Image for the poem Thy Guide to Divinity...

Thy Guide to Divinity...

 To have an honest chance at Evolution, we have to honestly question everything we think we know...

If you consider life as we know it, up until this point in the 3rd Dimension, was mostly an Illusion, you can start to imagine that most of the information obtained within that illusion was based upon illusion and therefor illusion as well...
Along with the facts that our transition through the 4th Dimension into the 5th causes us to wake up Spiritually, which can be seen & felt all over the planet, we are waking up on a Mental level as well.

For Eons we have lived solely on a mental cloud.
Like Sleeping Beauty, the entire Kingdom of Humanity has been in a long deep sleep, the hypnosis of the mind...
This caused us to fail to see & embrace the Incredible Beauty inside of us. We fell into the slumber of Fear.
This Fear not only caused us to be disconnected from our Source of Power, Our Divinity, but simultaneously enchanted us to create a world based on Fear, a world of Illusion, crafted by the Mind...
Therefor, as fear is an illusion that can only exist when we give our power to it by investing our Faith in it, a Spiritual Awakening alone is not enough...

From the moment we awake and come to realize that we have an amazing treasure inside of us, an unending limitless source of Divine Creativity & Love, we must be cautious to believe that just shifting our focus to that source will do the trick & set us free. If you believe such a thing you will fall into a spiritual slumber & become ignorant to the truth of Liberation...

One cannot go from one extreme to the other & think that that will solve everything, by just shifting focus from a nightmare to an ecstatic dream. Both are still Dreams...
The best way out is not that easy. It is a recognition to make, an effort to take, a challenge to embrace.
One must embrace Both Dreams and embark on a journey to find the middle road, to gain balance between all aspects of the Self.

It is the Quest of the Soul to Become Enlightened.
But how can One truly Enlighten by only focusing on the Light while ignoring the Darkness underneath?
In a Dual Dimension it is plain to see, & important to understand, that Light & Dark go hand in hand...
By embracing ones Darkness, WHILE embracing ones Light, the truth of this dimension is accepted, and the road to ones Enlightenment becomes truly visible, excluding from it all the side-tracks leading to dead ends & multiple illusions...

One HAS to Dance with his Demons, Dance with his Angels, Dance with ALL OF CREATION, with every aspect of the SELF...
When you understand that in order to become enlightened you have to unravel from your Nightmare first, you will become a True Warrior.

A True Warrior Understands he needs to face his demons with the Smile of Love. He Knows he needs to challenge every fear he caused upon himSelf within the nightmare in order to unravel himself from all those chains that keep him bound to that illusion. The Warrior is on a Quest to create Peace between his Ego & his Soul. Once this is obtained the Ego can finally Rest, and the Soul becomes Liberated at last...
This is what True FREEDOM is all about. You must undo, untie yourself from Hell to open up the Door to Heaven...

Hell is not a 'bad' place, nor is Heaven 'good'. Both of them just are, and at the same time are not, as they are merely created illusions to supply us with the experiences we need to figure out who we truly are...
Hell is not a punishment or damnation, it is the Journey & the Map towards Heaven, the Sacred Quest of the Soul Becoming Whole... For how could one ever Know the Light without Knowing the Dark?

And thus it becomes clear for us to Understand, and See, how

"The Devil Inside of Theigh Is Thy Guide To Divinity..."
Written by Sirius (Roy van der Haagen)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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