Nuclear War is the Key to Use to Unlock Bible Prophecy

The Rapture occurs at the time of "sudden destruction."    
For the Rapture and the "sudden destruction" are  
separated by just 3 verses (1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3).    
Since this "sudden destruction" would kill people,    
Logically, this mass death would explain WHY  
Just WHY souls are departing at the Rapture.    
For souls ALWAYS depart when people die.    
We turn to another Rapture passage to find the answer:    
In 2 Thessalonians 2.3 the Apostle Paul says,    
"The Rapture can not come except..the Man of Sin be revealed    
As the Son of Destruction [the Destroyer]."    
If we import the "sudden destruction" into this passage      
(from the first passage), we can paraphrase it like this:      
"The Rapture comes when the Destroyer      
gets revealed by the sudden destruction."      
The implication is that this  "sudden destruction"      
is his doing, (the work of the military he controls,  
as the head of the government of some nation).  
It's what makes the Destroyer THE DESTROYER !!    
So the answer to the above question is:  
The "Sudden Destruction" is man-made destruction.    
We turn another Rapture passage to find out the answer.
We read that "the Beast" (aka the Destroyer) will      
"make war on the saints" (the Christian nations).    
He will "overcome [conquer] them" and thereby      
gain "power over every..nation"(Revelation 13.7).    
So, the answer to the question is:      
The Antichrist makes war IN ORDER TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD.    
What Biblical confirmation is there that this "sudden destruction" =      
The Beast "making war against the saints" (Rev 13.7) ??    
Back in the first Rapture passage cited (1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3),    
It says that the "sudden destruction" happens on "the Day of the Lord"(5.2).    
This term, DAY OF THE LORD appears several times in the Old Testament.    
When God's Judgment upon a nation comes in the form of      
WARTIME destruction,It is commonly called "the Day of the LORD."    
For example, when Babylon invaded Egypt(Ezekiel 30.10),    
It was called "the Day of the LORD" for Egypt (Ez. 30.3-4).    
Likewise, when the Medes conquered Babylon it was called,      
"the Day of the LORD," for Babylon(Isaiah 13.1,6,17).    
Conclusion to draw:      
The "sudden destruction" on "the Day of the Lord,"    
(Which is also the day of the Rapture, 1 Thess. 4.17-5.3),    
Will necessarily be a time of war, War-as-Judgment-by-God.    
Let's review what we've learned today:    
(1) As "sudden destruction" kills people,      
causing their souls to eject out of their bodies,    
The souls of the saved people (among them)    
are met by Christ and "the dead in Christ,"    
Who have already "risen first," ahead of the Rapture(1 Thess. 4.16-5.3).    
Since they have become angelic(Luke 20.35-36),it is THEY    
who serve as "the soul-gathering angels" at the Rapture(Matthew 24.29-31).    
(2)This "sudden destruction" killing Christians      
is what "reveals" the Antichrist to be "the Destroyer,"    
Which means it has to be man-made destruction(2 Thess. 2.3).    
(3)That view of the "sudden destruction" is confirmed by the words      
about "the Beast will make war against the saints"(Rev 13.7).    
(Surprisingly, Rev 13.7 is implicitly a Rapture passage.  
For the war against Christian nations= great destruction,  
which = mass death, which = saved souls going to heaven.)  
That view is also confirmed by the application  
of the term "The Day of the Lord" (DOL)    
Upon the day of the "sudden destruction"(1 Thess. 5.2).  
For DOL almost ALWAYS refers, in the O.T.,    
to war as God's punishment of a nation.  
There are 4 Rapture passages in which the Rapture    
is accompanied by some description of destruction.  
Since the Rapture is the same event in all 4 passages,    
the same should hold true about the destruction descriptions.  
The 4 depictions (or implications) of destruction    
should be - have to be - taken as synonymous.  
So the "sudden destruction"(1 Thess. 5.3) =    
"the stars will fall"(Matthew 24.29 =    
the (implied) man-made destruction(2 Thess. 2.3) =    
the (implied) fire will fall from the sky(Luke 17.29-30).  
To get to the point,    
"the stars falling" should be synonymous with    
the (implied) man-made destruction !!  
This requires that "the stars falling" are what?  
MAN-MADE objects !!!  
What man-made objects release light    
in the very same way that the stars do?  
Well, nuclear warheads detonate into fireballs.  
They operate by nuclear fusion,  
the very same process that powers the stars.  
Conclusion to draw:  
NUCLEAR WAR is the war implied in the Rapture passages, taken as a whole.  
No, NOT nuclear war as waged by North Korea or some other small nuclear power.  
It has to be a superpower nation - like Russia or America.  
For, the aggressor conquers the world, "every..nation"(Rev 13.7), remember?.  
North Korea can't conquer Russia or the USA.  
So forget North Korea (unless you are in South Korea !!).    
America isn't who is going to invade Western Europe,  
Which conquest is the criteria for becoming "the Beast,"  
In the socalled "return" of the Roman empire(Daniel 7.7-8; Rev 17.8-11).  
So, by the process of elimination we are forced to take RUSSIA as the culprit.  
The Kremlin is predatory enuff, and Russia is close enuff,powerful enuff,  
To swallow all of Europe like an ANACONDA snake (swallowing an alligator),    
The monster with jaws that unhinge to accommodate bodies bigger than they are.    
Finally, any Russian attack on Western Europe would be    
unrealistic unless accompanied by a preemptive strike    
upon Europe's "husband" and defender, namely America.  
For we are "married" to Europe via the NATO obligations.  
But how can Russia devastate us without being destroyed by our retaliatory arsenal??  
Make a comment, asking me about it and I'll answer you.
And SAVE this onto paper, why don't you.
For I've heard that EMP will "fry" computers circuitry..
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 21st Jul 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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