Young Earth Creationists (YEC) Are the Spiritual Descendants of "the Judaizers" that Troubled Paul the Apostle

The Judaizers taught that you had to become a Jew as part of being saved.  
Or, at least you had to observe/obey the Law of Moses, as found in the first 5 books of the Bible.  
The Young Earthers speak of, likewise, "the Genesis foundation" of Christianity.  
Christianity stands or falls on the basis of the historicity of Adam and Eve, they assert.  
"If there were no Adam and Eve, then the Bible is lying to us.  
How can we be sure of any other part of the Bible.?"  
And so Christianity is in danger of collapsing like a house of cards.  
So instead of salvation thru Christ alone, the YEC are peddling  
Salvation thru Christ, as long as Adam is there to help Christ out.  
The Judaizers objected to Paul's teaching that  
the Torah Law's prohibition on eating pork,etc, doesn't apply to Christians.  
"Who needs pork chops or bacon, anyway ?? they would reply.  
"No need to lower our standards,"  
 which they claimed Paul was doing.  
Yes, the Judaizers gave Paul a hard time,  
Calling him disloyal to the Word of God,  
"Christ came not to abolish the Law, but Paul certainly is trying to,"  
they would contend - with daggers in their eyes.  
"WE are the true Christians, NOT Paul with his compromising ways."  
Yes, they attacked Paul mercilessly, bitingly, viciously -  
Just like  the rabid YEC of today condemn Christians for "compromising"  
the Word of God by taking the "days" of Creation Week metaphorically(Genesis 1).  
 But Paul gives us grounds for seeing those "days" as eons/ages.For he writes,  
"By faith we understand that the EONS were framed by the Word of God  
in order that creation of visible things [could take place]"(Hebrews 11.3).
In the KJV, NIV, etc, it says "By faith we understand that the WORLDS were framed.."
But if you look up "worlds" in the Strong's Bible Concordance at the library,
You'll see that the GREEK word in Heb 11.3 is "aionos," from which we get the word eons.
In short it (aionos) is a time word, not a spatial word.  
The translators are dead wrong (and should be shot).
Yes, the YEC spokesmen look down their holier-than-thou noses.  
When they speak at church meetings, they love putting people on a guilt trip -  
What better way is there for getting suckers to pledge monthly contributions  
to the Darth Vader of the YEC movement, namely Ken Ham
Than to accuse them of cowardise for not "bravely" defending Adam and Eve, etc.
Jesus called Judas, "friend," as Judas kissed him.  
Likewise, I would call Ken Ham "friend." if I  met him.  
But in my heart I know what he really is, the bearer of the Judas kiss,  
the kiss of betrayal of all that Christianity is.  
What a money-grubbing monster he is,  
What Christ said about Judas fits Ken Ham as well,  
"it would have been better if he had never been born"(            ).  
Truly, it would have been better for the Church  
if that major embarrassment had never taken his first breath.  
Just think of all the people who have contempt for Christianity  
Because of Ken Ham's simplistic, childish "storybook" religion.
He makes Christians look bad by his defense of the Law of Moses.
I'm talking about where the Torah says the Flood of Noah's time  
rose "above the tops of all the mountains"(Genesis   ).
Ken Ham (or should I say, Sham) claims there were no towering peaks just hills.
All the mountains came after the Flood, according to him..
My reply to that line of "reasoning" is this:
We are "no longer under the Law [of Moses]"(Romans 6.14;Galatians 5.18),
No longer obligated to defend the Flood  
as global, or as rising above the mountains.
We are freed from the "bondage" of the Law.
And that's what (having to believe) the global version
of Noah's Flood is - pure bondage.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 18th Aug 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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