Four signs That Only Nuclear War Can Account For (Revelation 6.12-14)

Christ predicted there will be these "signs of His Coming" : (1)The blackening of the sun and (2)the reddening of the moon and(3) the stars falling (Matthew 24.29; Revelation 6.12-15). All three are to happen TOGETHER !! Not like the SDA(Seventh Day Adventists) have it - where the stars falling is  in one year (1833) while the darkening of sun and moon occurs 53 years earlier in 1780.      
The SDA approach has to be wrong. For there is no common CAUSALITY involved, if we go by the SDA scatter-shot approach. By that I mean that one thing is not causing all three signs to occur.      
Whereas, my theory DOES present just one thing causing all 3 signs to happen - in logical sequence.  
FIRST, the (man-made) stars fall from the sky in terms of nuclear warheads ejecting from RUSSIAN missiles. They detonate into fireballs over our American big cities. This will produce the "sudden destruction" at the Rapture(see 1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3).    
 SECOND, the sun blackens as the sun's light waves get interfered with in terms of the "crests" being cancelled by the "troughs," so that the waves will become straight lines - momentarily. Total blackness for just a second. (Technical term for it is "wave interference," I believe.)    
THIRD, as the smoke/soot from the crators (where our cities had been) fills the skies,, this serves as a filter that makes the light of the moon look red.This effect comes hours after the other two signs. But wait, there is more. The Book of Revelation adds what is left out of the gospel accounts of the "Olivet Discourse" (in Matthew 24; Mark 13, Luke 21). It says that at the same time as the other signs, there will be a FOURTH sign.  
Fourth, "The sky will disappear like a scroll being rolled up" (Revelation 6.12-13). How does Nuclear War(Russian Attack) fulfill this sign ?? That's easy. It's not the sky that rolls up, it's the mushroom clouds in the skies. Everybody knows that after the fireball cools into the mushroom cloud, that cloud then ROLLS OUT, fading as it goes.Anyway, for more info message me..    
Which do you think is more realistic, the explanation where all 4 signs are totally separate, or the explanation where one thing accounts for all 4 signs ??? My approach is in line with the judgment by fire that 2 Peter 3.10-13 talks about. And which Revelation 13.7 talks about, "The Beast will MAKE WAR against the saints [the Christian nations] and will overcome them,.he will gain power over every..nation" - the whole world (except for Israel of course.)Message me, we can talk.    
PS: Nuclear war will mean EMP - the loss of the electric grid, no more electricity, no computers. So, if you want to save this poem put it onto PAPER. Thanks.(You won't be able to save it on the 'puter.)
PS:What I call the "fourth" sign actually belongs before the third one, as far as sequentiality. Even though it doesn't appear with the others in the Olivet Discourse(Matthew 24.29), it is still Christ's own words. For is in the Book of Revelation (6.12) which comes from Christ (Rev 1.1).
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 4th Aug 2016
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