the Western camp.    
So the action in 11.40 is none other than Russia overrunning Europe !!!    
Like Syria isn't really north of Egypt but NE,    
So too Russia is NE of Europe.    
PS:compare 2 Thess 2.4 with Dan.11.36-37.
since the Man of Sin in 2 Thess 2.3-4 = the Antichrist,
And the "king of the North" is that Man of Sin, he automatically =  
the Antichrist who takes over the world(Revelation 13.7)
Little Syria CANNOT do that.  
So Syria is a stand-in, a place-holder for the real "North.".   
FOURTH, Christ predicts that the action in the EndTime    
will be like "lightning going from the East to the West"(Matthew 24.27).    
He is being literal, not figurative here !    
For Russian invasion of Europe would be a "blitzkrieg"    
(which translates into "lightning war")    
coming out of the East and shooting over to the West.    
In short, the Bible's prediction of Russian invasion/conquest    
of Western Europe has, for two thousand years, been "hiding in plain sight."    
I mean, simply that it has gone unnoticed, unheeded, ignored.    
PS: 9/11 is tomorrow. I really think tomorrow is nuclear JD, Judgment Day.  
So just remember this much: Russia will rule the world for only "5 months"  
for Revelation 9.5,10 says specifically "5 months." TELL OTHERS.    
I mean, whenever Russian attack comes, tell others, only "5 months".  
For the Second Coming will be occurring that soon.  
Christ's Appearing will roll back Russia's  victory !!!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 14th Sep 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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