Russia's Nation-wide ABM System is TOTALLY a Violation of the ABM Treaty, Yet We Close Our Eyes !!

Why does it matter? What difference does it make?
Russia's ABM system can shoot down ,1300 incoming warheads,
According to ex-CIA analyst William T. Lee, writing in the Washington Times
("Russia as the World's number One Nuclear Power," Jan 30, 1996).

We are in the process of reducing the number of America's
survivable retaliatory nuclear warheads down to just 1,300.
(Due to the budget straitjacket called the SEQUESTRATION).
That number (1,300) is the same as the number of warheads
that Russia Anti-Ballistic Missiles(ABMs) can shoot down !!

Once we get down to just 1300 warheads,
America will have effectively no warheads at all.
For 1300 US warheads (on missiles fired from our submarines)
minus the 1300 that Russia shoots down adds up to Z E R O !!

So why is our federal gov't letting the Kremlin get away with it,
Why is the supposedly intelligent American people(largely college-educated),
Allowing Russian ABMs to jeopardize the doctrine of M.A.D.,
"Mutual Assured Destruction" ??!! (and consequentially  
If Russia can destroy our entire retaliatory arsenal in a "first strike",
then "Mutual Assured Destruction" becomes "one-sided assured destruction."
As long as it's valid, MAD protects both sides from nuclear war.
But as soon as its validity becomes past-tense, Russian Attack is a certainty !!

Where are our Church Pastors who know Bible Prophecy,
Who know that Judgment by fire is predicted by Peter(2 Peter 3.7,10-13)?
Christ Himself said,"on the day that Lot left Sodom,
fire rained down from the sky and destroyed them all.
It will be JUST LIKE THAT on the day of the Son of Man"(Luke 17.29-30, NIV),
Meaning that fire will once again fall from the sky.
Where are the shepherds of the flock of God?
Silent when they should be shouting like trumpets,
Showing us that they are "blind guides," and "hirelings."
Like Paul predicted, "They won't accept sound doctrine
but, having itching ears, they will heap to themselves teachers
to suit their own desires and will turn away from the truth"(2 Timothy 4.3).
LSS: preachers are scared to death of scaring their congregations.
Written by joegracegrace (Joe Grace)
All writing remains the property of the author. Don't use it for any purpose without their permission.
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