How Christ Warns Us About the Coming Nuclear War

Christ foretold that there would be 4 main "signs in the heavens"              
They can all be explained as HAVING THE SAME CAUSE.              
Namely nuclear war(Matthew 24.29-31; Revelation 6.12-14).                  
They can be seen as occurring in logical, SEQUENTIAL order !!                  
Here are the 4 main "signs in the heavens":            
FIRST, "the stars will fall" would be the warheads falling,              
then detonating into fireballs that last for three minutes.                  
They really are like stars because they operate                
by nuclear fusion, just like stars do.                  
SECOND, "the sun will turn black" - this refers to                
the momentary blackness of "wave interference, where the trough                
of one light wave meets the crest of another wave of light.                
They cancel each other out, producing a straight line.                  
(According to a made-for-TV movie the effect is momentary.)          
THIRD, "the sky will disappear like scroll being rolled up"(Revelation 6.12-15).                  
It's not the sky itself, it's the mushroom clouds in the sky !!                
Each horizontal ring rolls outward, fading as it widens.                  
FOURTH, "the moon will turn to blood".                
This comes last for it takes hours, (and lasts for days),              
for the soot and smoke (from the craters where              
our cities used to be) to fill the skies.                
This creates a filter which blocks out              
the frequencies except for that of red.              
PS: I recognize that there are additional signs in Revelation 6.12-15.              
But the last two are less impressive than the main four.              
The removal of "every mountain.."(Rev 6.14)              
would refer to skyscrapers, man-made mountains.         .       .            
 Nuclear war/Russian Attack - No wonder that          
in Luke 21.25's version there is "distress of nations,men's hearts          
failing them for fear for what is coming on the world".          
The "waves of the seas roaring" (21.25-26) refers back            
to Daniel 7.2 "the..winds of heaven stirring up the great sea"        
at the time of (in connection with) the invasion of W. Europe(Dan 7.8).          
Some translators take "hearts fail them"(Luke 21.25) to refer to merely fainting.          
How "pollyannish." It is talking about heart attacks !!!        
 "Fall" in "the stars will fall" in Mt 24.29 is pipto   ("fall" in Greek).      
 but in Mark 13 it is ek-pipto, literally out fall. Or fall-out.        
And fallout is a well known term having to do with nuclear war.      
In case you're wondering why I claim "the stars will fall"(Mt 24.29)      
actually means MAN MADE stars, ie, nuclear fireballs,ere's the evidence:      
The action in that statement occurs at the time of the Rapture,      
For it says that Christ "sends His angels" right then "to gather His ELECT"      
A term for the Church, ie the Christians, OK ?(Matthew 24.29-31).      
Next we turn to a second Rapture passage.        
It says "sudden destruction" occurs right at the Rapture(1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3).      
A third Rapture passage implies the same thing.      
For it says, "the Rapture the REVEALING of the Destroyer" (2 Thessalonians 2.3).      
Revealed by what ?? By that "sudden destruction" which he causes !!  (1 Thessalonians 5.3).      
So we're talking about MAN MADE destruction here, OK ??      
Now, on the basis that the Rapture in all 3 passages is the same event,      
We can assume the (1)"sudden destruction" = (2)"the stars will fall" =      
(3)the man made destruction which "reveals/exposes the Man of Sin as THE DESTROYER."      
To get to the point, "the stars falling" should = that man made destruction, you see ??      
All you have to do is connect the dots, ie the Bible passages together !!!  
PS:Those signs are supposed to be "signs of His Coming", not nuclerar war.  
But nuclear war leads to the taking of the world by the Antichrist.  
And the Antichrist is a really big sign of Christ's Coming,in as much as,  
the whole purpose of that Coming is to "destroy the Wicked One"(2 Thessalonians 2.7-8).  
So nuclear war, itself, is a sign of Christ's Second Coming !!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 27th Aug 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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