Suicidal Disarmament by Our "Pollyanna" President !!

Back in August 2008,even before Obama became president, he announced plans to disarm America and stop military technological advances. Our military is what keeps us safe and we are the country the world depends on to keep them safe. But President "Bronco" (Barak O'), true to his cute nickname, has the brain of only a bucking bronco -- a dumb animal.           
Obama thinks in terms of a world free of nuclear weapons.He desires to "bravely" (more like foolishly) disarm down to the bone. As a way to set a standard for Russia to be challenged by.   As if the Kremlin would feel peer pressure to likewise disarm. Talk about a messianic complex, he must really think he is a miracle worker for real !!!~            
 Barak "DON QUIXOTE" Obama has signed an arms control agreement ("the New START Treaty") reducing the 24 nuclear missiles on our "boomer" submarines down from 24 to just 20, a 1//6 reduction. Or about 16 %. He signed that agreement back in April, 2010. It became operative on 2/511. Which means he has had time to put it into effect. So our nuclear arsenal aboard our subs must be smaller by 1/6 by now, (August 1st, 2016.           
You may be saying, "Well, our subs make up only one third of our Triad. There are two other 'legs' to it." WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.The other two legs of our Defensive Triad are "Vulnerable" to a Russian "first strike." Our subs are the one and only "leg" of that Triad that is still a valid (invulnerable) deterrent. So to reduce it = to reduce our whole Triad. For the other 2/3 (our Bombers and our ICBMs) don't count.  In short, our subs are ALL WE HAVE.            
Is a cut of just 16% so bad?? You've got to consider these 3 POINTS:            
(1) one third of our subs are in port at any time, which means they don't count as a part of our retaliatory arsenal. For our ports will be bombed.            
(2)We have already cut back our boomer subs by 2/3 !! Down from 39 down (during the Reagan years, 1980-1988) to just 12.           
(3)Russia has got a nationwide - NATIONWIDE - ABM system. It's powerful enuff to negate ALL of our retaliatory arsenal carried, at the present time, by our subs. Let me explain.            
We divide our sub fleet into 3 parts.So our 12 subs are split up into 3 groups of  4 - 4 - 4.  Four subs are in port, another four are "on position" at sea. While the last four are on the way to relieve them (or, on the way back to port after having been relieved). My point is that we only have 8 subs at sea, total.            
Since each missile carries 8 warheads, so 20 missiles x 8 = 160 warheads per sub. But it's not that simple. One out of every 8 warheads is a decoy, filled with "penetration" aids. So instead of 20 x 8, it is 20 x 7 for 140 warheads per sub, OK? So, 8 subs (at sea) adds up to just  8 x 140 or  1,120 warheads. That's only 1,120 warheads, TOTAL !!!              
Even if we had 1,200 warheads, that is still way below the threshold of the bare minimum we NEED to strike fear into the hearts of the Kremlin gremlins. For Russia, reportedly, has enuff ABMs, (AntiBallistic Missiles) to shoot down 1,300 incoming U.S. missile warheads !!! My source for that figure is "Russia As The World"s Number One Nuclear Power," by William T. Lee, the Washington Times, 1/30/1996. Lee was an ex-CIA military analyst who wrote a book about Russia's nationwide ABM system, "The ABM Treaty Charade."            
LSS, even if we had 1,300 warheads, if Russia can intercept 1,300 warheads, this means we have, in effect, ZERO warheads. Since, in fact, we have even fewer than 1,300 warheads, just 1,120 warheads, we have minus 180 warheads.            
If you are sickened at what you're reading, it is only because you are smart enuff to grasp the gravity of the situation. America has become like Samson shorn of his locks. He got his revenge when God gave him superhuman strength one more time. That miracle enabled him to dislodge the central pillars holding up the temple of the Philistines, bringing the whole edifice down upon scores of them. At the cost of Samson's own life(Judges 16.20-30).          
Likewise,  America will be blessed with a miracle. The Second Coming of Christ will occur after World War 3, but BEFORE Russian troops can occupy our land - Praise God !!!   Russia will rule the world for only "5 months." (Revelation 9.5,10). Christ will reverse Russia's victory, thus avenging our losses.            
How does Christ do it( defeat the Kremlin)? As Russian troops invade Jerusalem, He appears to them, a la His Appearing to Saul on the Road to Damascus.(Acts 9.3). He appears once more as Divine Light, of course. For it says, "at night, there will be LIGHT"(Zechariah 14.7). The Russian soldiers are won over, just as was Saul. Christ sends them back home "to proclaim God's [Second Coming] glory"(Isaiah 66.19). That's all it takes. They all switch over. Gorbachev the old Antichrist/Beast/Destroyer/Gog/Man of Sin/King of the North will be left with NOBODY to do his bidding(Daniel 11.45).        
The New Heaven/New Earth follow immediately (Isaiah 65.17; 66.22). For the Church Age was the Millennium (Revelation 20-21). Just as St Augustine said ("City of God," book 20, chapter 8). Revelation 20 gives us the identity of the Antichrist. But nobody sees it. The AC is the main villain at the end of the CA. Well, Gog is the main villain at the end of Rev 20.  
Get ready for August 1st. (If the Church had only realized who Gorby was, we could have avoided disarmament, and therefor WW3.)
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 31st Jul 2016
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