Why AUGUST FIRST As Nuclear Judgment Day

Three Reasons:        
ONE, Jeff Nyquist on YouTube (and elsewhere)        
refers to a book about modern day Christian prophets.        
They claim that Russia will invade/conquer Europe.        
(That would explain why, in the late 1980s/early 1990s,      
 Russia let go of the "captive nations" of Eastern Europe -        
Only because they plan on taking them back again at the right time.)        
Jeff sees the Kremlin as an existential threat to the Free World.        
So, naturally, he would find the book about those prophets worth publicizing.        
(He has done a public service - we all owe him a debt of gratitude.)        
They didn't know the year but two of those prophets,        
two not just one, say "late July, or EARLY AUGUST."        
One of them, Antoine Johansen of Sweden,        
also predicted the sinking of the Titanic in 1912.        
So some of these "seers" are bonifide prophets.        
(They foresaw the effect of EMP way before        
anybody ever heard of ElectroMagnetic Pulse !!        
I mean simply that they predicted that there would be no more electricity.        
"Life will return to the way it was 100 years ago," one of them said.          
TWO, August 1st 2016 is 400 days since June 26 2015's        
shameful legalizing of Gay Marriage by the US Supreme Court.        
Now if the war, Nuclear Judgment, came 40 days after that legalization,        
it would be easy for people to connect the punishment with the crime, so to speak.        
We would do so on the basis of Christ's own words.        
It was He Himself who said that when nuclear war ("fire..from the sky") comes,        
(He must be talking about America, for America is the logical target)       
it will be like the destruction that came upon Sodom and Gomorrah(Genesis 19.12-24)        
Here are Christ's own words, so you can judge for yourselves:        
"On the day that Lot left Sodom, fire rained from the sky ..        
It will be JUST LIKE THAT on the day of [nuclear war]"(Luke 17.29-30, NIV).        
Isn't Christ suggesting that when "fire falls from the sky" again,        
(which will be In the form of nuclear warheads bursting into fireballs),        
That this "fire" will fall upon Sodom (a new Sodom) all over again.        
"Deja-vu all over again" - as Yogi Berra once put it.        
America has to become like Sodom before Judgment can come.        
Or at least, God has to foresee that it will become like it.        
And then He can head it off - before it actually happens.        
(So the words "just like" may be an exaggeration.)        
Yes, if only 40 days separated the two events        
(the Sodomization of our SUPREME COURT and Nuclear Judgment Day),        
anybody could grasp the cause and effect relationship between them.        
God doesn't approve of sexual Narcissism, is the conclusion that people would draw.        
But even if 400 days, a perfect 400 days, separates the two events        
people will STILL grasp the connection, I trust.        
For preachers will  not let them alone.        
"Forty days, and Nineveh will be overthrown," cried Jonah(Book of Jonah 3.4).        
Ever since Jonah's time, "40 days" has been associated        
With Judgment Day,with punishment from God.        
So 400 days can be seen as the same thing,        
As 40 days, with just an extra zero at the end.        
THREE, Suppose the Tribulation is just "5 months" long like I say(Revelation 9.5,10).        
If it starts in early August, it ends in December - with the Second Coming of Christ.        
Actually, even though the Second Coming has to happen BY the end of the Trib,        
(For by definition that's why the Tribulation (the reign of the Antichrist) comes to an end),        
That "Appearing" (Hebrews 9.27) of Christ has to happen MIDWAY in the five months.      
For, the way that He defeats the Antichrist can be determined by way of the pattern given in Acts 9.3.      
There Christ Appears to Saul who was a one man army waging war against a subset of the Jews.      
He turns Saul around. THIS is what will be repeated when        
Christ appears to Russian soldiers invading/conquering Israel(Zechariah 14.14,7).      
He makes them HIS soldiers, sending them back home to        
"proclaim the [Second Coming] Glory of God"(Isaiah 66.19).      
I expect that Christ will Appear right at the feast of Tabernacles (October).      
That is midway in the August-December period !!      
THIS points to early August as the starting point.      
For that feast features prominently in the Second Coming account (Zechariah 14.16-19)      
(They return to Russia and revolution ensues.)    
Why doesn't Christ Himself (and His army of angels) defeat Gorbachev the Antichrist ?    
Instead of having the Russian soldiers do it ??    
Because God likes to share His glory, as implied in the words,    
"the riches of the inheritance of the saints" (Ephesians 1.18; Rev 3.21)    
and "to be partakers of the divine nature"( 2 Peter 1.4).    
By letting Mankind participate in our own salvation,    
Well, that's what sanctification is all about.    
It's just like with basketball and being a team member.    
If I am on one end of the court, away from the basket,    
I don't have to run all the way down to the end,    
I can throw the ball to my team member.    
His making the basket is MY making the basket.    
That's what it means to be part of a team.  
And God is a team player.

PS: I still think I'm right about the "400 days" idea, just not EXACTLY 400 days. Let's give it a week.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 3rd Aug 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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