"King of North" (Daniel 11.36-45) as the Basis for "Man of Sin"(2 Thessalonians 2.3-4)

What was Paul the Apostle's source for the material about  
"the Man of Sin," aka the Antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2.3-12) ?  
We read that (1) this "Man of Sin will oppose God," and  
(2) "exalt himself above all that is called God," and,  
(3)"sit in the temple and claim to be God" (2 Thess 2.4).  
Paul is obviously quoting from Daniel's description of  
"the King of the North" in "the time of the end"(Dan.11.35), .  
(1)He will "speak blasphemy against God,"  
(2)"exalt himself above God" and  
(3)"magnify himself above God"(Daniel 11.36-37)  
Here, "magnify self" is in addition to "exalt oneself above"  
So it pretty much has to convey the idea of claiming to be God.
(I mean, you can magnify yourself only so much,
And beyond that you are right up there with God or even above Him.)
There's much more about the "Man of Sin" (2 Thess 2.3-12) that  
can be traced back to the last "King of the North" (Dan. 11.36-45).  
We read that "the king of the South will resist  
(butt heads with) the King of the North (KON),"  
Who will then attack and overrun the South,  
"Sweeping thru many countries like a flood"(Dan 11.40)..  
This all agrees with "the Man of Sin "taking out' the Restrainer."  
Because the North overcomes the South in Dan 11.36-45,  
We can gather that the "taking out" of the Restrainer has to
refers to the aggression of the Man of Sin (MOS) against "the Restrainer."  
But there are obvious problems with the KON = MOS theory.  
For the Man of Sin = "the Beast" who takes over the world(Rev 13.7).  
So, if the MOS = the KON, this means the KON takes over the world.  
But the King of North refers to Syria, little Syria. according to Dan 11.1-35.  
How can weak Syria be the powerhouse nation that "makes war" of conquest  
That takes over the world ("every tongue, tribe and nation" Rev 13.7) ?  
Solution of the problem: see Syria as standing for something more than itself !!  
Since we know Syria was a long-time member of the Soviet alliance,  
And now is a member of the Russian-led alliance, perhaps "the North"  
in Dan 11.36 onward means not so much Syria, as much as the larger North,  
of which Syria is only a part, a token, namely superpower Russia.  
People use the term, "head of cattle," 30 head, 50 head, and so on.  
But they don't mean head itself, rather the body, the beast  that goes with it (the head).  
Just so, Syria in Dan 11.36-45 points to the "Beast" to which it is attached !! Russia !!  
"Kittim" (Cyprus) is mentioned (Dan 11.9) but instead of Kittim,  
it means the Roman empire of which Cyprus was the forward extension.  
Ditto with Syria as an outer edge or finger of the main body, Russia.

Likewise,  with Egypt  - it's the "South" (Dan 11.8).up until Dan 11.35.  
Beyond that point, it's NOT Egypt as much as the alliance of which  
Egypt is only a small part, namely the West, or NATO (W Europe and America).  
So the action in Dan. 11.40: the North overrunning the South,  
Takes on new meaning, the Russian conquest of W Europe !!  
But it's more than that: Russian Attack upon the USA, crippling it !!  
This makes Dan 11.40 nothing less than a parallel passage to Dan 7.8.
If Dan 11.40 = 7.8, this strengthens the military/warfare interpretation for 7.8,
For Dan 11.40 is explicitly, strictly a military invasion/conquest,
The North will "sweep thru many nations like a flood".
Using 11.40 in this way (taking it as a parallel passage to 7.8) =  
a nail in the coffin for the claim that the "additional horn"  
who comes up among them [the 10 horns]"(Dan 7.8) = the EU.
No way -- it has to -- HAS TO-- be RUSSIA  !!!

PS:Syria is called the "North,"
But it is NE of Egypt.
Egypt is not South, so much as SW of Syria.
Ditto with Russia vs W Europe.
Russia is North but also NW of it.
So the Syria-Egypt relationship is a microcosm for Russia-Europe, OK?
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 26th Jul 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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