I was

I am sick and tired of being an emergency friend
Only asking when you need help or some money to lend
I have given my all to people undeserving
I am tired of being second choice

I have helped , worked , sweat and bleeded
I have been bleeded dry and withered out
I have been beaten , broken and scarred
I have been used , abused and missused

I had a soul once but it has long since been warped
I had a heart once but it has ling since gone cold
I had emotions once but they have been crushed
I had hopes and dreams but they were taken from me

I am tired and no longer seek to live
I am worn and no longer seek to breath
I am depleted and no longer seek to fight
I am destroyed and no longer seek to be
Written by Necromancer311
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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