What Is Christ's Solution to the (Future) Gay Sex Epidemic ?

It's an oxymoronic statement to say that the Almighty is scared of anything. but let me say it anyway, "God is scared to death, metaphorically speaking, of the power of homosexuality to draw people in". It's not that it is so bad. Rather the problem is that it's so...normal.Pardon my putting it like that. If a mother and father have a child who is flunking some subject in school, it's relatively easy to persuade the student to do better.He knows an F or D is not acceptable. But as he improves, a sense of inertia set in.Bs are so much better than the Fs or Ds that he used to be getting, that he feels no real need to go on to get As. That is a metaphor for what is happening in Western culture. Same-sex activity seems good enuff. "Why fix something that isn't broken?" seems to be the attitude in certain circles.  
But God's attitude, if i may be so presumptuous to speak for Him, is that "good enuff" isn't the best. it really is NOT good enuff after all.  
What will Christ do to show how deeply opposed He is to the same-sex lifestyle?  
He will arrange - actually it has already BEEN arranged since the distant past - for something very terrible - TERRIBLE - to happen, to coincide with the public acceptance of homosexuality. This unspeakable EVIL EVENT will be forever LINKED to homosexuality in the public mind that the reputation of same-sex acts will NEVER recover. Gay Marriage, etc, will be FINISHED. It will NEVER make a come-back.  
The present day is the fulfilling of the prophecy by CHRIST Himself that society would become like Sodom and Gomorrah.. He says, "It [society] will be JUST LIKE THAT [like Sodom] on the Day of the Son of Man"(Luke 17.29-30, N.I.V.). "The day of the Son of Man" means just what? We read elsewhere that "the stars will fall"  
 at that time, resulting in mass death.For when do the angels gather souls that are departing their bodies? At death of course. And that is exactly what's going on as "the stars..fall". For it says, The Son of Man will SEND HIS ANGELS TO GATHER HIS ELECT [the believers in Christ] from the four winds, from horizon to horizon"(Matthew 24.29-31). What is going on? How can we make sense of this scene? It's clearly depicting the Rapture of the Church ( a portion of the Church).  
We read the Rapture occurs right as "sudden destruction" occurs(1 Thessalonians 4.16-5.3). Presumably that destruction is what "reveals the Destroyer"(2 Thessalonians 2.3). For we read that, "That day [of the Rapture] cannot come except..the Destroyer be revealed" as such.(By launching massive destruction, but why?  
Finally, we discover what's going on as we read that "the Beast..will Make WAR against [the Christian nations] and overcome them"(Revelation 13.7). This war gains him "power over every..nation," meaning the world !! So the reason for launching wartime destruction (the leading nations) is to take over the world, namely the little countries that had been depending on the leading nations.)  
Since world war is fairly synonymous with nuclear war, THAT'S the kind of war that will occur on the day of the Rapture.(So "the stars will fall" will actually man-made star-like objects, namely nuclear warheads exploding into fireballs.) NOW you can see how opposed Christ is to homosexuality, at least the full-scale open acceptance of it that we have today.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 25th Jan 2016
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