Christ Has Revealed to Us the Month In Which Russian Attack Will Occur

I now expect RussianAttack/Rapture in late MAY 2020, with the "5 months" of TRIBULATION(Revelation 9.5,10) ending 5 months after that.
Which points to October 2020.
It would begin at PENTECOST and end at TABERNACLES 2020.

Forget the rest of this piece.

.. half of August 2017- - 777 days after the legalizing of gay marriage on 6/26/15. 2017 = 5777 on the HEBREW calendar. The 777 in 5777 gives us the number of days to count off from gay marriage day: 6/26/15. So disregard the dates in the explanation given below, OK ?? (But the part about the 4 signs is still good.)
The Roman-Jewish War of 66-70 AD was mainly                      
about the siege of Jerusalem by the Roman armies.                    
After they broke thru the wall, the conquest was completed                      
on September 8th, according to "The Wars of the Jews,"                    
By Josephus, the Jewish historian who lived at that time.                    
So when Christ says that something will happen "Immediately          
after the Tribulation of those days," (Matthew 24.29),                               
It has to mean "immediately after September 8th" (of an unspecified year).                    
It could be Sept 9th, 10th, 11th, - or, at least, by the end of that month.                    
My point is that Christ is giving us the very month (SEPTEMBER).          
This is a priceless gift to us but we don't appreciate it like we should.        
And what is the event that will occur in mid - to - late September?          
Christ spoke of 4 main "signs in the sun..moon..stars"          
(Luke 21.25-26;Matthew 24.29;Revelation 6.12-14).          
(These "signs" in the sky in Luke 21 correspond to the "sign"          
Of the Second Coming of Christ in Matthew 24.3).          
Before I tell you what the 4 "signs" in the sky are,let me just say          
that each "sign" would fit a different aspect of nuclear war.                    
Nuclear war is the ONLY thing that can account for all 4 of these "signs."          
So, the undeniable message is that NUCLEAR WAR (Russian Attack) lies ahead.          
Here are the 4 main "signs" in the sky that Christ predicted.          
(I'm listing them in the sequence in which they would occur in nuclear war.)                   
(1)"the stars will fall,"(Matthew 24.29),                    
(2)"the sun will turn black"(Revelation 6.12-14),                      
(3)"the sky will depart like a scroll being rolled up" (Revelation 6.12-14),                    
(4)"the moon will turn red"(Revelation 6.12-14);or darken (Mat 24.29).                    
(Revelation 6.12-14 is a parallel passage to Matthew 24.29 so it is legitimate to combine them).        
Now for the explanations of these four signs:        
FIRST,"The stars will fall" would be man-made stars, ie, nuclear warheads                      
that fall after being ejected from the tips of ballistic missiles.                    
As they fall, they detonate into fireballs operating by nuclear fusion,                    
Which is the same process that lights up the actual stars.                    
SECOND, "the sun will turn black" refers to "wave interference,"                    
where the crest of one light wave is cancelled by the trough of another.                    
A straight line results, which means total (momentary) darkness.                    
THIRD, "The sky will depart like a scroll being rolled up"                      
means NOT the sky but the mushroom cloud in the sky.                    
As that horizontal ring widens it fades away ("departs").                    
But it is rolling outward, "like a scroll rolling up".                    
FINALLY, "the moon will turn red." Whenever a massive amount of smoke, etc                    
fills the atmosphere, the filtering of the light results in a reddish moon.                    
There would be an unprecedented amount of smoke, etc after Russian Attack,                    
From the craters where the skyscrapers of our big cities had been.                    
To ignore or dismiss Christ's own words pointing definitely to September                    
would be to treat His priceless gift of warning with total contempt.                    
Please prepare for Judgment Day. (by stocking up on food, etc).                    
For 2016 - the evidence is strong that THIS IS THE YEAR.                  
PS:Just because Christ said, "no man knows the day                    
and hour, not even the Son"(Mark 13.32), this doesn't                    
prevent Him from knowing the very MONTH of the Rapture and                    
the "sudden destruction" (Russian Attack) that accompanies it                  
(1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3; Revelation 13.7).                  
Private Message me for more info              
PS: At the risk of over-explaining it, let me add that 1,900 + years                
have passed since "the tribulation of those days" in AD 70,        
WITHOUT those "signs" in the sky all happening together.              
So it is impossible for those "signs" to follow "immediately after" that period.              
The only way to make sense out of it is to take "immediately after" non-literally.              
Going by the days of the month (while forgetting about how many years)                
is one such way, if not the only way. to do it              
If the nuclear war were to come on Sept 9th                
(regardless of the year)                
or anytime in the remainder of that month,              
THAT would fulfill the words "immediately after" Sept 8th.              
If i say that I was born 8 days after Abraham Lincoln,              
(even though my birth came 140 years later.)                
I'm not actually lying, for he was born February 12 and I, February 20th.              
At the risk of my sounding "cocky," let me say that          
the ONLY way to deal with this passage(Matthew 24.29)          
is to go by the days of the month and forget about the year, OK?.          
Some would object to the idea that Christ would use such "clever" language.          
Let me remind you that Christ indulged in speaking cleverly.          
He said, "Let the dead bury the dead," did He not?          
Who spoke of "the blind leading the blind," if not Christ??          
PPS: How can the "signs" in the sky = the "sign" of the Second Coming(Matthew 24.3),          
If they are talking about Nuclear War(Russian Attack) ??          
Well, that war is how the Antichrist aka "the Beast" takes over the world.          
For we read, "The Beast will make war against [the nations of] the saints [the Christians]          
and will overcome [conquer] them" (Revelation 13.7).          
So nuclear war is a "sign" of the coming of the Antichrist, not Christ.          
But the coming of the Antichrist is, itself, a REAL sign of the Coming of Christ.          
For the purpose of the Second Coming is the "destroying of the Wicked One"(2 Thessalonians 2.7-8).        
                                              PART TWO:    
FIRST, there is Daniel 5's "handwriting on the wall."        
It is a prophecy of the conquest of Babylon.        
But if we take the words as nouns instead of verbs, they add up to the number 62.        
And at the end of the chapter, "about 62" is given as the age of the conqueror.        
So the "take away" is that the prophecy = or contains the age of the conqueror.        
Next, we read that the code word for Rome is "Babylon" (Revelation 16-18).        
And the ten nations symbolized by the "ten horns" are with "Babylon" in as much        
as the phrase "7 heads, 10 horns" is used in Revelation 13, not just in Rev 12.        
Rev 13 is set in a much later period than Rev 12, the Papal period.        
In short the ten nations are Catholic nations, united with "Babylon".        
So the conquest of Western Europe (by Russia) will be the fall of Babylon all over again.        
So, does the same rule apply, namely, that the written prophecy        
of that (new) conquest contains the age of the conqueror ??        
Yes, for the novel, "1984" serves as an actual prophecy of the conquest        
of Europe, to the extent that the story opens with it being a fait accompli.        
So, we can take the number "84" as what? The age of the conqueror !!        
We already know old man Gorbachev will be the conqueror, for he is still in power        
(behind the scenes, of course - the puppet-master behind Putin the puppet.)        
Well Gorbachev became 84 in March of 2015, so I thought 2015 had to be the year.        
But he was still 84 up until March of 2016. So 2016 still can be the year.        
For he is still "about" 84, like Darius was "about 62," not 62 exactly.        
SECOND, Christ said, "this generation will not pass before all things are fulfilled"(Luke 21.24).        
There are two distinct "generations", one from 30 AD to 70 AD,        
(the death of the Messiah to the death of the messianic nation).        
The other "generation" is from the return of Israel (1946 -1948) to the Return of the Messiah (2016).        
40 years have passed, 50 and 60 also,so "70 years"(Psalms 90.10) is what's left !!.        
1948 was the official Return but Ezekiel 37 counts it from the time that the Holocaust survivors,        
skeleton-thin, go back to their ancestoral land and "become [part of] a mighty army".        
They started going to "Palestine" in 1946, so we can use THAT as the starting point !!      
Add 70 years and voila you arrive at 2016.      
THIRD, if we take 1967 as the 1290th year because of the liberation of the Temple Mount        
during the "Six Days War, we have to add 45 years to arrive at the 1335 years"(Daniel 12.11-12).      
This brings us to 2012, the end of it.But no Nuclear war occurred, thank God.      
Next, we add the "3 and a half years"(Dan 7.25) that superficially was to be the length of the Tribulation.      
But Christ has "shortened" the Trib (Matthew 24.22), PTL !!        
Which means it was NEVER "3 and a half years"      
So those years are available for some other purpose.        
Namely the missing amount of time needed to fulfill Daniel 12's prophecy !!!        
Take the end of 2012, add the 3.5 years, we get mid 2016. Good enuff.      
Plus, if we go by the original Hebrew calendar in which the year begins        
in April, we can add about 3 months, bringing us to what month? September !!  
PS: I stand by what I said in this piece. EXCEPT that I extend the time to cover 40 days. So that the "immediately after" would extend to Oct 18.  The feast of Tabernacles starts Oct 17. It is the end of the harvest season. The Church Age began with Pentacost, the start of the harvest season(Acts 2). So it would be logical for the end of the Church Age to fall right at the end of the harvest season Tabernacles. The Rapture is the harvest of souls, you see ??  
The "5 months" of Tribulation would finish at late February, right before Purim, when Haman, an early antichrist figure was executed. Gorbachev likewise will go down at the close of the Trib(Daniel 11.45).
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 23rd Oct 2019
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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