How To Reconcile Genesis One ("Creation Week") And The Big Bang Theory(BBT)

(1)Genesis chapter 1 says that from the time that God created  
the universe til He made Man, just one week passed.  
Creation Week is the basis for the 7-day week we have today.  
But each day was divided into two halves, for example, 
"the evening and the morning were the first day"(Gen 1.5).  
Since 7 x 2 = 14, there are 14 (not just 7) periods.  
This agrees with the Big Bang Theory(BBT) to the extent that  
science says the universe is 14 billion years old(13.8).  
(2)The New Testament gives us permission to take the "days"  
in Genesis One as eons, even billions of years.  
For Paul the Apostle writes, "By faith we understand  
that the worlds were framed by the Word of God"(Hebrews 11.3).  
But in the Greek, the word "worlds" is "aionos"  
which is where we get the English word "eon".  
(It is actually the transliteration of aionos.)  
Since aionos is a time word, not a spatial term,  
which means ages/eons, we can read Hebrews 11.3 this way,  
"By faith we understand the eons were framed by the Word of God..."  
So there you have it, Moses' "days" were really eon-long periods !! Case closed.  
(3)According to the Big Bang Theory or rather the extension of it,  
the sun and the planets came into  existence at the same time.  
Since Genesis One has the sun being created by God in Day 4,  
this(the BBT) requires that Earth also be created in Day 4.  
So we have to discount its' existence in Days 1,2, and 3.  
It's not so hard to do.The text for Day One helps us out.  
It says, "the Earth was void and without form."(Gen.1.2).  
Something that is literally "void" is absent.  
So "The Earth was void" conveys that the Earth was absent, not yet in existence!  

Ditto for "the Deep" and the "waters" thereof (Gen. 1.2)  
Instead of "the Deep" being taken at face-value,  
as the seas or oceans of planet Earth,  
we can instead take it as the uncreated fathomless emptiness  
before Creation, before the Big Bang !!  
The cosmic "ocean" of nothingness shrouded in black darkness.  
(4)Now, for "the waters" in Day Two.  
"The waters" are to be "divided from the waters"(Gen. 1.6-9).  
Since the first "waters" are synonymous with the uncreated "abyss"/"the Deep,"  
they are in the same boat as the "Earth" at this point.  
They too are "void" or rather part of the vast Void.  
But the second "waters" are separate from them.  
So they stand for the realm of curved-Space created by God.  
What separates created space from the uncreated Void beyond Space?  
The edge of the Universe, according to the BBT.  
We read, in the KJV,  that "the Firmament  
separates the waters above from the waters below."  
This translates, going by the BBT as our guide for unlocking the vault of Genesis,  
"The expanding edge of the Universe separates SPACE within from the VOID without."  
Fortunately, providentially, the N.I.V. gives us "the EXPANSE"  
where the KJV offers only "the Firmament." For the Hebrew,"raqia." 
The word Expanse fits, for what was the universe doing at this point,  
EXPANDING of course. Super-expanding,  
for "Inflation" was going on at this point !!  
(5)Now, on to Day Three. "The waters cover the whole Earth.  
Then as they recede, the dry ground appears."  (Gen. 1.9-13).
According to the BBT, at this point, after the super-expansion,  
the forming of the galaxies takes place.    
 How can we get galaxy formation out of the theme  
of "waters receding,dry ground appearing" ? It's surprisingly easy.  
Picture a scene where the ground under the water is uneven.  
What land formations would emerge first as waters recede ??    
Islands of course. That's exactly the thought that fits.  
For what are galaxies, if not "islands in the seas of space"  
(Astronomer Herschel's words in the early 1800s).  
So if we take the action in Day 3 metaphorically,  
we are able to reconcile Genesis One to the BBT, like I said.  
(6)I saved the best for last. "Let there be Light..."(Gen.1.3) in Day One  
would be where Creation begins, according to the Bible.  
For we read that "By the Word of the LORD were the heavens made...  
He commanded and it stood fast (Psalms 33.6,9).  
So Creation has to wait until that creative Command is given.  
This rules out verse 1, "In the Beginning God created the Heaven and the earth."  
There's no creative Command preceding those words.  
So Creation has NOT yet begun.  
Those words are like the "credits" before the movie - not part of the narrative.  
Next, verse 2 is a description of the scene before Creation.  
"..Darkness was upon the face of the Deep."  
You can see the logic of what I'm saying.  
For before the Universe began, all was darkness, deep darkness.  
(7)"Let there be light!"(Gen.1.3) was that first creative "Command"  
(Psalms 33.9), that we're looking for.  
Then what resulted from that Command is given:  
"And there was light!"  
That statement can be paraphrased like this,  
 "And the BIG BANG took place!!"
PS: The data that the BBT is based on came from the heavens.
It came in the form of light from the stars, to be "read" by astronomers.
The heavens, you could say, "declared" that data to us via that encoded light.
So the Big Bang theory is actually "the [very] glory of God,"
For we read, "the heavens declare the glory of God"(Psalms 19.1-4).
Very simply, the BBT is based on the Doppler Effect.
The light of the stars (in other galaxies) is "red-shifted,"
Telling us that the galaxies are all zooming away from us (and from each other).
The expanding universe concept is enuff to allow for the BBT !!!
PPS:I would be at fault if I didn't give credit where credit is due.
Father Georges LeMaitre, a Belgian Roman Catholic priest, of all things,  
is the father of the Cosmic Egg Theory.
It took Fred Hoyle, (a "Steady State" die-hard),
To give the theory a better, more catchy name,
THE BIG BANG THEORY, to the glory of God.  

The story goes, when Fr. LeMaitre was giving his presentation  
of the Cosmic Egg Theory,at a conference,  
Albert Einstein stood up and congratulated him,  
saying it was the best, most scientific explanation of the origin  
of the Universe that he,Einstein, had ever heard.
Nothing like a little encouragement from someone whose opinion matters!!
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
Published | Edited 19th Dec 2015
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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