How Can the Conquest of Europe = Conquest of the Whole World ??

Russia ended the Cold War in the late 1980s just so America would disarm, which is what we have been steadily doing. Our retaliatory arsenal is now so puny that Russian attack would destroy most of it before we can launch it. The fraction we do launch will be shot down by Russian interceptor missiles called ABMs.  
Russian conquest of Western Europe will fulfill Daniel's vision in which he sees "ten horns" and then "another horn came up among them"(Daniel 7.8). The "10 horns are ten kings"(Dan 7.24), but by extension, they are the nations ruled by them (a subset of the MORE than ten nations Russia would take over)  
Revelation 13.7 is an explanation of Dan 7.8. It says, "The Beast will MAKE WAR against the saints [the Christian nations] and will overcome them.He will be given power over every..nation" - the whole world.  
HOW CAN CONQUEST OF JUST W EUROPE = CONQUEST OF THE WHOLE WORLD? Well, America is partner to Europe via NATO. So a Russian invasion of Europe would automatically include preemptive strike upon the USA, of course. So Rev 13.7 is talking about America, as well as Europe.And knocking off America does allow Russia to gain, or rule, all the world - except for China.  
China will be mad about losing its two top trading partners:the USA, and the EU. China will get ready to attack Russia.("rumors from the East," Daniel 11.45). What a super war that would be !!  But Christ's "Second Appearing"(Hebrews 9.27) ahead of time is designed to prevent it from happening. See Matthew 24.22. Yes, the Trib (time in which Russia rules the world) will be "shortened." To just "5 months" (Rev 9.10). That is my hope. When you see I'm right about August 1st 2016 as the date of the war, please respond by believing my "5 months" idea. The Rapture will be limited to just where the "sudden destruction" occurs(1 Thess 4.17-5.3). So Christians in South America, Africa, most of Asia won't go up at the Rapture.  
Two groups, not just one, will depart at the Rapture. For nuclear war will kill indiscriminately.  
Saved souls plus the unsaved as well. For confirmation, see "the parable of the Net" (Matthew 13.47-50. The fish are CAUGHT UP in the net, clearly referring to the Rapture. "Good fish and bad" but then the good are taken, while the bad are discarded.Likewise, at the Rapture, "the wicked shall be severed from among the just."(Mt 13.49).  
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 23rd Jul 2016
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