Bathroom Issue

Liberals Are Guilty Of The Same Offense They Condemn Fundamentalists For
They call Christian fundamentalists "anti-science" for saying that planet Earth
and the universe are around 6000 years old, according to the Bible.  
That figure (6,000 years) is based on mistakenly relying on the genealogies
of the men listed in Genesis 5 and 11. Some of whom supposedly lived
"endless" lives.For example Methuselah died at 969 years(Genesis 5.27).
I say "mistakenly" for the Apostle Paul steers us away from relying
on the "endless genealogies" found in the Law(1 Timothy 1.4-7)

Science (astronomy) teaches the universe is 13.7 billion years old,  
While geology conveys that Earth is 4.6 billion years old.  
Those figures are based on the empirical evidence.
Since Young Earth Creationists(YECs) ignore such evidence,
they can rightly be labeled anti-science.    
At least the Fundamentalists have the excuse of trying to serve God.

But the liberals are much worse offenders. For they
have no equally worthy excuse for what they are doing.
Just recently, some wacky psychiatrists have made the absurd claim
that school boys should be treated as girls because they "identify as girls."
On that basis the boys have been using the girls bathrooms !!
President Obama's  Justice department is backing them up.
despite the illogic, the baselessness.

The empirical evidence, going by the boys' male anatomy, is that they
are NOT girls, regardless of how much pretending/fantasizing/dreaming they do.  
These people are miss-applying that old Bible verse,  
"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he"(Proverbs 23.7).  

To ignore the empirical evidence is plainly anti-science.That's my point.
These folks are closing their eyes to reality.
They are literally "in a state of denial" of the facts.
As Senator Patrick Moynihan once quipped, "you're entitled
to your own opinion. But you're not entitled to your own facts."
The "gender-identity" crowd thinks otherwise.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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