Goodbye Dad

Disbelieving , cocksure, he buckled with laughter
When she told him she really fancied his daughter.
You're a conduit she said, men leave me cold
I wanted into your life,and you're just too damn old.

And so, the scene was set, his first born was gay,
Lover lost, to someone not a million miles away.
She boldly advanced on the girl in question
A love nest they built,on the outskirts of Preston

He wants to call,  but knows he's not needed,
Those dire warning bells which he never heeded.
Feelings he knew that bubbled inside her
"I'm bi-sexual" she said after four pints of cider.

He doubted her word 'cause she was good in the sack,
Soon forgot her admission and never looked back
But the way things stand now, cast out, he's a loner
With no-one to hold and he can't even 'phone her.

They've taken their vows, a civil partnership
The date was kept secret to give him the slip.
For all of his failings he thought he deserved
A place at the party with a table reserved.

He got bugger all on the night it took place
Wasn't even invited , no hugs or embrace,
No chance to lie of his delight, or be sad
Just a message on his 'phone, Goodbye Dad.
Written by Richard_the_third
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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