"The Son of Man Coming on the [MUSHROOM] Clouds" (Matthew 24.30)

When Christ spoke of "the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven.."      
Which clouds did He have in mind? MUSHROOM clouds !!      
Here's the evidence: Christ is actually quoting from Daniel 7.13      
Where Daniel says, "I saw one like a son of man, coming with the clouds.."      
That scene is preceded by the major action in verse 8, the action verse:      
           "I Daniel saw a Beast with 10 horns,        
            and as I looked, lo and behold,      
            another horn came up among them."      
Explanation: "the ten horns are ten kings"(Dan 7.25),      
But kings rule nations so, by extension,10 nations are meant.      
So one nation will invade ten nations.      
The context is Western Europe,        
for Daniel 7.7 is about the ancient Roman empire.      
But Daniel 7.8 is post-Roman Europe for ten kings are ruling,      
rather than just one (Caesar), which is the way it was in Roman times.      
There's only one nation close enuff to Western Europe      
And powerful enuff to invade/conquer the ten Catholic countries of Western Europe,      
Namely Russia.      
Any Russian conquest of Western (and Eastern) Europe        
would have to be accompanied by Russian Attack on America !!      
Why, because the USA is married to Europe via NATO obligations.      
This surprise Russian Attack on America would be nuclear, of course.      
This would mean 100s of fireballs over American cities, and        
As those fireballs cool, they become 100s of MUSHROOM clouds !!      
Part Two: the Rapture      
OK, the invasion of Europe, (symbolized by "one horn coming up among ten horns")      
or at least, the implicit nuclear attack on America, that goes with it,      
explains the part about "the [MUSHROOM] clouds of heaven."      
But why does it(Matthew 24.30) speak of "the Son of Man coming on [those] clouds"?      
Well Christ aka the Son of Man ALWAYS comes at the death of believers,      
(the people whose souls have been saved by Christ).      
For "absent from the body means present with the Lord"(2 Corinthians 5.8).      
And since nuclear war would involve multiple tens of millions of deaths,        
it is only natural for Christ to come as saved souls are released from dying bodies.      
Yes, the surprising news is that the Rapture occurs as nuclear war takes place !!      
For confirmation read 1 Thessalonians 5.3 which speaks of "sudden destruction"      
occurring at the same time that the Rapture (1 Thess 4.16-17) occurs !!
PS:In the second verse i say that "10 Catholic nations of Western Europe will be invaded/conquered."
Why do I say that? Well "the ten horns are ten kings"Daniel 7.24).
And by extension, these "ten kings" are 10 nations!
"The Beast" is the context of these 10 nations.
And "the Beast" (actually the "fourth Beast") is the Roman empire.
So these 10 nations should develop from within the bounds of that empire.
But they have to be Roman Catholic, why?
Because there are three periods given in the explanation of Daniel 7's Fourth Beast,
the explanation given in the Book of Revelation (Rev 17.8,11).
The 3 periods are:
(1)the "was" period = the time in which the Beast existed.
(2)the "is not" period - when the Beast doesn't exist.
(3)the "will [return]" - when the Beast will come back to existence.
Now, when "the Beast" exists (back in Roman times),  
we read that it has "7 heads, 10 horns"(Rev 12.3).
This means simply that Rome ("the 7 heads are the 7 hills [of Rome]
upon which the Woman sits...the great city," Rev 17.9,18) is  
tied to, united with, "the 10 horns" which are (later) ten nations.
But in the "is not" interval - when the Beast doesn't exist -
the unity between the 7 and the 10 is still present.
This means that Rome - now PAPAL Rome - is tied to the 10 horns.
Or you could say it the other way: they are still with Rome.
The bonds that unite Rome with those 10 nations would have to be religious,
For that is what Rome is at this point: a religious headquarters.
Rome has no bonds with Moslem nations, only RC nations.
So the "10 horns" or 10 nations HAVE TO be Roman Catholic.
Port,Sp,Fr,Holl,Bel,Germ,Aust,Ital,Swis,UK. (While Britain is Protestant,
it was Roman Catholic for most of the Church Age.)
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 14th Apr 2016
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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