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Image for the poem "This is the Order of the Emotional Arrangement; Rage is on the Menu... All will be Served"

"This is the Order of the Emotional Arrangement; Rage is on the Menu... All will be Served"

So, what do You think... is all of our
rage justifiable; is it an bonafied must

I should confess that mines turned
into unadulterated blood-lust; call it what
you want, but to me it's become in it's nature,
its become, mystical... when it was in its infacy
I wasn't sure where it'd lead; but now, it's
all becoming to me very clearly and visibly

I have bathed myself in its torrential rain
and can feel the winds of its fires burning
beneath my skin; I know it won't be long
now before it consumes me and with it,
one I've become

Just look now and You can see it in the
eyes of everyone; the whole worlds been
baptized in this unquenchable fire and
are ready to indulge themselves in its

So, just be ready for this aspect of the,

"Kingdom to Come and for its Will to
be Done; cause it's nigh and the earths
a pyre ready to be lit"

So, as it al comes undone...

"the fans about to be covered with shit"...

And with gratuitous amounts of blood

"So let it be Done, even So as its been Writ"
Written by hungrypan74 (Dantalyon)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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