How Does the Antichrist Relate to the Rapture?

Seven main points:          
(1)The Antichrist is "revealed" as the Destroyer          
("the Son of Destruction") at the Rapture of the Church,          
Meaning that he will launch mass destruction.          
For we read, "That day [of the Rapture] cannot come          
except..the Man of Sin be revealed as [the Destroyer](2 Thessalonians 2.3).          
(2)Destruction - MASS DESTRUCTION - at the Rapture is confirmed          
by the intersecting of the Rapture and "sudden destruction"(1 Thessalonians 4.17-5.3).          
I say "intersecting" for 4.17 and 5.3 are separated by just 3 verses.          
(3)What form does this "sudden destruction," launched by the Antichrist, take?          
Revelation 13.7 explains that it will be nothing less than world war.          
For we read that "the Beast will make war on the saints [the Christian nations]          
and will conquer them, thereby gaining power over every..nation."          
(4)Well, world war obviously is suggestive of nuclear war.          
Three Rapture passages,taken together, confirm that nuclear war lies ahead.          
Each passage describes some form of destruction accompanying the Rapture.          
(a)The Rapture in 1 Thess 4.16-5.3 is accompanied by "sudden destruction."          
(b)Likewise the Rapture in 2 Thess 2.3 is accompanied by (implicit) destruction          
launched by the Antichrist/Destroyer.    
For we read that the Antichrist will be "revealed as the Destroyer".  
What else could do the "revealing" other than the destruction itself?  
Yes, the destruction he orders is what makes him the Destroyer.  
My point here is that the destruction at the Rapture is his work,    
(c)Finally, the Rapture in Matthew 24.29-31 is accompanied by fire          
from the sky,"the stars will fall"(Matthew 24.29).          
LSS, if the Rapture(1 Thess 4.17)=the Rapture(2 Thess 2.3)=the Rapture(Mt 24.29-31),          
Then the "sudden destruction"(1 Thess 5.3) should =          
the (implicit) man-made destruction(2 Thess 2.3) which should =          
the "stars will fall"(Mt 24.29).          
Finally, my point is that if "the stars falling" = the (implicit) man-made destruction          
(the destruction (implicit) which "reveals" the Destroyer)(2 Thess 2.3),          
This requires that the socalled "stars..falling" are actually man-made objects !!!          
What man-made objects are fiery like stars and fall from the sky?          
Well, in nuclear war there would be warheads raining down detonating into star-like fireballs,          
   Operating on nuclear fusion just like real stars do.        
(5)A nuclear war which causes the departure of saved (and unsaved) souls at the Rapture        
would have to be the work of a real super power (Russia or America),        
Not a lesser nuclear power like North Korea, Israel, etc.        
What Biblical confirmation is there that the nuclear war will be the work of Russia?        
Daniel 7.8 predicts that ten nations ("ten horns")in Western Europe          
will be invaded/conquered by a single aggressor nation        
For Daniel looks on as "another horn came up among them,"        
Using great force(violence) for "3 horns were uprooted,"        
meaning that 3 nations are devastated so as to          
intimidate the rest into surrendering without a fight.        
But why is Western Europe necessarily the location of these 10 victim nations?        
When Western Europe gets conquered by Russia, this puts Europe back under one-man-rule,    
 restoring to it the state of unification which marked Western Europe in the Roman empire era.            
The "Fourth Beast"(Daniel 7.7) is the Roman empire,        
for it follows the 3rd Beast which is Greece(Dan 7.5-6).        
But in Dan 7.8 there are 10 kings("10 horns") running concurrent to each other.        
("The 10 horns are 10 kings" Dan 7.24-25).        
This obviously makes it post-Roman, for 10 Caesars never ruled at the same time.        
Evidently the empire has fallen way before the time of Dan 7.8.        
But then, like I say, the invasion/conquest of Western Europe occurs,        
returning it to a faint likeness of that earlier period.        
So, altogether, there are 3 periods involved:        
 the Roman empire period(Dan 7.7),        
Then the post empire period(Dan 7.8),        
followed by the socalled return of the Roman empire (Dan 7.8).        
This same sequence is confirmed in Revelation 17.8,11:        
"The [Fourth] Beast you saw was, and now is not,        
But will rise out of the abyss [return to existence]."        
LSS: the aggressor "horn" which "comes up among the ten horns"(Dan 7.8)        
Really is RUSSIA invading/conquering Western Europe in our day !!!      
(6)Since America is the leader of the NATO alliance,        
any Russian attack on NATO nations in Europe AUTOMATICALLY        
equals a total Russian attack against the USA, of course.      
And all American military bases around the globe.      
On that basis the Rapture becomes worldwide, but not in the full sense.      
If you look at a map in which Israel is in the center,        
the USA is to the far left, while Japan is far right.      
The far left is one horizon, while the right is the other horizon.      
America gets hit, and our base at Okinawa also,      
Fulfilling "From horizon to horizon"(Matthew 24.30-31).      
But many lands inbetween will be spared.      
So those Christians (South America, Africa,Asia)      
won't be caught up at "the Rapture [of part] of the Church."      
(7)What Bible confirmation is there for this Russian Attack theory      
for the "Sudden Destruction" at the Rapture(1 Thess 4.17-5.3)?      
(a)Paul the Apostle says "the secret of iniquity is already at work.      
He who is holding it back will continue [to hold it back]      
til he be taken out of the way [by the Man of Sin,      
alias the Antichrist, the Destroyer [Son of Destruction](2 Thess 2.6-7).      
What was going on already in Paul's day that serves      
as a foretaste of the action in the Endtime?    
Barbarian tribes from the East were pushing westward into the Roman empire.    
Roman armies were holding them back.  
Thus that East-West stalemate would continue, Paul is saying,    
until the West is "taken out" of the way !!! (conquered).
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 10th May 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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